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By default, users have access to the Workers Free plan. The Workers Free plan includes limited usage of Workers, Pages Functions and Workers KV. Read more about the Free plan limits.

The Workers Paid plan includes Workers, Pages Functions, Workers KV, and Durable Objects usage for a minimum charge of $5 USD per month for an account. The plan includes increased initial usage allotments, with clear charges for usage that exceeds the base plan.

All included usage is on a monthly basis.


Users on the Workers Paid plan have access to the Standard usage model. Workers Enterprise accounts are billed based on the usage model specified in their contract. To switch to the Standard usage model, reach out to your CSM.

Requests1, 2DurationCPU time
Free100,000 per dayNo charge for duration10 milliseconds of CPU time per invocation
Standard10 million included per month
+$0.30 per additional million
No charge or limit for duration30 million CPU milliseconds included per month
+$0.02 per additional million CPU milliseconds

Max of 30 seconds of CPU time per invocation
Max of 15 minutes of CPU time per Cron Trigger or Queue Consumer invocation

1 Inbound requests to your Worker. Cloudflare does not bill for subrequests you make from your Worker.

2 Requests to static assets are free and unlimited.

Example pricing

Example 1

A Worker that serves 15 million requests per month, and uses an average of 7 milliseconds (ms) of CPU time per request, would have the following estimated costs:

Monthly CostsFormula
Requests$1.50(15,000,000 requests - 10,000,000 included requests) / 1,000,000 * $0.30
CPU time$1.50((7 ms of CPU time per request * 15,000,000 requests) - 30,000,000 included CPU ms) / 1,000,000 * $0.02

Example 2

A project that serves 15 million requests per month, with 80% (12 million) requests serving static assets and the remaining invoking dynamic Worker code. The Worker uses an average of 7 milliseconds (ms) of CPU time per request.

Requests to static assets are free and unlimited. This project would have the following estimated costs:

Monthly CostsFormula
Requests to static assets$0-
Requests to Worker$0-
CPU time$0-

Example 3

A Worker that runs on a Cron Trigger once an hour to collect data from multiple APIs, process the data and create a report.

  • 720 requests/month
  • 3 minutes (180,000ms) of CPU time per request

In this scenario, the estimated monthly cost would be calculated as:

Monthly CostsFormula
CPU time$1.99((180,000 ms of CPU time per request * 720 requests) - 30,000,000 included CPU ms) / 1,000,000 * $0.02

Example 4

A high traffic Worker that serves 100 million requests per month, and uses an average of 7 milliseconds (ms) of CPU time per request, would have the following estimated costs:

Monthly CostsFormula
Requests$27.00(100,000,000 requests - 10,000,000 included requests) / 1,000,000 * $0.30
CPU time$13.40((7 ms of CPU time per request * 100,000,000 requests) - 30,000,000 included CPU ms) / 1,000,000 * $0.02

Workers Logs

Workers Logs is included in both the Free and Paid Workers plans.

Log Lines WrittenRetention
Workers Free200,000 per day7 Days
Workers Paid20 million included per month
+$0.60 per additional million
7 Days

Workers Trace Events Logpush

Workers Logpush is only available on the Workers Paid plan.

Paid plan
Requests 110 million / month, +$0.05/million

1 Workers Logpush charges for request logs that reach your end destination after applying filtering or sampling.

Workers KV

Workers KV is included in both the Free and Paid Workers plans.

Free plan1Paid plan
Read requests100,000 / day10 million/month, + $0.50/million
Write requests1,000 / day1 million/month, + $5.00/million
Delete requests1,000 / day1 million/month, + $5.00/million
List requests1,000 / day1 million/month, + $5.00/million
Stored data1 GB1 GB, + $0.50/ GB-month

1 The Workers Free plan includes limited Workers KV usage. All limits reset daily at 00:00 UTC. If you exceed any one of these limits, further operations of that type will fail with an error.


Cloudflare Queues charges for the total number of operations against each of your queues during a given month.

  • An operation is counted for each 64 KB of data that is written, read, or deleted.
  • Messages larger than 64 KB are charged as if they were multiple messages: for example, a 65 KB message and a 127 KB message would both incur two operation charges when written, read, or deleted.
  • A KB is defined as 1,000 bytes, and each message includes approximately 100 bytes of internal metadata.
  • Operations are per message, not per batch. A batch of 10 messages (the default batch size), if processed, would incur 10x write, 10x read, and 10x delete operations: one for each message in the batch.
  • There are no data transfer (egress) or throughput (bandwidth) charges.
Workers Paid
Standard operations1,000,000 operations/month included + $0.40/million operations

In most cases, it takes 3 operations to deliver a message: 1 write, 1 read, and 1 delete. Therefore, you can use the following formula to estimate your monthly bill:

((Number of Messages * 3) - 1,000,000) / 1,000,000 * $0.40


  • Each retry incurs a read operation. A batch of 10 messages that is retried would incur 10 operations for each retry.
  • Messages that reach the maximum retries and that are written to a Dead Letter Queue incur a write operation for each 64 KB chunk. A message that was retried 3 times (the default), fails delivery on the fourth time and is written to a Dead Letter Queue would incur five (5) read operations.
  • Messages that are written to a queue, but that reach the maximum persistence duration (or “expire”) before they are read, incur only a write and delete operation per 64 KB chunk.


D1 is available on both the Workers Free and Workers Paid plans.

Workers FreeWorkers Paid
Rows read5 million / dayFirst 25 billion / month included + $0.001 / million rows
Rows written100,000 / dayFirst 50 million / month included + $1.00 / million rows
Storage (per GB stored)5 GB (total)First 5 GB included + $0.75 / GB-mo


  1. Rows read measure how many rows a query reads (scans), regardless of the size of each row. For example, if you have a table with 5000 rows and run a SELECT * FROM table as a full table scan, this would count as 5,000 rows read. A query that filters on an unindexed column may return fewer rows to your Worker, but is still required to read (scan) more rows to determine which subset to return.
  2. Rows written measure how many rows were written to D1 database. Write operations include INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Each of these operations contribute towards rows written. A query that INSERT 10 rows into a users table would count as 10 rows written.
  3. DDL operations (for example, CREATE, ALTER, and DROP) are used to define or modify the structure of a database. They may contribute to a mix of read rows and write rows. Ensure you are accurately tracking your usage through the available tools (meta object, GraphQL Analytics API, or the Cloudflare dashboard).
  4. Row size or the number of columns in a row does not impact how rows are counted. A row that is 1 KB and a row that is 100 KB both count as one row.
  5. Defining indexes on your table(s) reduces the number of rows read by a query when filtering on that indexed field. For example, if the users table has an index on a timestamp column created_at, the query SELECT * FROM users WHERE created_at > ?1 would only need to read a subset of the table.
  6. Indexes will add an additional written row when writes include the indexed column, as there are two rows written: one to the table itself, and one to the index. The performance benefit of an index and reduction in rows read will, in nearly all cases, offset this additional write.
  7. Storage is based on gigabytes stored per month, and is based on the sum of all databases in your account. Tables and indexes both count towards storage consumed.
  8. Free limits reset daily at 00:00 UTC. Monthly included limits reset based on your monthly subscription renewal date, which is determined by the day you first subscribed.
  9. There are no data transfer (egress) or throughput (bandwidth) charges for data accessed from D1.

Durable Objects

Durable Objects are only available on the Workers Paid plan.

Paid plan
Requests1 million, + $0.15/million
Includes HTTP requests, RPC sessions1, WebSocket messages2, and alarm invocations
Duration3400,000 GB-s, + $12.50/million GB-s4,5

1 Each RPC session is billed as one request to your Durable Object. Every RPC method call on a Durable Objects stub is its own RPC session and therefore a single billed request.

RPC method calls can return objects (stubs) extending RpcTarget and invoke calls on those stubs. Subsequent calls on the returned stub are part of the same RPC session and are not billed as separate requests. For example:

let durableObjectStub = OBJECT_NAMESPACE.get(id); // retrieve Durable Object stub
using foo = await; // billed as a request
await foo.baz(); // treated as part of the same RPC session created by calling bar(), not billed as a request
await; // billed as a request

2 A request is needed to create a WebSocket connection. There is no charge for outgoing WebSocket messages, nor for incoming WebSocket protocol pings. For compute requests billing-only, a 20:1 ratio is applied to incoming WebSocket messages to factor in smaller messages for real-time communication. For example, 100 WebSocket incoming messages would be charged as 5 requests for billing purposes. The 20:1 ratio does not affect Durable Object metrics and analytics, which reflect actual usage.

3 Application level auto-response messages handled by state.setWebSocketAutoResponse() will not incur additional wall-clock time, and so they will not be charged.

4 Duration is billed in wall-clock time as long as the Object is active, but is shared across all requests active on an Object at once. Once your Object finishes responding to all requests, it will stop incurring duration charges. Calling accept() on a WebSocket in an Object will incur duration charges for the entire time the WebSocket is connected. If you prefer, use state.acceptWebSocket() instead, which will stop incurring duration charges once all event handlers finish running.

5 Duration billing charges for the 128 MB of memory your Durable Object is allocated, regardless of actual usage. If your account creates many instances of a single Durable Object class, Durable Objects may run in the same isolate on the same physical machine and share the 128 MB of memory. These Durable Objects are still billed as if they are allocated a full 128 MB of memory.

Durable Objects Storage API

The Durable Objects Storage API is only accessible from within Durable Objects.

Durable Objects do not have to use the Storage API, but if your code does call methods on, it will incur additional charges.

Pricing depends on whether a Durable Object class has default, key-value storage backend or opt-in SQLite storage backend.

Key-value storage backend

Workers Paid plan
Read request units1,21 million, + $0.20/million
Write request units31 million, + $1.00/million
Delete requests41 million, + $1.00/million
Stored data51 GB, + $0.20/ GB-month

1 A request unit is defined as 4 KB of data read or written. A request that writes or reads more than 4 KB will consume multiple units, for example, a 9 KB write will consume 3 write request units.

2 List operations are billed by read request units, based on the amount of data examined. For example, a list request that returns a combined 80 KB of keys and values will be billed 20 read request units. A list request that does not return anything is billed for 1 read request unit.

3 Each setAlarm is billed as a single write request unit.

4 Delete requests are unmetered. For example, deleting a 100 KB value will be charged one delete request.

5 Durable Objects will be billed for stored data until the data is removed. Once the data is removed, the object will be cleaned up automatically by the system.

Requests that hit the Durable Objects in-memory cache or that use the multi-key versions of get()/put()/delete() methods are billed the same as if they were a normal, individual request for each key.

SQLite storage backend

For Durable Objects classes with SQLite storage backend via the following pricing is used instead:

Workers Paid plan
Rows reads 1,2First 25 billion / month included + $0.001 / million rows
Rows written 1,2First 50 million / month included + $1.00 / million rows
SQL Stored data5 GB-month, + $0.20/ GB-month

1 Rows read and rows written included limits and rates match D1, Cloudflare’s serverless SQL database, pricing.

2 Key-value methods like get(), put(), delete(), or list() store and query data in a hidden SQLite table and are billed as rows read and rows written.

3 Each setAlarm is billed as a single row written.


Vectorize is currently only available on the Workers paid plan.

Workers PaidWorkers Free
Total queried vector dimensionsFirst 50 million queried vector dimensions / month included + $0.01 per million30 million queried vector dimensions / month
Total stored vector dimensionsFirst 10 million stored vector dimensions + $0.05 per 100 million5 million stored vector dimensions

Calculating vector dimensions

To calculate your potential usage, calculate the queried vector dimensions and the stored vector dimensions, and multiply by the unit price. The formula is defined as ((queried vectors + stored vectors) * dimensions * ($0.01 / 1,000,000)) + (stored vectors + dimensions * ($0.05 / 100,000,000))

  • For example, inserting 10,000 vectors of 768 dimensions each, and querying those 1,000 times per day (30,000 times per month) would be calculated as ((30,000 + 10,000) * 768) = 30,720,000 queried dimensions and (10,000 * 768) = 7,680,000 stored dimensions (within the included monthly allocation)
  • Separately, and excluding the included monthly allocation, this would be calculated as (30,000 + 10,000) * 768 * ($0.01 / 1,000,000) + (10,000 * 768 * ($0.05 / 100,000,000)) and sum to $0.31 per month.

Service bindings

Requests made from your Worker to another worker via a Service Binding do not incur additional request fees. This allows you to split apart functionality into multiple Workers, without incurring additional costs.

For example, if Worker A makes a subrequest to Worker B via a Service Binding, or calls an RPC method provided by Worker B via a Service Binding, this is billed as:

  • One request (for the initial invocation of Worker A)
  • The total amount of CPU time used across both Worker A and Worker B

Fine Print

Workers Paid plan is separate from any other Cloudflare plan (Free, Professional, Business) you may have. If you are an Enterprise customer, reach out to your account team to confirm pricing details.

Only requests that hit a Worker will count against your limits and your bill. Since Cloudflare Workers runs before the Cloudflare cache, the caching of a request still incurs costs. Refer to Limits to review definitions and behavior after a limit is hit.