Turnstile with Workers
Inject Turnstile implicitly into HTML elements using the HTMLRewriter runtime API.
export default { async fetch(request, env) { const SITE_KEY = env.SITE_KEY; // The Turnstile Sitekey of your widget (pass as env or secret) const TURNSTILE_ATTR_NAME = "your_id_to_replace"; // The id of the element to put a Turnstile widget in let res = await fetch(request);
// Instantiate the API to run on specific elements, for example, `head`, `div` let newRes = new HTMLRewriter()
// `.on` attaches the element handler and this allows you to match on element/attributes or to use the specific methods per the API .on("head", { element(element) { // In this case, you are using `append` to add a new script to the `head` element element.append( `<script src="https://challenges.cloudflare.com/turnstile/v0/api.js" async defer></script>`, { html: true }, ); }, }) .on("div", { element(element) { // Add a turnstile widget element into if an element with the id of TURNSTILE_ATTR_NAME is found if (element.getAttribute("id") === TURNSTILE_ATTR_NAME) { element.append( `<div class="cf-turnstile" data-sitekey="${SITE_KEY}"></div>`, { html: true }, ); } }, }) .transform(res); return newRes; },};
export default { async fetch(request, env): Promise<Response> { const SITE_KEY = env.SITE_KEY; // The Turnstile Sitekey of your widget (pass as env or secret) const TURNSTILE_ATTR_NAME = "your_id_to_replace"; // The id of the element to put a Turnstile widget in
let res = await fetch(request);
// Instantiate the API to run on specific elements, for example, `head`, `div` let newRes = new HTMLRewriter()
// `.on` attaches the element handler and this allows you to match on element/attributes or to use the specific methods per the API .on("head", { element(element) { // In this case, you are using `append` to add a new script to the `head` element element.append( `<script src="https://challenges.cloudflare.com/turnstile/v0/api.js" async defer></script>`, { html: true }, ); }, }) .on("div", { element(element) { // Add a turnstile widget element into if an element with the id of TURNSTILE_ATTR_NAME is found if (element.getAttribute("id") === TURNSTILE_ATTR_NAME) { element.append( `<div class="cf-turnstile" data-sitekey="${SITE_KEY}" data-theme="light"></div>`, { html: true }, ); } }, }) .transform(res); return newRes; },} satisfies ExportedHandler<Env>;
from pyodide.ffi import create_proxyfrom js import HTMLRewriter, fetch
async def on_fetch(request, env): site_key = env.SITE_KEY attr_name = env.TURNSTILE_ATTR_NAME res = await fetch(request)
class Append: def element(self, element): s = '<script src="https://challenges.cloudflare.com/turnstile/v0/api.js" async defer></script>' element.append(s, {"html": True})
class AppendOnID: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def element(self, element): # You are using the `getAttribute` method here to retrieve the `id` or `class` of an element if element.getAttribute("id") == self.name: div = f'<div class="cf-turnstile" data-sitekey="{site_key}" data-theme="light"></div>' element.append(div, { "html": True })
# Instantiate the API to run on specific elements, for example, `head`, `div` head = create_proxy(Append()) div = create_proxy(AppendOnID(attr_name)) new_res = HTMLRewriter.new().on("head", head).on("div", div).transform(res)
return new_res
async function handlePost(request, env) { const body = await request.formData(); // Turnstile injects a token in `cf-turnstile-response`. const token = body.get('cf-turnstile-response'); const ip = request.headers.get('CF-Connecting-IP');
// Validate the token by calling the `/siteverify` API. let formData = new FormData();
// `secret_key` here is the Turnstile Secret key, which should be set using Wrangler secrets formData.append('secret', env.SECRET_KEY); formData.append('response', token); formData.append('remoteip', ip); //This is optional.
const url = 'https://challenges.cloudflare.com/turnstile/v0/siteverify'; const result = await fetch(url, { body: formData, method: 'POST', });
const outcome = await result.json();
if (!outcome.success) { return new Response('The provided Turnstile token was not valid!', { status: 401 }); } // The Turnstile token was successfully validated. Proceed with your application logic. // Validate login, redirect user, etc.
// Clone the original request with a new body const newRequest = new Request(request, { body: request.body, // Reuse the body method: request.method, headers: request.headers });
return await fetch(newRequest);}
export default { async fetch(request, env) { const SITE_KEY = env.SITE_KEY; // The Turnstile Sitekey of your widget (pass as env or secret) const TURNSTILE_ATTR_NAME = 'your_id_to_replace'; // The id of the element to put a Turnstile widget in
let res = await fetch(request)
if (request.method === 'POST') { return handlePost(request, env) }
// Instantiate the API to run on specific elements, for example, `head`, `div` let newRes = new HTMLRewriter() // `.on` attaches the element handler and this allows you to match on element/attributes or to use the specific methods per the API .on('head', { element(element) {
// In this case, you are using `append` to add a new script to the `head` element element.append(`<script src="https://challenges.cloudflare.com/turnstile/v0/api.js" async defer></script>`, { html: true }); }, }) .on('div', { element(element) { // You are using the `getAttribute` method here to retrieve the `id` or `class` of an element if (element.getAttribute('id') === <NAME_OF_ATTRIBUTE>) { element.append(`<div class="cf-turnstile" data-sitekey="${SITE_KEY}" data-theme="light"></div>`, { html: true }); } }, }) .transform(res); return newRes }}
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