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๐Ÿ“จ Fetch Events

HTTP Requests

Whenever an HTTP request is made, a Request object is dispatched to your worker, then the generated Response is returned. The Request object will include a cf object. Miniflare will log the method, path, status, and the time it took to respond.

If the Worker throws an error whilst generating a response, an error page containing the stack trace is returned instead.

Dispatching Events

When using the API, the dispatchFetch function can be used to dispatch fetch events to your Worker. This can be used for testing responses. dispatchFetch has the same API as the regular fetch method: it either takes a Request object, or a URL and optional RequestInit object:

import { Miniflare, Request } from "miniflare";
const mf = new Miniflare({
modules: true,
script: `
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
const body = JSON.stringify({
url: event.request.url,
header: event.request.headers.get("X-Message"),
return new Response(body, {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
let res = await mf.dispatchFetch("http://localhost:8787/");
console.log(await res.json()); // { url: "http://localhost:8787/", header: null }
res = await mf.dispatchFetch("http://localhost:8787/1", {
headers: { "X-Message": "1" },
console.log(await res.json()); // { url: "http://localhost:8787/1", header: "1" }
res = await mf.dispatchFetch(
new Request("http://localhost:8787/2", {
headers: { "X-Message": "2" },
console.log(await res.json()); // { url: "http://localhost:8787/2", header: "2" }

When dispatching events, you are responsible for adding CF-* headers โ†— and the cf object. This lets you control their values for testing:

const res = await mf.dispatchFetch("http://localhost:8787", {
headers: {
"CF-IPCountry": "GB",
cf: {
country: "GB",


Miniflare will call each fetch listener until a response is returned. If no response is returned, or an exception is thrown and passThroughOnException() has been called, the response will be fetched from the specified upstream instead:

import { Miniflare } from "miniflare";
const mf = new Miniflare({
script: `
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
throw new Error();
upstream: "",
// If you don't use the same upstream URL when dispatching, Miniflare will
// rewrite it to match the upstream
const res = await mf.dispatchFetch("");
console.log(await res.text()); // Source code of this page