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Advanced Setups


While the Workers Builds beta has limited support for monorepos, it is still possible to set up a monorepo workflow. In the Cloudflare Dashboard, you must connect your monorepo to each of the existing Worker projects. When a new commit is detected in the monorepo, a new build/deploy will trigger for each Worker.


In the example ecommerce-monorepo, a Workers project should be created for product-service, auth-service, order-service, and notification-service.

A git connection to ecommerce-monorepo should be added in all of the Workers projects. If you are using a monorepo tool (e.g. Turborepo), you can configure a different deploy command for each Worker (e.g. turbo deploy -F product-service). When a new commit is made to ecommerce-monorepo, a build and deploy will be triggered for each of the Workers (i.e. product-service, auth-service, order-service, notification-service) and respect the configured commands for that Worker.

├── workers/
│ ├── product-service/
│ │ ├── src/
│ │ └── wrangler.toml
│ ├── auth-service/
│ │ ├── src/
│ │ └── wrangler.toml
│ ├── order-service/
│ │ ├── src/
│ │ └── wrangler.toml
│ └── notification-service/
│ ├── src/
│ └── wrangler.toml
├── shared/
│ └── utils/

Wrangler environments

If you are using Wrangler Environments, you can choose to continue using with Workers Builds with a bit of set up:

  1. Deploy via Wrangler to create the Workers for your environments in the Dashboard, if you don’t already have them.
  2. Find the Workers for your environments. They are typically named [name of Worker] - [environment name].
  3. Connect your repository to each of the Workers for your environment.
  4. In each of the Workers, edit your Wrangler deploy command to include the flag --env: <environment name> in the build configurations.

When a new commit is detected in the repository, a new build/deploy will trigger for each associated Worker.


Imagine you have a Worker named my-worker, and you want to set up two environments staging and production set in the wrangler.toml. If you haven’t already, you can deploy my-worker for each environment using the commands wrangler deploy --env staging and wrangler deploy --env production.

In your Cloudflare Dashboard, you should find two Workers my-worker-staging and my-worker-production. A git connection to a my-worker git repository should be added to both of the environment Workers. In the build configurations of each environment Worker, edit the deploy commands to be npx wrangler deploy --env staging and npx wrangler deploy --env production respectively.

graph TD
    A[Git Repo for my-worker] --> |Connect| B[my-worker-staging]
    A --> |Connect| C[my-worker-production]

    subgraph Cloudflare Dashboard