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๐Ÿ“š Modules

Enabling Modules

Miniflare supports both the traditional service-worker and the newer modules formats for writing workers. To use the modules format, enable it with:

const mf = new Miniflare({
modules: true,

You can then use modules worker scripts like the following:

export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
// - `request` is the incoming `Request` instance
// - `env` contains bindings, KV namespaces, Durable Objects, etc
// - `ctx` contains `waitUntil` and `passThroughOnException` methods
return new Response("Hello Miniflare!");
async scheduled(controller, env, ctx) {
// - `controller` contains `scheduledTime` and `cron` properties
// - `env` contains bindings, KV namespaces, Durable Objects, etc
// - `ctx` contains the `waitUntil` method
console.log("Doing something scheduled...");

Module Rules

Miniflare supports all module types: ESModule, CommonJS, Text, Data and CompiledWasm. You can specify additional module resolution rules as follows:

const mf = new Miniflare({
modulesRules: [
{ type: "ESModule", include: ["**/*.js"], fallthrough: true },
{ type: "Text", include: ["**/*.txt"] },

Default Rules

The following rules are automatically added to the end of your modules rules list. You can override them by specifying rules matching the same globs:

{ type: "ESModule", include: ["**/*.mjs"] },
{ type: "CommonJS", include: ["**/*.js", "**/*.cjs"] },