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๐Ÿ”Œ Multiple Workers

Miniflare allows you to run multiple workers in the same instance. All Workers can be defined at the same level, using the workers option.

Here's an example that uses a service binding to increment a value in a shared KV namespace:

import { Miniflare, Response } from "miniflare";
const message = "The count is ";
const mf = new Miniflare({
// Options shared between workers such as HTTP and persistence configuration
// should always be defined at the top level.
host: "",
port: 8787,
kvPersist: true,
workers: [
name: "worker",
kvNamespaces: { COUNTS: "counts" },
serviceBindings: {
INCREMENTER: "incrementer",
// Service bindings can also be defined as custom functions, with access
// to anything defined outside Miniflare.
async CUSTOM(request) {
// `request` is the incoming `Request` object.
return new Response(message);
modules: true,
script: `export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
// Get the message defined outside
const response = await env.CUSTOM.fetch("http://host/");
const message = await response.text();
// Increment the count 3 times
await env.INCREMENTER.fetch("http://host/");
await env.INCREMENTER.fetch("http://host/");
await env.INCREMENTER.fetch("http://host/");
const count = await env.COUNTS.get("count");
return new Response(message + count);
name: "incrementer",
// Note we're using the same `COUNTS` namespace as before, but binding it
// to `NUMBERS` instead.
kvNamespaces: { NUMBERS: "counts" },
// Worker formats can be mixed-and-matched
script: `addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
async function handleRequest() {
const count = parseInt((await NUMBERS.get("count")) ?? "0") + 1;
await NUMBERS.put("count", count.toString());
return new Response(count.toString());
const res = await mf.dispatchFetch("http://localhost");
console.log(await res.text()); // "The count is 3"
await mf.dispose();


You can enable routing by specifying routes via the API, using the standard route syntax. Note port numbers are ignored:

const mf = new Miniflare({
workers: [
scriptPath: "./api/worker.js",
routes: ["*", "*"],

When using hostnames that aren't localhost or, you may need to edit your computer's hosts file, so those hostnames resolve to localhost. On Linux and macOS, this is usually at /etc/hosts. On Windows, it's at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. For the routes above, we would need to append the following entries to the file: miniflare.test

Alternatively, you can customise the Host header when sending the request:

Terminal window
# Dispatches to the "api" worker
$ curl "http://localhost:8787/todos/update/1" -H "Host:"

When using the API, Miniflare will use the request's URL to determine which Worker to dispatch to.

// Dispatches to the "api" worker
const res = await mf.dispatchFetch("", { ... });

Durable Objects

Miniflare supports the script_name option for accessing Durable Objects exported by other scripts. See ๐Ÿ“Œ Durable Objects for more details.