Create a tunnel (API)
Follow this guide to set up a Cloudflare Tunnel using the API.
Create an API token with the following permissions:
Type | Item | Permission |
Account | Cloudflare Tunnel | Edit |
Zone | DNS | Edit |
Make a POST
request to the Cloudflare Tunnel endpoint:
curl '$ACCOUNT_ID/cfd_tunnel' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "api-tunnel", "config_src": "cloudflare"}'
{ "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": [], "result": { "id": "c1744f8b-faa1-48a4-9e5c-02ac921467fa", "account_tag": "699d98642c564d2e855e9661899b7252", "created_at": "2025-02-18T22:41:43.534395Z", "deleted_at": null, "name": "example-tunnel", "connections": [], "conns_active_at": null, "conns_inactive_at": "2025-02-18T22:41:43.534395Z", "tun_type": "cfd_tunnel", "metadata": {}, "status": "inactive", "remote_config": true, "credentials_file": { "AccountTag": "699d98642c564d2e855e9661899b7252", "TunnelID": "c1744f8b-faa1-48a4-9e5c-02ac921467fa", "TunnelName": "api-tunnel", "TunnelSecret": "bTSquyUGwLQjYJn8cI8S1h6M6wUc2ajIeT7JotlxI7TqNqdKFhuQwX3O8irSnb==" }, "token": "eyJhIjoiNWFiNGU5Z..." }}
Copy the id
and token
values shown in the output. You will need these values to configure and run the tunnel.
The next steps depend on whether you want to connect an application or connect a network.
Before you connect an application through your tunnel, you must:
Follow these steps to connect an application through your tunnel. If you are looking to connect a network, skip to the Connect a network section.
Make a
request to route your local service URL to a public hostname. For example,Terminal window curl --request PUT \'$ACCOUNT_ID/cfd_tunnel/c1744f8b-faa1-48a4-9e5c-02ac921467fa/configurations' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{"config": {"ingress": [{"hostname": "","service": "http://localhost:8001","originRequest": {}},{"service": "http_status:404"}]}}'Your ingress rules must include a catch-all rule at the end. In this example,
will respond with a 404 status code when the request does not match any of the previous hostnames. -
Create a DNS record for your application:
Terminal window curl$ZONE_ID/dns_records \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{"type": "CNAME","proxied": true,"name": "","content": ""}'This DNS record allows Cloudflare to proxy
traffic to your Cloudflare Tunnel (<tunnel-id>
This application will be publicly available on the Internet once you run the tunnel. To allow or block specific users, create an Access application.
To connect a private network through your tunnel, add a tunnel route:
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/teamnet/routes \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "network": "", "tunnel_id": "c1744f8b-faa1-48a4-9e5c-02ac921467fa", "comment": "Example private network route"}'
To configure Zero Trust policies and connect as a user, refer to Connect private networks.
Install cloudflared
on your server and run the tunnel using the token
value obtained in 2. Create a tunnel. You can also get the tunnel token using the Cloudflare Tunnel token endpoint.
Download and install
. -
Open Command Prompt as administrator.
Run the following command:
cloudflared.exe service install <tunnel-token>
Download and install
. -
Run the following command:
Terminal window sudo cloudflared service install <tunnel-token>
Download and install ↗
. -
Run the following command:
Terminal window sudo cloudflared service install <tunnel-token>
Open a terminal window.
Run the following command:
Terminal window docker run cloudflare/cloudflared:latest tunnel --no-autoupdate run --token <tunnel-token>
To check if the tunnel is serving traffic:
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/cfd_tunnel/c1744f8b-faa1-48a4-9e5c-02ac921467fa \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN"
{ "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": [], "result": { "id": "c1744f8b-faa1-48a4-9e5c-02ac921467fa", "account_tag": "699d98642c564d2e855e9661899b7252", "created_at": "2025-02-18T22:41:43.534395Z", "deleted_at": null, "name": "example-tunnel", "connections": [ { "colo_name": "bos01", "uuid": "2xz99mfm-a59e-4924-gyh9-z9vafaw6k0i2", "id": "2xz99mfm-a59e-4924-gyh9-z9vafaw6k0i2", "is_pending_reconnect": false, "origin_ip": "", "opened_at": "2025-02-19T19:11:12.101642Z", "client_id": "4xh4eb3f-cz0j-2aso-hu6i-36207018771a", "client_version": "2025.2.0" }, { "colo_name": "phl01", "uuid": "axe2socu-2fb5-3akx-b860-898zyes3cs9q", "id": "axe2socu-2fb5-3akx-b860-898zyes3cs9q", "is_pending_reconnect": false, "origin_ip": "", "opened_at": "2025-02-19T19:11:12.006297Z", "client_id": "4xh4eb3f-cz0j-2aso-hu6i-36207018771a", "client_version": "2025.2.0" }, { "colo_name": "phl01", "uuid": "9b5y0wm9-ca7f-ibq6-8ff4-sm53xekfyym1", "id": "9b5y0wm9-ca7f-ibq6-8ff4-sm53xekfyym1", "is_pending_reconnect": false, "origin_ip": "", "opened_at": "2025-02-19T19:11:12.004721Z", "client_id": "4xh4eb3f-cz0j-2aso-hu6i-36207018771a", "client_version": "2025.2.0" }, { "colo_name": "bos01", "uuid": "g6cdeiz1-80f5-3akx-b18b-3y0ggktoxwkd", "id": "g6cdeiz1-80f5-3akx-b18b-3y0ggktoxwkd", "is_pending_reconnect": false, "origin_ip": "", "opened_at": "2025-02-19T19:11:12.110765Z", "client_id": "4xh4eb3f-cz0j-2aso-hu6i-36207018771a", "client_version": "2025.2.0" } ], "conns_active_at": "2025-02-19T19:11:12.004721Z", "conns_inactive_at": null, "tun_type": "cfd_tunnel", "metadata": {}, "status": "healthy", "remote_config": true }}
A healthy tunnel will have four connections to Cloudflare's network.