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Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 integration detects a variety of data loss prevention, account misconfiguration, and user security risks in an integrated AWS account that could leave you and your organization vulnerable.

Integration prerequisites

  • An AWS account using AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service)
  • For initial setup, access to the AWS account with permission to create a new IAM Role with the scopes listed below.

Integration permissions

For the AWS S3 integration to function, Cloudflare CASB requires the following access scopes via an IAM Role with cross-account access:

  • s3:PutBucketNotification
  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:ListBucket

These permissions follow the principle of least privilege to ensure that only the minimum required access is granted. To learn more about each permission scope, refer to the AWS S3 Permissions documentation.

Compute account

You can connect an AWS compute account to your CASB integration to perform Data Loss Prevention scans within your S3 bucket and avoid data egress. CASB will scan any objects that exist in the bucket at the time of configuration.

Add a compute account

To connect a compute account to your AWS integration:

  1. In Zero Trust, go to CASB > Integrations.
  2. Find and select your AWS integration.
  3. Select Open connection instructions.
  4. Follow the instructions provided to connect a new compute account.
  5. Select Refresh.

You can only connect one computer account to an integration. To remove a compute account, select Manage compute accounts.

Configure compute account scanning

Once your AWS compute account has successfully connected to your CASB integration, you can configure where and how to scan for sensitive data:

  1. In Zero Trust, go to CASB > Integrations.
  2. Find and select your AWS integration.
  3. Select Create new configuration.
  4. In Resources, choose the buckets you want to scan. Select Continue.
  5. Choose the file types, sampling percentage, and DLP profiles to scan for.
  6. (Optional) Configure additional settings, such as the limit of API calls over time for CASB to adhere to.
  7. Select Continue.
  8. Review the details of the scan, then select Start scan.

CASB will take up to an hour to begin scanning. To view the scan results, go to CASB > Content > Cloud.

To manage your resources, go to CASB > Integrations, then find and select your AWS integration. From here, you can pause all or individual scans, add or remove resources, and change scan settings.

For more information, refer to Content findings.

Security findings

The AWS S3 integration currently scans for the following findings, or security risks. Findings are grouped by category and then ordered by severity level.

To stay up-to-date with new CASB findings as they are added, bookmark this page or subscribe to its RSS feed.

S3 Bucket security

Flag security issues in S3 Buckets, including overpermissioning, access policies, and user security best practices.

Finding typeFindingTypeIDSeverity
S3 Bucket ACL Allows Any Authenticated User to Write09bc7d1f-e682-43bc-a4ce-e6e03b408244Critical
S3 Bucket ACL Allows Any Authenticated User to Write ACP9392a460-c566-4e0d-b06b-01d87dc84d7cCritical
S3 Bucket ACL Allows Public ACP Write5b792c7f-2546-4fcd-96dc-a58a53fea7e0Critical
S3 Bucket ACL Allows Public Writef50ae197-fa0a-4caa-be95-79aed91eed63Critical
S3 Bucket Policy Allows Any Authenticated User to Write70fe0596-28bc-41dd-a2c3-1486fb0fb1ddCritical
S3 Bucket Policy Allows Public Write5e2aac4b-d8be-43dc-b324-84fdf63f760eCritical
S3 Bucket Publicly Accessible6b1276e3-88e8-4150-a4d5-1b8273f11078Critical
S3 Bucket ACL Allows Any Authenticated User to Readfda31c4d-24dc-43d4-8a84-a1a9e1df01a1High
S3 Bucket ACL Allows Any Authenticated User to Read ACP7232e46b-3539-4080-b905-022f1091556cHigh
S3 Bucket ACL Allows Public ACP Reade324242c-5feb-41a3-8d91-f70611471fadHigh
S3 Bucket ACL Allows Public Readf8c9f979-29f0-4ada-b09e-a149937a55d4High
S3 Bucket Policy Allows Any Authenticated User to Readc6b3a745-b535-45ea-b2c0-ba8a139ca634High
S3 Bucket Policy Allows Public Readf3915412-eef9-47d9-8448-e04462de8ba2High
S3 Bucket Without MFA Delete Enabledf108bd28-9870-453f-a439-01818e85bdc7High
S3 Bucket Without Server-Side Encryption (SSE)7817b383-79c3-44ca-8d5d-e01748afe75bHigh
S3 Bucket Encryption in Transit Disabled0b3227dd-63d3-46bc-97b3-e62d9c11567aMedium
S3 Bucket MFA Delete Disabled518697ff-3f7e-463e-acf3-79d106599f0eMedium
S3 Bucket ACL Allows Public Liste3c8a170-7817-4151-bd01-55442f4416eaMedium
S3 Bucket Objects Can Be Public0ff170dc-be6b-46fa-a1cf-95ca7d067f4bMedium
S3 Bucket Policy Allows Any Authenticated AWS User264be783-7fe1-4f50-aee7-d8df370b7b77Medium
S3 Bucket Policy Allows Any Authenticated User to Delete4431eaeb-63e3-43c1-a4bc-029f09da66fdMedium
S3 Bucket Policy Allows Any Authenticated User to List319c9715-b86d-4215-bdfa-c5d9b3a5cc83Medium
S3 Bucket Policy Allows Public Deletebbbeacbc-6692-4121-a785-d634da1e5c56Medium
S3 Bucket Policy Allows Public Listf7ae03e3-1303-4404-b6f5-a7f97e52105eMedium
S3 Bucket Server Side Encryption Disabledd69ab398-fba8-4e71-bf49-60af48d00cbcMedium
S3 Bucket Without Access Logging67d0995d-7b4a-40c5-a43f-7a98d20faac6Medium
S3 Bucket Without AWS CloudTrail Logging89366ebe-ca0b-45fc-a9cb-135674e0a49bMedium
S3 Bucket Without Cross-Region Replicationd4e5c815-33e3-4a01-b852-fe040d51ee55Medium
S3 Bucket Without Default Encryptionfb7a41af-294c-4e9b-a6ca-a1fed35542d6Medium
S3 Bucket Without Lifecycle Policies2df6f1b8-e41c-4ab5-a466-992ce485a367Medium
S3 Bucket Without Object-Level Logging9af2594c-3999-49c9-bd3d-2f4b091f99c0Medium
S3 Bucket Without Replication Enabledcb61ef18-a498-456c-985c-78a45e19f4feMedium
S3 Bucket Without Versioning Enabled95e1284f-a514-4396-bf64-cd003818790cMedium
S3 Bucket Access Logging Disabled84ba76fa-4703-490e-ab75-1b554993c054Low
S3 Bucket Lifecycle Disabled970d2ca8-e189-42a8-8e86-9f674fcb1aeaLow
S3 Bucket Policy Not Existent3e1d0535-d82f-4ed1-9664-d2c50905db17Low
S3 Bucket Versioning Disabled4e976e0d-b545-4c4a-99c5-a2f5d9a6f3d8Low

IAM Policies

Identify AWS IAM-related security issues that could affect S3 Bucket and Object security.

Finding typeFindingTypeIDSeverity
IAM Account Password Policy Does Not Existe39ee4da-eed5-49d0-95f7-b423884b858cCritical
IAM Account Password Policy Doesn't Require Lowercase Letters9278444b-0c38-4ed0-8127-f3f25444811cHigh
IAM Account Password Policy Doesn't Require Passwords to Expire5be79a96-4570-45cf-8ba3-1abe62802d16High
IAM Account Password Policy Doesn't Require Symbolsdd17afa3-4d4c-49e4-84c3-e829af9fff97High
IAM Account Password Policy Doesn't Require Uppercase Letterse4976e53-bab5-4276-a1d3-1d85ebfd4d57High
IAM Account Password Policy Max Age is greater than 90 days4e1092a0-7092-405f-a991-537d8c371440High
IAM Account Password Policy Minimum Length is less than 82a2fa181-7beb-48ba-bc8d-8f1170c6062cHigh
IAM Account Password Policy Re-use Prevention is less than 5a4791a20-373f-44d3-9f6e-e61f1685fe05High
IAM Role with Cross-Account Access8de72710-b23a-4d94-915e-26ef7249d21eHigh
IAM Access Key Inactive over 90 Days37d1adb1-8e37-4708-a849-e06945c60802Medium
IAM Access Key Not Rotated over 90 Daysd2caf571-4c99-4da7-a21c-4384f8cb4e5cMedium
IAM User Console Login Inactive Over 90 Days82b50a4d-8582-4766-9bad-f41b441bf336Medium
IAM User MFA Disabled4679563f-5975-4c68-9dbf-896810ec8de9Medium
IAM User Password Older Than 90 Daysc5376384-e4e4-4b2c-af84-12d6740939f0Medium
IAM Account Password Policy Doesn't Require Numbers15c65813-c7e6-4b22-95b3-b3942c8b8924Low

Root User Management

Detect security issues related to the use of an IAM Root User, which has the ability to access and configure important settings.

Finding typeFindingTypeIDSeverity
AWS Root User Access Key Used within Last 90 Days9d23c002-aece-42b5-b082-2b51fab8d7c1Critical
AWS Root User has Access Keys1b788d31-ed56-4008-b136-6993f38e4d1cCritical
AWS Root User Logged in within Last 90 Dayse9959d6e-edc9-4ea3-9113-3c30b02a811eCritical
AWS Root User MFA Disabled19abe0ee-e8bd-4e3b-9ee9-ea5c64fe769cCritical


Catch certificate-related issues and risks to prevent malicious compromise of internal resources.

Finding typeFindingTypeIDSeverity
ACM Certificate Expired30ce0a22-eb3d-457d-bc59-6468f9bb4c4fCritical
ACM Certificate Has Domain Wildcardd313bc0c-a2fb-41d8-b5a8-ef2704bb5570High
ACM Certificate Expires within 30 dayscd93f2c1-9b07-4e6c-964c-79f3a64d56acMedium