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Connect to RDP with client-side cloudflared

End users can connect to an RDP server without the WARP client by authenticating through cloudflared in their native terminal. This method requires having cloudflared installed on both the server machine and on the client machine, as well as an active zone on Cloudflare. The traffic is proxied over this connection, and the user logs in to the server with their Cloudflare Access credentials.

Client-side cloudflared can be used in conjunction with routing over WARP and Browser-based RDP so that there are multiple ways to connect to the server. You can reuse the same Cloudflare Tunnel when configuring each connection method.

1. Connect the server to Cloudflare

  1. Create a Cloudflare Tunnel by following our dashboard setup guide.

  2. In the Public Hostnames tab, choose a domain from the drop-down menu and specify any subdomain (for example,

  3. For Service, select RDP and enter the RDP listening port of your server (for example, localhost:3389). It will likely be port 3389.

  4. Select Save hostname.

By default, anyone on the Internet can connect to the server using its public hostname. To allow or block specific users, create a self-hosted application in Cloudflare Access.

3. Connect as a user

  1. Install cloudflared on the client machine.

  2. Run this command to open an RDP listening port:

    Terminal window
    cloudflared access rdp --hostname --url rdp://localhost:3389

    This process will need to be configured to stay alive and autostart. If the process is killed, users will not be able to connect.

  1. While cloudflared access is running, connect from an RDP client such as Microsoft Remote Desktop:
    1. Open Microsoft Remote Desktop and select Add a PC.
    2. For PC name, enter localhost:3389.
    3. For User account, enter your RDP server username and password.
    4. Double-click the newly added PC.
    5. When asked if you want to continue, select Continue.

When the client launches, a browser window will open and prompt the user to authenticate with Cloudflare Access.