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Multiple users on a Windows device

Feature availability

WARP modesZero Trust plans
All modesAll plans
SystemAvailabilityMinimum WARP version

Cloudflare WARP supports multiple user registrations on a single Windows device. When deployed in multi-user mode, the WARP client will automatically switch user registrations after a user logs in to their Windows account. All traffic to Cloudflare will be attributed to the currently active Windows user. This allows administrators to apply identity-based policies and device settings, audit user activity, and remove individual users from a shared workstation.

Enable multi-user mode

To enable multi-user support on Windows, deploy an MDM file onto the device with the multi_user key set to true. For example:


To use multi-user mode alongside the Windows pre-login and Switch between Zero Trust organizations options:

<string>Production environment</string>
<string>Test environment</string>

When enabling multi-user mode for the first time, users will need to re-register even if they had a previous registration.

WARP registration logic

The following flowchart shows how WARP registration settings take effect as users log in and out:

flowchart TB
    start(["Enable multi-user mode"])-->reg["Active Windows user is prompted to register WARP"]
		reg--"Log out of Windows"-->prelogin

    subgraph preloginbehavior["Windows login screen"]
		prelogin{{"Is there a pre-login <br />registration?"}}
    preloginyes["Use pre-login settings"]
		prelogin-. "No" .->preloginno
		preloginno["Stay registered as <br />previous Windows user"]

		preloginbehavior--"Log in to Windows"---->regexists{{"Has the user already registered with WARP?"}}
		regexists--"Yes"-->user["Switch to that user's registration"]
		regexists-. "No" .->reg