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Cloudflare Docs

Enable Zstandard compression for default content types

Create a compression rule to turn on Zstandard compression for response content types where Cloudflare applies compression by default.

The following example rule will turn on Zstandard compression for response content types where Cloudflare applies compression by default. If the client does not support Zstandard compression, it will use Brotli or Gzip compression as a fallback.

When incoming requests match

  • Custom filter expression:

    • Media Type is in text/html, text/richtext, text/plain, text/css, text/x-script, text/x-component, text/x-java-source, text/x-markdown, application/javascript, application/x-javascript, text/javascript, text/js, image/x-icon, image/, application/x-perl, application/x-httpd-cgi, text/xml, application/xml, application/rss+xml, application/vnd.api+json, application/x-protobuf, application/json, multipart/bag, multipart/mixed, application/xhtml+xml, font/ttf, font/otf, font/x-woff, image/svg+xml, application/, application/ttf, application/x-ttf, application/otf, application/x-otf, application/truetype, application/opentype, application/x-opentype, application/font-woff, application/eot, application/font, application/font-sfnt, application/wasm, application/javascript-binast, application/manifest+json, application/ld+json, application/graphql+json, application/geo+json


  • Compression options: Custom
  • Define a custom order for compression types: Zstandard, Brotli, Gzip