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Perform mobile redirects

The following examples will redirect visitors using mobile devices — based on the request user agent string — to a different hostname.

​​ Redirect mobile users dropping the original URI path

This example static redirect will redirect requests for the current zone ( from mobile users to without preserving the URI path in the original HTTP request.

When incoming requests match

  • Enter the following expression in the Expression Editor:
    not in {""} and (http.user_agent contains "mobi" or http.user_agent contains "Mobi")


  • Type: Static
  • URL:
  • Status code: 301

Notes about this example:

  • The not in {""} condition prevents redirect loops.
  • The user agent condition follows Mozilla’s recommendation for identifying mobile devices.
  • The Then > URL value should be the same as the one you entered in the condition of the rule’s filter expression.
  • You can redirect users to other zones on Cloudflare or to other hostnames not on Cloudflare.

​​ Redirect mobile users keeping the original path

This example dynamic redirect will redirect requests for the current zone ( from mobile users to, keeping the URI path of the original HTTP request.

When incoming requests match

  • Enter the following expression in the Expression Editor:
    not in {""} and (http.user_agent contains "mobi" or http.user_agent contains "Mobi")


  • Type: Dynamic
  • Expression: concat("", http.request.uri.path)
  • Status code: 301

Notes about this example:

  • The not in {""} condition prevents redirect loops.
  • The user agent condition follows Mozilla’s recommendation for identifying mobile devices.
  • The hostname in Then > Expression should be the same as the one you entered in the condition of the rule’s filter expression.
  • Depending on your use case, you may want to enable Then > Preserve query string to also keep the query string of the original request.
  • You can redirect users to other zones on Cloudflare or to other hostnames not on Cloudflare.