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Analytics and logs

Internal DNS leverages Gateway analytics. Below you can find information about specific fields and different methods you can use to access this data.


For detailed metrics, use the GraphQL API. Refer to the GraphQL Analytics API documentation for guidance on how to get started.

The fields added to cover Internal DNS are the following:

  • InternalDNSFallbackStrategy: The fallback strategy applied to the internal DNS response. Empty if no fallback strategy was applied.
  • InternalDNSRCode: The response code sent back by the internal DNS service.
  • InternalDNSViewID: The view identifier that was sent to the internal DNS service.
  • InternalDNSZoneID: The internal zone identifier returned by the internal DNS service.


Leverage Logpush jobs for Gateway DNS. For help setting up Logpush, refer to Get started with Logs.

You can also set up Logpush filters to only push logs related to a specific internal zone or view ID.