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Cloudflare Docs

Check domain DNS

Once you add and activate your domain at Cloudflare, check that all your DNS records are set up correctly.

Can you visit your website?

If your website already existed before adding it to Cloudflare, the easiest way to test DNS resolution is to try and visit your domain ( or a subdomain (

As long as you reviewed your DNS records when adding your domain, everything should work just fine.

Potential issues

Sometimes, domains added to Cloudflare can experience issues in DNS resolution.

flowchart TD
accTitle: Potential DNS resolution issues
A[Request to <code></code>] --> B[<code>DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN</code>]
B --> C[DNS records missing or incorrect]
A --> D[Error <code>520</code>, <code>521</code>, or <code>522</code>]
D --> E[Origin server offline or blocking Cloudflare IPs]
A --> F[Error <code>523</code>, <code>1000</code>, <code>1001</code>, <code>1002</code>, <code>1014</code>, <code>1016</code>, or <code>1034</code>]
F --> C

For more details on these errors and how to fix them, refer to the following resources:

Does your domain's email still work?

If your domain supported email beforehand, try sending a few emails to your domain's address.

If those emails cannot be delivered, the issue is usually with your domain's MX DNS records. For help, refer to the following resources: