Cloudflare Exposed Credentials Check Managed Ruleset
The Cloudflare Exposed Credentials Check Managed Ruleset is a set of pre-configured rules for well-known CMS applications that perform a lookup against a public database of stolen credentials.
The managed ruleset includes rules for the following CMS applications:
- WordPress
- Joomla
- Drupal
- Ghost
- Plone
- Magento
Additionally, this managed ruleset also includes generic rules for other common patterns:
- Check forms submitted using a
request containingusername
arguments - Check credentials sent as JSON with
keys - Check credentials sent as JSON with
The default action for the rules in managed ruleset is Exposed-Credential-Check Header (named rewrite
in the API and in Security Events).
The managed ruleset also contains a rule that blocks HTTP requests already containing the Exposed-Credential-Check
HTTP header used by the Exposed-Credential-Check Header action. These requests could be used to trick the origin into believing that a request contained (or did not contain) exposed credentials.
For more information on exposed credential checks, refer to Check for exposed credentials.
You can configure the following settings of the Cloudflare Exposed Credentials Check Managed Ruleset in the dashboard:
- Set the action to perform. When you define an action for the ruleset, you override the default action defined for each rule. The available actions are: Managed Challenge, Block, JS Challenge, Log, and Interactive Challenge. To remove the action override, set the ruleset action to Default.
- Override the action performed by individual rules. The available actions are: Exposed-Credential-Check Header, Managed Challenge, Block, JS Challenge, Log, and Interactive Challenge. For more information, refer to Available actions.
- Disable specific rules.
- Customize the filter expression. With a custom expression, the Cloudflare Exposed Credentials Check Managed Ruleset applies only to a subset of the incoming requests.
- Configure payload logging.
For details on configuring a managed ruleset in the dashboard, refer to Configure a managed ruleset.
To enable the Cloudflare Exposed Credentials Check Managed Ruleset for a given zone via API, create a rule with execute
action in the entry point ruleset for the http_request_firewall_managed
This example deploys the Cloudflare Exposed Credentials Check Managed Ruleset to the http_request_firewall_managed
phase of a given zone ({zone_id}
) by creating a rule that executes the managed ruleset. The rules in the managed ruleset are executed for all incoming requests.
Invoke the Get a zone entry point ruleset operation to obtain the definition of the entry point ruleset for the
phase. You will need the zone ID for this task.Terminal window curl "{zone_id}/rulesets/phases/http_request_firewall_managed/entrypoint" \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"{"result": {"description": "Zone-level phase entry point","id": "<RULESET_ID>","kind": "zone","last_updated": "2024-03-16T15:40:08.202335Z","name": "zone","phase": "http_request_firewall_managed","rules": [// ...],"source": "firewall_managed","version": "10"},"success": true,"errors": [],"messages": []} -
If the entry point ruleset already exists (that is, if you received a
200 OK
status code and the ruleset definition), take note of the ruleset ID in the response. Then, invoke the Create a zone ruleset rule operation to add anexecute
rule to the existing ruleset deploying the Cloudflare Exposed Credentials Check Managed Ruleset (with IDc2e184081120413c86c3ab7e14069605
). By default, the rule will be added at the end of the list of rules already in the ruleset.Terminal window curl "{zone_id}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}/rules" \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{"action": "execute","action_parameters": {"id": "c2e184081120413c86c3ab7e14069605"},"expression": "true","description": "Execute the Cloudflare Exposed Credentials Check Managed Ruleset"}'{"result": {"id": "<RULESET_ID>","name": "Zone-level phase entry point","description": "","kind": "zone","version": "11","rules": [// ... any existing rules{"id": "<RULE_ID>","version": "1","action": "execute","action_parameters": {"id": "c2e184081120413c86c3ab7e14069605","version": "latest"},"expression": "true","description": "Execute the Cloudflare Exposed Credentials Check Managed Ruleset","last_updated": "2024-03-18T18:08:14.003361Z","ref": "<RULE_REF>","enabled": true}],"last_updated": "2024-03-18T18:08:14.003361Z","phase": "http_request_firewall_managed"},"success": true,"errors": [],"messages": []} -
If the entry point ruleset does not exist (that is, if you received a
404 Not Found
status code in step 1), create it using the Create a zone ruleset operation. Include a single rule in therules
array that executes the Cloudflare Exposed Credentials Check Managed Ruleset (with IDc2e184081120413c86c3ab7e14069605
) for all incoming requests in the zone.Terminal window curl "{zone_id}/rulesets" \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{"name": "My ruleset","description": "Entry point ruleset for WAF managed rulesets","kind": "zone","phase": "http_request_firewall_managed","rules": [{"action": "execute","action_parameters": {"id": "c2e184081120413c86c3ab7e14069605"},"expression": "true","description": "Execute the Cloudflare Exposed Credentials Check Managed Ruleset"}]}'
To configure the Exposed Credentials Check Managed Ruleset via API, create overrides using the Rulesets API. You can perform the following configurations:
- Specify the action to perform for all the rules in the ruleset by creating a ruleset override.
- Disable or customize the action of individual rules by creating rule overrides for those rules.
For examples of creating overrides using the API, refer to Override a managed ruleset.
For more information on working with managed rulesets via API, refer to Work with managed rulesets in the Ruleset Engine documentation.
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