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Cloudflare Docs


All of the components available to contributors writing content on Cloudflare's developer documentation are documented in this section.

What is a component?

Astro components are re-usable HTML templates which we use to reduce maintenance burden & duplicated code by returning frequently used layouts or snippets into a component that can be imported and used across various pages.

Using components

Content is authored in MDX, which allows JavaScript expressions and components to be used. They are like HTML elements, which can be self-closing.

Open me!

Hello, world!

import { Details, RuleID } from "~/components"
{/* Self-closing component */}
<RuleID id="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" />
<br/> {/* Line break to separate rendered components */}
{/* Component with inside content */}
<Details header="Open me!">
Hello, world!


Components need to be imported to be made available inside a MDX file. All of our components are exported from "~/components", so they would be imported like this:

import { Card, Render } from "~/components"