How we do it
Cloudflare uses the following automations to streamline our documentation process.
At Cloudflare, we use several automations to reduce the cost associated with content maintenance.
Automation | Purpose | Implementation | Runs when |
External link checking | Evaluates external links for broken links or links that redirect to another location. | SEO crawler | Weekly |
Header link checking ↗ | Evaluates anchor links within our docs to make sure they resolve correctly. | GitHub Actions | Every weekend |
API docs link checking ↗ | Evaluates links to our API docs. | GitHub Actions | Every weekend |
Unused images check ↗ | Flags images that are in our resources, but not currently referenced in our documentation. | GitHub Actions | Every month |
Automation | Purpose | Implementation | Runs when |
Label PRs ↗ | Adds and updates labels related to the content subfolder and size of a pull request. Useful for rollup reporting and team self-assignment. | GitHub Actions | Every commit |
The following resources help contributors and stakeholders when they are making changes to our documentation.
Automation | Purpose | Implementation | Runs when |
Build check ↗ | Verifies that our docs site builds correctly. | GitHub Actions | Every commit |
Show before/after links ↗ | Provides a comparison table that shows the current page in production and the changed page in a preview build. | GitHub Actions | Every Pages build |
Flag needed redirects ↗ | Comments with a list of changed or deleted files that might need a redirect. | GitHub Actions | Every commit |
Validate redirects ↗ | Verifies whether the commit adds conflicting or invalid redirects. | GitHub Actions | Every commit |
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