Expose an R2 bucket to the Internet via a Worker
Below is an example Worker that exposes an R2 bucket to the Internet and demonstrates its functionality for storing and retrieving objects.
For a simpler guide level explanation of how to use R2 in a worker, refer to use R2 in a Worker.
interface Env { MY_BUCKET: R2Bucket}
function objectNotFound(objectName: string): Response { return new Response(`<html><body>R2 object "<b>${objectName}</b>" not found</body></html>`, { status: 404, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' } })}
export default { async fetch(request, env): Promise<Response> { const url = new URL(request.url) const objectName = url.pathname.slice(1)
console.log(`${request.method} object ${objectName}: ${request.url}`)
if (request.method === 'GET' || request.method === 'HEAD') { if (objectName === '') { if (request.method == 'HEAD') { return new Response(undefined, { status: 400 }) }
const options: R2ListOptions = { prefix: url.searchParams.get('prefix') ?? undefined, delimiter: url.searchParams.get('delimiter') ?? undefined, cursor: url.searchParams.get('cursor') ?? undefined, include: ['customMetadata', 'httpMetadata'], } console.log(JSON.stringify(options))
const listing = await env.MY_BUCKET.list(options) return new Response(JSON.stringify(listing), {headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', }}) }
if (request.method === 'GET') { const object = await env.MY_BUCKET.get(objectName, { range: request.headers, onlyIf: request.headers, })
if (object === null) { return objectNotFound(objectName) }
const headers = new Headers() object.writeHttpMetadata(headers) headers.set('etag', object.httpEtag) if (object.range) { headers.set("content-range", `bytes ${object.range.offset}-${object.range.end ?? object.size - 1}/${object.size}`) } const status = object.body ? (request.headers.get("range") !== null ? 206 : 200) : 304 return new Response(object.body, { headers, status }) }
const object = await env.MY_BUCKET.head(objectName)
if (object === null) { return objectNotFound(objectName) }
const headers = new Headers() object.writeHttpMetadata(headers) headers.set('etag', object.httpEtag) return new Response(null, { headers, }) } if (request.method === 'PUT' || request.method == 'POST') { const object = await env.MY_BUCKET.put(objectName, request.body, { httpMetadata: request.headers, }) return new Response(null, { headers: { 'etag': object.httpEtag, } }) } if (request.method === 'DELETE') { await env.MY_BUCKET.delete(url.pathname.slice(1)) return new Response() }
return new Response(`Unsupported method`, { status: 400 }) }} satisfies ExportedHandler<Env>;