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Zone Analytics

The Cloudflare zone analytics is a major component of the overall Cloudflare Analytics product line.  Specifically, this app gives you access to a wide range of metrics, collected at the website or domain level.

View your website analytics

To view metrics for your website:

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard.
  2. Select the appropriate Cloudflare account for your site, then pick the domain.
  3. Next, select Analytics & Logs.

Once it loads, you can find tabs for Traffic, Security, Performance, DNS, Workers, and Logs (Enterprise domains only). To understand the various metrics available, refer to Review your website metrics below.

Review your website metrics

This section outlines the metrics available under each Analytics app tab. Before proceeding, note that each tab may contain:

  • One or more panels to further categorize the underlying metrics.
  • A dropdown (on the panel’s top right) to filter metrics for a specific time period. The time period you can select may vary based on the Cloudflare plan that your domain is associated with.

Below is a summary of each Analytics app tab.


Free plan

These metrics include legitimate user requests as well as crawlers and threats. The Traffic tab features the following panels: 

  • Web Traffic - Displays metrics for Requests, Bandwidth, and Unique Visitors. If you are using Cloudflare Workers, subrequests data will not be visible in zone Traffic Analytics. Instead, you can find subrequests analytics under the Workers & Pages tab in the Overview section. Refer to Worker Analytics for more information.
  • Web Traffic Requests by Country - Is an interactive map that breaks down the number of requests by country.  This panel also includes a data table for Top Traffic Countries / Regions that display the countries with the most number of requests (up to five, if the data exists).
  • Share Your Stats - Lets you share actual site statistics on social media (Twitter) for: Bytes saved, SSL requests served, and attacks blocked.

Pro, Business, or Enterprise plan

Analytics are based on Cloudflare’s edge logs, with no need for third party scripts or trackers. The Traffic tab features the following metrics:

  • Requests - An HTTP request. A typical page view requires many requests. If you are using Cloudflare Workers, subrequests data will not be visible in zone Traffic Analytics. Instead, you can find subrequests analytics under the Workers & Pages tab in the Overview section. Refer to Worker Analytics for more information.
  • Data Transfer - Total HTTP data transferred in responses.
  • Page views - A page view is defined as a successful HTTP response with a content-type of HTML. 
  • Visits - A visit is defined as a page view that originated from a different website, or direct link. Cloudflare checks where the HTTP referer does not match the hostname. One visit can consist of multiple page views. 
  • API Requests - An HTTP request for API data.

To receive more detailed metrics, Add filter. You can also filter each metric by Referer, Host, Country, Path, Status code, Origin status code, Browser, Operating system, or Device type

To change the time period, use the dropdown menu on the right-hand side above the graph. You can also drag to zoom on the graph.


For this tab, the number and type of charts may vary based on existing data and customer plan. Most of the metrics in this tab come from the Cloudflare Firewall app. The panels available include:

  • Threats - Displays a data summary and an area chart showing threats against the site.
  • Threats by Country - Is an interactive map highlighting the countries where threats originated. It also includes data tables with statistics on Top Threat Countries / Regions and Top Crawlers / Bots.
  • Rate Limiting (add-on service) - Features a line chart highlighting matching and blocked requests, based on rate limits.  To learn more, consult Rate Limiting Analytics.
  • Overview - Displays a set of pie charts for: Total Threats Stopped, Traffic Served Over SSL, and Types of Threats Mitigated. If available, the expandable Details link display a table with numerical data.


The metrics aggregated under this tab span multiple Cloudflare services.  The panels available include:

  • Origin Performance (Argo) (add-on service) - Displays metrics related to response time between the Cloudflare edge network and origin servers for the last 48 hours.  For additional details, refer to Argo Analytics.
  • Overview - Displays a set of pie charts for: Client HTTP Version Used, Bandwidth Saved, and Content Type Breakdown. If available, the expandable Details link display a table with numerical data.

DNS Legacy

The DNS tab presents statistics for DNS queries.  Note that metrics are available as long as Cloudflare is the site’s authoritative DNS server, even if the site is not proxied by Cloudflare. Therefore, DNS metrics are not offered for sites with a CNAME Setup.

The metrics panels available under the DNS tab may include:

  • DNS Queries - Displays area charts and data tables for DNS record metrics. For free plans, this section includes Queries by Response Code and, for Pro and above, this section also includes Queries by Record Type. Records that return an NXDOMAIN response (dns record doesn’t exist) are also considered. For zones in Enterprise plan, you can also filter by one or several DNS records by entering record names (for example, in the dropdown near the top.
  • DNS Queries by Data Center - Displays DNS query distribution across Cloudflare’s data centers. Metrics appear as interactive maps and data tables, and include statistics for DNS Traffic, NXDOMAIN, and NOERROR. This section is available to zones in Pro plan or above.


This panel features metrics for Cloudflare Workers. To learn more, read Cloudflare analytics with Workers.


The Logs tab is not a metrics feature. Instead, Customers in the Enterprise plan can enable the Cloudflare Logs Logpush service. You can use Logpush to download and analyze data using any analytics tool of your choice.