Querying Magic Firewall Intrusion Detection System (IDS) samples with GraphQL
In this example, we are going to use the GraphQL Analytics API to query for IDS samples over a specified time period.
The following API call will request IDS samples over a one hour period, and output the requested fields. Be sure to replace <CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_TAG>
1 with your account tag and API credentials, and adjust the datetime_geg
and datetime_leq
values to your liking.
echo '{ "query": "query IDSActivity { viewer { accounts(filter: { accountTag: $accountTag }) { magicIDPSNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroups( filter: $filter limit: 10 ) { sum { bits packets } dimensions { datetimeFiveMinutes } } } } }", "variables": { "accountTag": "<CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_TAG>", "filter": { "datetime_geq": "2023-06-20T11:00:00.000Z", "datetime_leq": "2023-06-20T12:00:00.000Z", "verdict": "drop", "outcome": "pass" } }}' | tr -d '\n' | curl --silent \https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/graphql \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Accept: application/json" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data @-
The returned values represent the total number of packets and bits that matched IDS rules during the five minute interval. The result will be in JSON (as requested), so piping the output to jq
will make it easier to read, like in the following example:
... | curl --silent \https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/graphql \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Accept: application/json" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data @- | jq .
#=> {#=> "data": {#=> "viewer": {#=> "accounts": [#=> {#=> "magicIDPSNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroups": [#=> {#=> sum: { bits: 327680, packets: 16384 },#=> dimensions: {#=> datetimeFiveMinute: '2021-05-12T22:00-00:00'#=> }#=> },#=> {#=> sum: { bits: 360448, packets: 8192 },#=> dimensions: {#=> datetimeFiveMinute: '2021-05-12T22:05-00:00'#=> }#=> },#=> {#=> sum: { bits: 327680, packets: 8192 },#=> dimensions: {#=> datetimeFiveMinute: '2021-05-12T22:05-00:00'#=> }#=> },#=> {#=> sum: { bits: 360448, packets: 8192 },#=> dimensions: {#=> datetimeFiveMinute: '2021-05-12T22:20-00:00'#=> }#=> },#=> {#=> sum: { bits: 327680, packets: 8192 },#=> dimensions: {#=> datetimeFiveMinute: '2021-05-12T22:20-00:00'#=> }#=> }#=> ]#=> }#=> ]#=> }#=> },#=> "errors": null#=> }
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