Cloudflare GraphQL API has a dynamic schema and exposes more than 70 datasets across zone and account scopes. We constantly expand the list and replace existing ones with more capable alternatives.
To tackle the schema question, GraphQL provides an introspection ↗ mechanism. It is part of the GraphQL specification and allows you to explore the graph of the datasets and fields.
The introspection results provide an overview of ALL available nodes and fields, their descriptions and deprecation status.
Although GraphQL has query
, subscription
, and mutation
Cloudflare GraphQL API only supports query
With details on data exposed by a given node or a field, descriptions also indicate whether it is in Beta mode. Beta nodes (or fields) are for testing and exploration and are usually available for customers on more extensive plans. Please do not rely on beta data nodes since they are subject to change or removal without notice.
Introspection provides information about deprecation status. Cloudflare uses it as a notification about replacement plans. If the sunset date is provided, please migrate to a replacement node(s) before that date to avoid any disruption.
Some of the nodes might only be available to query for some users. Please refer to the settings node for more details about availability and personal limits on a given node.
The most convenient way to introspect the schema is to use a documentation explorer that usually is a part of a GraphQL client (like GraphiQL, Altair, etc).
Alternatively, you can also do it manually by using __schema
node with the
needed directives.
{ __schema { queryType { name } mutationType { name } subscriptionType { name } types { ...FullType } directives { name description locations args { ...InputValue } } }}fragment TypeRef on __Type { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name } } } } } } }}fragment InputValue on __InputValue { name description type { ...TypeRef } defaultValue}fragment FullType on __Type { kind name description fields(includeDeprecated: true) { name description args { ...InputValue } type { ...TypeRef } isDeprecated deprecationReason } inputFields { ...InputValue } interfaces { ...TypeRef } enumValues(includeDeprecated: true) { name description isDeprecated deprecationReason } possibleTypes { ...TypeRef }}
For more details on how to send a GraphQL request with curl, please refer to this guide.
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