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Durable Object ID


A Durable Object ID is a 64-digit hexadecimal number used to identify a Durable Object. Not all 64-digit hex numbers are valid IDs. Durable Object IDs are constructed indirectly via the DurableObjectNamespace interface.

The DurableObjectId interface refers to a new or existing Durable Object. This interface is most frequently used by DurableObjectNamespace::get to obtain a DurableObjectStub for submitting requests to a Durable Object. Note that creating an ID for a Durable Object does not create the Durable Object. The Durable Object is created lazily after creating a stub from a DurableObjectId. This ensures that objects are not constructed until they are actually accessed.



toString converts a DurableObjectId to a 64 digit hex string. This string is useful for logging purposes or storing the DurableObjectId elsewhere, for example, in a session cookie. This string can be used to reconstruct a DurableObjectId via DurableObjectNamespace::idFromString.

// Create a new unique ID
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
// Convert the ID to a string to be saved elsewhere, e.g. a session cookie
const session_id = id.toString();
// Recreate the ID from the string
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromString(session_id);


  • None.

Return values

  • A 64 digit hex string.


equals is used to compare equality between two instances of DurableObjectId.

const id1 = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
const id2 = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
console.assert(!id1.equals(id2), "Different unique ids should never be equal.");


  • A required DurableObjectId to compare against.

Return values

  • A boolean. True if equal and false otherwise.



name is an optional property of a DurableObjectId, which returns the name that was used to create the DurableObjectId via DurableObjectNamespace::idFromName. This value is undefined if the DurableObjectId was constructed using DurableObjectNamespace::newUniqueId.

const uniqueId = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
const fromNameId = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
console.assert( === undefined, "unique ids have no name");
console.assert( === "foo",
"name matches parameter to idFromName",