# Changelog
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/changelog/
import { ProductReleaseNotes } from "~/components";
{/* */}
# Demos and architectures
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/demos/
import { ExternalResources, GlossaryTooltip, ResourcesBySelector } from "~/components"
Learn how you can use a Durable Object within your existing application and architecture.
## Demos
Explore the following demo applications for Durable Objects.
## Reference architectures
Explore the following reference architectures that use Durable Objects:
# Overview
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/
import { Render, CardGrid, Description, Feature, LinkTitleCard, Plan, RelatedProduct, LinkButton } from "~/components"
Create collaborative applications, real-time chat, multiplayer games and more without needing to coordinate state or manage infrastructure.
Durable Objects provide a building block for stateful applications and distributed systems.
Use Durable Objects to build applications that need coordination among multiple clients, like collaborative editing tools, interactive chat, multiplayer games, and deep distributed systems, without requiring you to build serialization and coordination primitives on your own.
### What are Durable Objects?
For more information, refer to the full [What are Durable Objects?](/durable-objects/what-are-durable-objects/) page.
Get started
:::note[SQLite in Durable Objects Beta]
The new beta version of Durable Objects is available where each Durable Object has a private, embedded SQLite database. When deploying a new Durable Object class, users can [opt-in to a SQLite storage backend](/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/#sqlite-storage-backend) in order to access new [SQL API](/durable-objects/api/sql-storage/#exec) and [point-in-time-recovery API](/durable-objects/api/sql-storage/#point-in-time-recovery), part of Durable Objects Storage API.
Storage API billing is not enabled for Durable Object classes using SQLite storage backend. SQLite-backed Durable Objects will incur [charges for requests and duration](/durable-objects/platform/pricing/#billing-metrics). We plan to enable Storage API billing for Durable Objects using SQLite storage backend in the first half of 2025 after advance notice with the following [pricing](/durable-objects/platform/pricing/#sqlite-storage-backend).
## Features
Learn how Durable Objects coordinate connections among multiple clients or events.
Learn how Durable Objects provide transactional, strongly consistent, and serializable storage.
Learn how WebSocket Hibernation allows you to manage the connections of multiple clients at scale.
Learn how to use alarms to trigger a Durable Object and perform compute in the future at customizable intervals.
## Related products
Cloudflare Workers provides a serverless execution environment that allows you to create new applications or augment existing ones without configuring or maintaining infrastructure.
D1 is Cloudflare’s SQL-based native serverless database. Create a database by importing data or defining your tables and writing your queries within a Worker or through the API.
Cloudflare R2 Storage allows developers to store large amounts of unstructured data without the costly egress bandwidth fees associated with typical cloud storage services.
## More resources
Browse what other developers are building with Durable Objects.
Learn about Durable Objects limits.
Learn about Durable Objects pricing.
Learn more about storage and database options you can build with Workers.
Connect with the Workers community on Discord to ask questions, show what you are building, and discuss the platform with other developers.
Follow @CloudflareDev on Twitter to learn about product announcements, and what is new in Cloudflare Developer Platform.
# What are Durable Objects?
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/what-are-durable-objects/
import { Render } from "~/components";
## Durable Objects highlights
Durable Objects have properties that make them a great fit for distributed stateful scalable applications.
**Serverless compute, zero infrastructure management**
- Durable Objects are built on-top of the Workers runtime, so they support exactly the same code (JavaScript and WASM), and similar memory and CPU limits.
- Each Durable Object is [implicitly created on first access](/durable-objects/api/namespace/#get). User applications are not concerned with their lifecycle, creating them or destroying them. Durable Objects migrate among healthy servers, and therefore applications never have to worry about managing them.
- Each Durable Object stays alive as long as requests are being processed, and remains alive for several seconds after being idle before hibernating, allowing applications to [exploit in-memory caching](/durable-objects/reference/in-memory-state/) while handling many consecutive requests and boosting their performance.
**Storage colocated with compute**
- Each Durable Object has its own [durable, transactional, and strongly consistent storage](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/) (up to 10 GB[^1]), persisted across requests, and accessible only within that object.
**Single-threaded concurrency**
- Each [Durable Object instance has an identifier](/durable-objects/api/id/), either randomly-generated or user-generated, which allows you to globally address which Durable Object should handle a specific action or request.
- Durable Objects are single-threaded and cooperatively multi-tasked, just like code running in a web browser. For more details on how safety and correctness are achieved, refer to the blog post ["Durable Objects: Easy, Fast, Correct — Choose three"](https://blog.cloudflare.com/durable-objects-easy-fast-correct-choose-three/).
**Elastic horizontal scaling across Cloudflare's global network**
- Durable Objects can be spread around the world, and you can [optionally influence where each instance should be located](/durable-objects/reference/data-location/#provide-a-location-hint). Durable Objects are not yet available in every Cloudflare data center; refer to the [where.durableobjects.live](https://where.durableobjects.live/) project for live locations.
- Each Durable Object type (or ["Namespace binding"](/durable-objects/api/namespace/) in Cloudflare terms) corresponds to a JavaScript class implementing the actual logic. There is no hard limit on how many Durable Objects can be created for each namespace.
- Durable Objects scale elastically as your application creates millions of objects. There is no need for applications to manage infrastructure or plan ahead for capacity.
## Durable Objects features
### In-memory state
Each Durable Object has its own [in-memory state](/durable-objects/reference/in-memory-state/). Applications can use this in-memory state to optimize the performance of their applications by keeping important information in-memory, thereby avoiding the need to access the durable storage at all.
Useful cases for in-memory state include batching and aggregating information before persisting it to storage, or for immediately rejecting/handling incoming requests meeting certain criteria, and more.
In-memory state is reset when the Durable Object hibernates after being idle for some time. Therefore, it is important to persist any in-memory data to the durable storage if that data will be needed at a later time when the Durable Object receives another request.
### Storage API
The [Durable Object Storage API](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/) allows Durable Objects to access fast, transactional, and strongly consistent storage. A Durable Object's attached storage is private to its unique instance and cannot be accessed by other objects.
There are two flavors of the storage API, a [key-value (KV) API](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#methods) and an [SQL API](/durable-objects/api/sql-storage/).
When using the [new SQLite in Durable Objects storage backend](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/#enable-sqlite-storage-backend-on-new-durable-object-class-migration), you have access to both the APIs. However, if you use the previous storage backend you only have access to the key-value API.
### Alarms API
Durable Objects provide an [Alarms API](/durable-objects/api/alarms/) which allows you to schedule the Durable Object to be woken up at a time in the future. This is useful when you want to do certain work periodically, or at some specific point in time, without having to manually manage infrastructure such as job scheduling runners on your own.
You can combine Alarms with in-memory state and the durable storage API to build batch and aggregation applications such as queues, workflows, or advanced data pipelines.
### WebSockets
WebSockets are long-lived TCP connections that enable bi-directional, real-time communication between client and server. Because WebSocket sessions are long-lived, applications commonly use Durable Objects to accept either the client or server connection.
Because Durable Objects provide a single-point-of-coordination between Cloudflare Workers, a single Durable Object instance can be used in parallel with WebSockets to coordinate between multiple clients, such as participants in a chat room or a multiplayer game.
Durable Objects support the [WebSocket Standard API](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/#websocket-standard-api), as well as the [WebSockets Hibernation API](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/#websocket-hibernation-api) which extends the Web Standard WebSocket API to reduce costs by not incurring billing charges during periods of inactivity.
### RPC
Durable Objects support Workers [Remote-Procedure-Call (RPC)](/workers/runtime-apis/rpc/) which allows applications to use JavaScript-native methods and objects to communicate between Workers and Durable Objects.
Using RPC for communication makes application development easier and simpler to reason about, and more efficient.
## Actor programming model
Another way to describe and think about Durable Objects is through the lens of the [Actor programming model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model). There are several popular examples of the Actor model supported at the programming language level through runtimes or library frameworks, like [Erlang](https://www.erlang.org/), [Elixir](https://elixir-lang.org/), [Akka](https://akka.io/), or [Microsoft Orleans for .NET](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/orleans/overview).
The Actor model simplifies a lot of problems in distributed systems by abstracting away the communication between actors using RPC calls (or message sending) that could be implemented on-top of any transport protocol, and it avoids most of the concurrency pitfalls you get when doing concurrency through shared memory such as race conditions when multiple processes/threads access the same data in-memory.
Each Durable Object instance can be seen as an Actor instance, receiving messages (incoming HTTP/RPC requests), executing some logic in its own single-threaded context using its attached durable storage or in-memory state, and finally sending messages to the outside world (outgoing HTTP/RPC requests or responses), even to another Durable Object instance.
Each Durable Object has certain capabilities in terms of [how much work it can do](/durable-objects/platform/limits/#how-much-work-can-a-single-durable-object-do), which should influence the application's [architecture to fully take advantage of the platform](/reference-architecture/diagrams/storage/durable-object-control-data-plane-pattern/).
Durable Objects are natively integrated into Cloudflare's infrastructure, giving you the ultimate serverless platform to build distributed stateful applications exploiting the entirety of Cloudflare's network.
## Durable Objects in Cloudflare
Many of Cloudflare's products use Durable Objects. Some of our technical blog posts showcase real-world applications and use-cases where Durable Objects make building applications easier and simpler.
These blog posts may also serve as inspiration on how to architect scalable applications using Durable Objects, and how to integrate them with the rest of Cloudflare Developer Platform.
- [Durable Objects aren't just durable, they're fast: a 10x speedup for Cloudflare Queues](https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-we-built-cloudflare-queues/)
- [Behind the scenes with Stream Live, Cloudflare's live streaming service](https://blog.cloudflare.com/behind-the-scenes-with-stream-live-cloudflares-live-streaming-service/)
- [DO it again: how we used Durable Objects to add WebSockets support and authentication to AI Gateway](https://blog.cloudflare.com/do-it-again/)
- [Workers Builds: integrated CI/CD built on the Workers platform](https://blog.cloudflare.com/workers-builds-integrated-ci-cd-built-on-the-workers-platform/)
- [Build durable applications on Cloudflare Workers: you write the Workflows, we take care of the rest](https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-workflows-durable-execution-on-workers/)
- [Building D1: a Global Database](https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-d1-a-global-database/)
- [Billions and billions (of logs): scaling AI Gateway with the Cloudflare Developer Platform](https://blog.cloudflare.com/billions-and-billions-of-logs-scaling-ai-gateway-with-the-cloudflare/)
- [Indexing millions of HTTP requests using Durable Objects](https://blog.cloudflare.com/r2-rayid-retrieval/)
Finally, the following blog posts may help you learn some of the technical implementation aspects of Durable Objects, and how they work.
- [Durable Objects: Easy, Fast, Correct — Choose three](https://blog.cloudflare.com/durable-objects-easy-fast-correct-choose-three/)
- [Zero-latency SQLite storage in every Durable Object](https://blog.cloudflare.com/sqlite-in-durable-objects/)
- [Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless](https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-workers-durable-objects/)
## Get started
Get started now by following the ["Tutorial with SQL API"](/durable-objects/get-started/tutorial-with-sql-api/) to create your first application using Durable Objects.
[^1]: Storage per Durable Object with SQLite is currently 1 GB. This will be raised to 10 GB for general availability.
# Alarms
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/api/alarms/
import { Type, GlossaryTooltip } from "~/components";
## Background
Durable Objects alarms allow you to schedule the Durable Object to be woken up at a time in the future. When the alarm's scheduled time comes, the `alarm()` handler method will be called. Alarms are modified using the Storage API, and alarm operations follow the same rules as other storage operations.
- Each Durable Object is able to schedule a single alarm at a time by calling `setAlarm()`.
- Alarms have guaranteed at-least-once execution and are retried automatically when the `alarm()` handler throws.
- Retries are performed using exponential backoff starting at a 2 second delay from the first failure with up to 6 retries allowed.
:::note[How are alarms different from Cron Triggers?]
Alarms are more fine grained than [Cron Triggers](/workers/configuration/cron-triggers/). A Worker can have up to three Cron Triggers configured at once, but it can have an unlimited amount of Durable Objects, each of which can have an alarm set.
Alarms are directly scheduled from within your Durable Object. Cron Triggers, on the other hand, are not programmatic. [Cron Triggers](/workers/configuration/cron-triggers/) execute based on their schedules, which have to be configured through the Cloudflare dashboard or API.
Alarms can be used to build distributed primitives, like queues or batching of work atop Durable Objects. Alarms also provide a mechanism to guarantee that operations within a Durable Object will complete without relying on incoming requests to keep the Durable Object alive. For a complete example, refer to [Use the Alarms API](/durable-objects/examples/alarms-api/).
## Storage methods
### `getAlarm`
- getAlarm()
- If there is an alarm set, then return the currently set alarm time as the number of milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch. Otherwise, return `null`.
- If `getAlarm` is called while an [`alarm`](/durable-objects/api/alarms/#alarm) is already running, it returns `null` unless `setAlarm` has also been called since the alarm handler started running.
### `setAlarm`
- {" "}setAlarm(scheduledTimeMs )
- Set the time for the alarm to run. Specify the time as the number of milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch.
### `deleteAlarm`
- `deleteAlarm()`:
- Unset the alarm if there is a currently set alarm.
- Calling `deleteAlarm()` inside the `alarm()` handler may prevent retries on a best-effort basis, but is not guaranteed.
## Handler methods
### `alarm`
- alarm(`alarmInfo`)
- Called by the system when a scheduled alarm time is reached.
- The optional parameter `alarmInfo` object has two properties:
- `retryCount` : The number of times this alarm event has been retried.
- `isRetry` : A boolean value to indicate if the alarm has been retried. This value is `true` if this alarm event is a retry.
- The `alarm()` handler has guaranteed at-least-once execution and will be retried upon failure using exponential backoff, starting at 2 second delays for up to 6 retries. Retries will be performed if the method fails with an uncaught exception.
- This method can be `async`.
## Example
This example shows how to both set alarms with the `setAlarm(timestamp)` method and handle alarms with the `alarm()` handler within your Durable Object.
- The `alarm()` handler will be called once every time an alarm fires.
- If an unexpected error terminates the Durable Object, the `alarm()` handler may be re-instantiated on another machine.
- Following a short delay, the `alarm()` handler will run from the beginning on the other machine.
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
let id = env.ALARM_EXAMPLE.idFromName("foo");
return await env.ALARM_EXAMPLE.get(id).fetch(request);
const SECONDS = 1000;
export class AlarmExample extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx, env) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this.storage = ctx.storage;
async fetch(request) {
// If there is no alarm currently set, set one for 10 seconds from now
let currentAlarm = await this.storage.getAlarm();
if (currentAlarm == null) {
this.storage.setAlarm(Date.now() + 10 * SECONDS);
async alarm() {
// The alarm handler will be invoked whenever an alarm fires.
// You can use this to do work, read from the Storage API, make HTTP calls
// and set future alarms to run using this.storage.setAlarm() from within this handler.
The following example shows how to use the `alarmInfo` property to identify if the alarm event has been attempted before.
class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
async alarm(alarmInfo) {
if (alarmInfo?.retryCount != 0) {
console.log("This alarm event has been attempted ${alarmInfo?.retryCount} times before.");
## Related resources
- Understand how to [use the Alarms API](/durable-objects/examples/alarms-api/) in an end-to-end example.
- Read the [Durable Objects alarms announcement blog post](https://blog.cloudflare.com/durable-objects-alarms/).
- Review the [Storage API](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/) documentation for Durable Objects.
# Durable Object Base Class
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/api/base/
import { Render, Tabs, TabItem, GlossaryTooltip, Type, MetaInfo, TypeScriptExample } from "~/components";
The `DurableObject` base class is an abstract class which all Durable Objects inherit from. This base class provides a set of optional methods, frequently referred to as handler methods, which can respond to events, for example a webSocketMessage when using the [WebSocket Hibernation API](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/#websocket-hibernation-api). To provide a concrete example, here is a Durable Object `MyDurableObject` which extends `DurableObject` and implements the fetch handler to return "Hello, World!" to the calling Worker.
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(ctx, env);
async fetch(request: Request) {
return new Response("Hello, World!");
## Methods
### `fetch`
- fetch()
: |
- Takes an HTTP request object and returns an HTTP response object. This method allows the Durable Object to emulate an HTTP server where a Worker with a binding to that object is the client.
- This method can be `async`.
### `alarm`
- alarm(`alarmInfo`)
- Called by the system when a scheduled alarm time is reached.
- The optional parameter `alarmInfo` object has two properties:
- `retryCount` : The number of times this alarm event has been retried.
- `isRetry` : A boolean value to indicate if the alarm has been retried. This value is `true` if this alarm event is a retry.
- The `alarm()` handler has guaranteed at-least-once execution and will be retried upon failure using exponential backoff, starting at two second delays for up to six retries. Retries will be performed if the method fails with an uncaught exception.
- This method can be `async`.
- Refer to [`alarm`](/durable-objects/api/alarms/#alarm) for more information.
### `webSocketMessage`
- webSocketMessage(ws , message{" "} )
- Called by the system when an accepted WebSocket receives a message.
- This method can be `async`.
- This method is not called for WebSocket control frames. The system will respond to an incoming [WebSocket protocol ping](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6455#section-5.5.2) automatically without interrupting hibernation.
### `webSocketClose`
- webSocketClose(ws , code , reason , wasClean )
- Called by the system when a WebSocket is closed. `wasClean()` is true if the connection closed cleanly, false otherwise.
- This method can be `async`.
### `webSocketError`
- webSocketError(ws , error )
- Called by the system when any non-disconnection related errors occur.
- This method can be `async`.
## Properties
### `DurableObjectState`
See [`DurableObjectState` documentation](/durable-objects/api/state/).
### `Env`
A list of bindings which are available to the Durable Object.
## Related resources
- Refer to [Use WebSockets](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/) for more information on examples of WebSocket methods and best practices.
# Durable Object ID
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/api/id/
import { Render, Tabs, TabItem, GlossaryTooltip } from "~/components";
## Description
A Durable Object ID is a 64-digit hexadecimal number used to identify a Durable Object. Not all 64-digit hex numbers are valid IDs. Durable Object IDs are constructed indirectly via the [`DurableObjectNamespace`](/durable-objects/api/namespace) interface.
The `DurableObjectId` interface refers to a new or existing Durable Object. This interface is most frequently used by [`DurableObjectNamespace::get`](/durable-objects/api/namespace/#get) to obtain a [`DurableObjectStub`](/durable-objects/api/stub) for submitting requests to a Durable Object. Note that creating an ID for a Durable Object does not create the Durable Object. The Durable Object is created lazily after creating a stub from a `DurableObjectId`. This ensures that objects are not constructed until they are actually accessed.
If you are experiencing an issue with a particular Durable Object, you may wish to log the `DurableObjectId` from your Worker and include it in your Cloudflare support request.
## Methods
### `toString`
`toString` converts a `DurableObjectId` to a 64 digit hex string. This string is useful for logging purposes or storing the `DurableObjectId` elsewhere, for example, in a session cookie. This string can be used to reconstruct a `DurableObjectId` via `DurableObjectNamespace::idFromString`.
#### Parameters
- None.
#### Return values
- A 64 digit hex string.
### `equals`
`equals` is used to compare equality between two instances of `DurableObjectId`.
const id1 = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
const id2 = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
console.assert(!id1.equals(id2), "Different unique ids should never be equal.");
#### Parameters
- A required `DurableObjectId` to compare against.
#### Return values
- A boolean. True if equal and false otherwise.
## Properties
### `name`
`name` is an optional property of a `DurableObjectId`, which returns the name that was used to create the `DurableObjectId` via [`DurableObjectNamespace::idFromName`](/durable-objects/api/namespace/#idfromname). This value is undefined if the `DurableObjectId` was constructed using [`DurableObjectNamespace::newUniqueId`](/durable-objects/api/namespace/#newuniqueid).
const uniqueId = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
const fromNameId = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
console.assert(uniqueId.name === undefined, "unique ids have no name");
fromNameId.name === "foo",
"name matches parameter to idFromName",
## Related resources
- [Durable Objects: Easy, Fast, Correct – Choose Three](https://blog.cloudflare.com/durable-objects-easy-fast-correct-choose-three/).
# Workers Binding API
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/api/
import { DirectoryListing } from "~/components";
# SQL Storage
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/api/sql-storage/
import { Render, Type, MetaInfo, GlossaryTooltip } from "~/components";
The `SqlStorage` interface encapsulates methods that modify the SQLite database embedded within a Durable Object. The `SqlStorage` interface is accessible via the `sql` property of `DurableObjectStorage` class.
For example, using `sql.exec()`, a user can create a table, then insert rows into the table.
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
sql: SqlStorage;
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(ctx, env);
this.sql = ctx.storage.sql;
this.sql.exec(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS artist(
artistname TEXT
);INSERT INTO artist (artistid, artistname) VALUES
(123, 'Alice'),
(456, 'Bob'),
(789, 'Charlie');`
:::note[SQLite in Durable Objects Beta]
SQL API methods accessed with `ctx.storage.sql` are only allowed on [Durable Object classes with SQLite storage backend](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/#enable-sqlite-storage-backend-on-new-durable-object-class-migration) and will return an error if called on Durable Object classes with a key-value storage backend.
:::note[Writing to indexes or virtual tables]
When writing data, every index counts as an additional row. However, indexes may be beneficial for read-heavy use cases. Refer to [Index for SQLite Durable Objects](/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/#index-for-sqlite-durable-objects).
Writing data to [SQLite virtual tables](https://www.sqlite.org/vtab.html) also counts towards rows written.
Specifically for Durable Object classes with SQLite storage backend, KV operations which were previously asynchronous (for example, [`get`](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#get), [`put`](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#put), [`delete`](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#delete), [`deleteAll`](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#deleteall), [`list`](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#list)) are synchronous, even though they return promises. These methods will have completed their operations before they return the promise.
## Methods
### `exec`
exec(query: , ...bindings: )
#### Parameters
* `query`:
* The SQL query string to be executed. `query` can contain `?` placeholders for parameter bindings. Multiple SQL statements, separated with a semicolon, can be executed in the `query`. With multiple SQL statements, any parameter bindings are applied to the last SQL statement in the `query`, and the returned cursor is only for the last SQL statement.
* `...bindings`:
* Optional variable number of arguments that correspond to the `?` placeholders in `query`.
#### Returns
A cursor (`SqlStorageCursor`) to iterate over query row results as objects. `SqlStorageCursor` is a JavaScript [Iterable](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#the_iterable_protocol), which supports iteration using `for (let row of cursor)`. `SqlStorageCursor` is also a JavaScript [Iterator](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#the_iterator_protocol), which supports iteration using `cursor.next()`.
`SqlStorageCursor` supports the following methods:
* `next()`
* Returns an object representing the next value of the cursor. The returned object has `done` and `value` properties adhering to the JavaScript [Iterator](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#the_iterator_protocol). `done` is set to `false` when a next value is present, and `value` is set to the next row object in the query result. `done` is set to `true` when the entire cursor is consumed, and no `value` is set.
* `toArray()`
* Iterates through remaining cursor value(s) and returns an array of returned row objects.
* `one()`
* Returns a row object if query result has exactly one row. If query result has zero rows or more than one row, `one()` throws an exception.
* `raw()`:
* Returns an Iterator over the same query results, with each row as an array of column values (with no column names) rather than an object.
* Returned Iterator supports `next()`, `toArray()`, and `one()` methods above.
* Returned cursor and `raw()` iterator iterate over the same query results and can be combined. For example:
let cursor = this.sql.exec("SELECT * FROM artist ORDER BY artistname ASC;");
let rawResult = cursor.raw().next();
if (!rawResult.done) {
console.log(rawResult.value); // prints [ 123, 'Alice' ]
} else {
// query returned zero results
console.log(cursor.toArray()); // prints [{ artistid: 456, artistname: 'Bob' },{ artistid: 789, artistname: 'Charlie' }]
`SqlStorageCursor` had the following properties:
* `columnNames`:
* The column names of the query in the order they appear in each row array returned by the `raw` iterator.
* `rowsRead`:
* The number of rows read so far as part of this SQL `query`. This may increase as you iterate the cursor. The final value is used for [SQL billing](/durable-objects/platform/pricing/#sqlite-storage-backend).
* `rowsWritten`:
* The number of rows written so far as part of this SQL `query`. This may increase as you iterate the cursor. The final value is used for [SQL billing](/durable-objects/platform/pricing/#sqlite-storage-backend).
Note that `sql.exec()` cannot execute transaction-related statements like `BEGIN TRANSACTION` or `SAVEPOINT`. Instead, use the [`ctx.storage.transaction()`](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#transaction) or [`ctx.storage.transactionSync()`](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#transactionsync) APIs to start a transaction, and then execute SQL queries in your callback.
#### Examples
### `databaseSize`
#### Returns
The current SQLite database size in bytes.
let size = ctx.storage.sql.databaseSize;
## Point in time recovery
For [Durable Objects classes with SQL storage](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/#enable-sqlite-storage-backend-on-new-durable-object-class-migration), the following point-in-time-recovery (PITR) API methods are available to restore a Durable Object's embedded SQLite database to any point in time in the past 30 days. These methods apply to the entire SQLite database contents, including both the object's stored SQL data and stored key-value data using the key-value `put()` API. The PITR API is not supported in local development because a durable log of data changes is not stored locally.
The PITR API represents points in times using 'bookmarks'. A bookmark is a mostly alphanumeric string like `0000007b-0000b26e-00001538-0c3e87bb37b3db5cc52eedb93cd3b96b`. Bookmarks are designed to be lexically comparable: a bookmark representing an earlier point in time compares less than one representing a later point, using regular string comparison.
### `getCurrentBookmark`
* Returns a bookmark representing the current point in time in the object's history.
### `getBookmarkForTime`
ctx.storage.getBookmarkForTime(timestamp: )
* Returns a bookmark representing approximately the given point in time, which must be within the last 30 days. If the timestamp is represented as a number, it is converted to a date as if using `new Date(timestamp)`.
### `onNextSessionRestoreBookmark`
ctx.storage.onNextSessionRestoreBookmark(bookmark: )
* Configures the Durable Object so that the next time it restarts, it should restore its storage to exactly match what the storage contained at the given bookmark. After calling this, the application should typically invoke `ctx.abort()` to restart the Durable Object, thus completing the point-in-time recovery.
This method returns a special bookmark representing the point in time immediately before the recovery takes place (even though that point in time is still technically in the future). Thus, after the recovery completes, it can be undone by performing a second recovery to this bookmark.
let now = new Date();
// restore to 2 days ago
let bookmark = ctx.storage.getBookmarkForTime(now - 2);
## TypeScript and query results
You can use TypeScript [type parameters](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/generics.html#working-with-generic-type-variables) to provide a type for your results, allowing you to benefit from type hints and checks when iterating over the results of a query.
Providing a type parameter does _not_ validate that the query result matches your type definition. In TypeScript, properties (fields) that do not exist in your result type will be silently dropped.
Your type must conform to the shape of a TypeScript [Record](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/utility-types.html#recordkeys-type) type representing the name (`string`) of the column and the type of the column. The column type must be a valid `SqlStorageValue`: one of `ArrayBuffer | string | number | null`.
For example,
type User = {
id: string;
name: string;
email_address: string;
version: number;
This type can then be passed as the type parameter to a `sql.exec` call:
// The type parameter is passed between the "pointy brackets" before the function argument:
const result = this.ctx.storage.sql.exec("SELECT id, name, email_address, version FROM users WHERE id = ?", user_id).one()
// result will now have a type of "User"
// Alternatively, if you are iterating over results using a cursor
let cursor = this.sql.exec("SELECT id, name, email_address, version FROM users WHERE id = ?", user_id)
for (let row of cursor) {
// Each row object will be of type User
// Or, if you are using raw() to convert results into an array, define an array type:
type UserRow = [
id: string,
name: string,
email_address: string,
version: number,
// ... and then pass it as the type argument to the raw() method:
let cursor = sql.exec("SELECT id, name, email_address, version FROM users WHERE id = ?", user_id).raw();
for (let row of cursor) {
// row is of type User
You can represent the shape of any result type you wish, including more complex types. If you are performing a JOIN across multiple tables, you can compose a type that reflects the results of your queries.
# Durable Object Namespace
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/api/namespace/
import { Render, Tabs, TabItem, GlossaryTooltip } from "~/components";
## Description
A Durable Object namespace is a set of Durable Objects that are backed by the same Durable Object class. There is only one Durable Object namespace per class. A Durable Object namespace can contain any number of Durable Objects.
The `DurableObjectNamespace` interface is used to obtain a reference to new or existing Durable Objects. The interface is accessible from the fetch handler on a Cloudflare Worker via the `env` parameter, which is the standard interface when referencing bindings declared in the [Wrangler configuration file](/workers/wrangler/configuration/).
This interface defines several [methods](/durable-objects/api/namespace/#methods) that can be used to create an ID for a Durable Object. Note that creating an ID for a Durable Object does not create the Durable Object. The Durable Object is created lazily after calling [`DurableObjectNamespace::get`](/durable-objects/api/namespace/#get) to create a [`DurableObjectStub`](/durable-objects/api/stub) from a `DurableObjectId`. This ensures that objects are not constructed until they are actually accessed.
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
// Durable Object
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
// Every unique ID refers to an individual instance of the Durable Object class
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
// A stub is a client Object used to invoke methods defined by the Durable Object
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id);
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export interface Env {
MY_DURABLE_OBJECT: DurableObjectNamespace;
// Durable Object
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
// Every unique ID refers to an individual instance of the Durable Object class
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
// A stub is a client Object used to invoke methods defined by the Durable Object
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id);
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
## Methods
### `idFromName`
`idFromName` creates a unique [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) which refers to an individual instance of the Durable Object class. Named Durable Objects are the most common method of referring to Durable Objects.
const fooId = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
const barId = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("bar");
#### Parameters
- A required string to be used to generate a [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) corresponding to the name of a Durable Object.
#### Return values
- A [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) referring to an instance of a Durable Object class.
### `newUniqueId`
`newUniqueId` creates a randomly generated and unique [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) which refers to an individual instance of the Durable Object class. IDs created using `newUniqueId`, will need to be stored as a string in order to refer to the same Durable Object again in the future. For example, the ID can be stored in Workers KV, another Durable Object, or in a cookie in the user's browser.
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
const euId = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.newUniqueId({ jurisdiction: "eu" });
:::note[`newUniqueId` results in lower request latency at first use]
The first time you get a Durable Object stub based on an ID derived from a name, the system has to take into account the possibility that a Worker on the opposite side of the world could have coincidentally accessed the same named Durable Object at the same time. To guarantee that only one instance of the Durable Object is created, the system must check that the Durable Object has not been created anywhere else. Due to the inherent limit of the speed of light, this round-the-world check can take up to a few hundred milliseconds. `newUniqueId` can skip this check.
After this first use, the location of the Durable Object will be cached around the world so that subsequent lookups are faster.
#### Parameters
- An optional object with the key `jurisdiction` and value of a [jurisdiction](/durable-objects/reference/data-location/#restrict-durable-objects-to-a-jurisdiction) string.
#### Return values
- A [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) referring to an instance of the Durable Object class.
### `idFromString`
`idFromString` creates a [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) from a previously generated ID that has been converted to a string. This method throws an exception if the ID is invalid, for example, if the ID was not created from the same `DurableObjectNamespace`.
#### Parameters
- A required string corresponding to a [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) previously generated either by `newUniqueId` or `idFromName`.
#### Return values
- A [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) referring to an instance of a Durable Object class.
### `get`
`get` obtains a [`DurableObjectStub`](/durable-objects/api/stub) from a [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) which can be used to invoke methods on a Durable Object.
This method returns the stub immediately, often before a connection has been established to the Durable Object. This allows requests to be sent to the instance right away, without waiting for a network round trip.
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id);
#### Parameters
- A required [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id)
- An optional object with the key `locationHint` and value of a [locationHint](/durable-objects/reference/data-location/#provide-a-location-hint) string.
#### Return values
- A [`DurableObjectStub`](/durable-objects/api/stub) referring to an instance of a Durable Object class.
### `jurisdiction`
`jurisdiction` creates a subnamespace from a namespace where all Durable Object IDs and references created from that subnamespace will be restricted to the specified [jurisdiction](/durable-objects/reference/data-location/#restrict-durable-objects-to-a-jurisdiction).
const subnamespace = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.jurisdiction("foo");
const euId = subnamespace.idFromName("foo");
#### Parameters
- A required [jurisdiction](/durable-objects/reference/data-location/#restrict-durable-objects-to-a-jurisdiction) string.
#### Return values
- A `DurableObjectNamespace` scoped to a particular geographic jurisdiction.
## Related resources
- [Durable Objects: Easy, Fast, Correct – Choose Three](https://blog.cloudflare.com/durable-objects-easy-fast-correct-choose-three/).
# Durable Object Storage
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/api/storage-api/
import {
} from "~/components";
The Durable Object Storage API allows Durable Objects to access transactional and strongly consistent storage. A Durable Object's attached storage is private to its unique instance and cannot be accessed by other objects.
:::note[Scope of Durable Object storage]
Note that Durable Object storage is scoped by individual Durable Objects.
- An account can have many Durable Object namespaces.
- A namespace can have many Durable Objects.
However, storage is scoped per individual Durable Object.
Durable Objects gain access to a persistent Durable Object Storage API via the `DurableObjectStorage` interface and accessed by the `DurableObjectState::storage` property. This is frequently accessed via `this.ctx.storage` when the `ctx` parameter passed to the Durable Object constructor.
JavaScript is a single-threaded and event-driven programming language. This means that JavaScript runtimes, by default, allow requests to interleave with each other which can lead to concurrency bugs. The Durable Objects runtime uses a combination of input gates and output gates to avoid this type of concurrency bug when performing storage operations.
The following code snippet shows you how to store and retrieve data using the Durable Object Storage API.
export class Counter extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(ctx, env);
async increment(): Promise {
let value: number = (await this.ctx.storage.get('value')) || 0;
value += 1;
await this.ctx.storage.put('value', value);
return value;
## Methods
:::note[SQLite in Durable Objects Beta]
The new beta version of Durable Objects is available where each Durable Object has a private, embedded SQLite database. When deploying a new Durable Object class, users can [opt-in to a SQLite storage backend](/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/#sqlite-storage-backend) to access the new [SQL API](/durable-objects/api/sql-storage/#exec). Otherwise, a Durable Object class has a key-value storage backend.
The Durable Object Storage API comes with several methods, including key-value (KV) API, SQL API, and point-in-time-recovery (PITR) API.
- Durable Object classes with the default, key-value storage backend can use KV API.
- Durable Object classes with the [SQLite storage backend](/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/#sqlite-storage-backend) can use KV API, SQL API, and PITR API. KV API methods like `get()`, `put()`, `delete()`, or `list()` store data in a hidden SQLite table.
Each method is implicitly wrapped inside a transaction, such that its results are atomic and isolated from all other storage operations, even when accessing multiple key-value pairs.
### `get`
- get(key , options {" "})
- Retrieves the value associated with the given key. The type of the returned value will be whatever was previously written for the key, or undefined if the key does not exist.
- get(keys , options {" "})
- Retrieves the values associated with each of the provided keys. The type of each returned value in the [`Map`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Map) will be whatever was previously written for the corresponding key. Results in the `Map` will be sorted in increasing order of their UTF-8 encodings, with any requested keys that do not exist being omitted. Supports up to 128 keys at a time.
#### Supported options
- `allowConcurrency`:
- By default, the system will pause delivery of I/O events to the Object while a storage operation is in progress, in order to avoid unexpected race conditions. Pass `allowConcurrency: true` to opt out of this behavior and allow concurrent events to be delivered.
- `noCache`:
- If true, then the key/value will not be inserted into the in-memory cache. If the key is already in the cache, the cached value will be returned, but its last-used time will not be updated. Use this when you expect this key will not be used again in the near future. This flag is only a hint. This flag will never change the semantics of your code, but it may affect performance.
### `put`
- put(key , value , options{" "} )
- Stores the value and associates it with the given key. The value can be any type supported by the [structured clone algorithm](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Structured_clone_algorithm), which is true of most types. Keys are limited to a max size of 2,048 bytes and values are limited to 128 KiB (131,072 bytes).
- put(entries , options {" "})
- Takes an Object and stores each of its keys and values to storage.
- Each value can be any type supported by the [structured clone algorithm](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Structured_clone_algorithm), which is true of most types.
- Supports up to 128 key-value pairs at a time. Each key is limited to a maximum size of 2,048 bytes and each value is limited to 128 KiB (131,072 bytes).
### `delete`
- delete(key , options {" "})
- Deletes the key and associated value. Returns `true` if the key existed or `false` if it did not.
- delete(keys , options {" "})
- Deletes the provided keys and their associated values. Supports up to 128 keys at a time. Returns a count of the number of key-value pairs deleted.
### `deleteAll`
- deleteAll(options )
- Deletes all stored data, effectively deallocating all storage used by the Durable Object. For Durable Objects with a key-value storage backend, `deleteAll()` removes all keys and associated values for an individual Durable Object. For Durable Objects with a [SQLite storage backend](/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/#sqlite-storage-backend), `deleteAll()` removes the entire contents of a Durable Object's private SQLite database, including both SQL data and key-value data.
- For Durable Objects with a key-value storage backend, an in-progress `deleteAll()` operation can fail, which may leave a subset of data undeleted. Durable Objects with a SQLite storage backend do not have a partial `deleteAll()` issue because `deleteAll()` operations are atomic (all or nothing).
- `deleteAll()` does not proactively delete [Alarms](/durable-objects/api/alarms/). Use [`deleteAlarm()`](/durable-objects/api/alarms/#deletealarm) to delete an alarm.
#### Supported options
- `put()`, `delete()` and `deleteAll()` support the following options:
- `allowUnconfirmed`
- By default, the system will pause outgoing network messages from the Durable Object until all previous writes have been confirmed flushed to disk. If the write fails, the system will reset the Object, discard all outgoing messages, and respond to any clients with errors instead.
- This way, Durable Objects can continue executing in parallel with a write operation, without having to worry about prematurely confirming writes, because it is impossible for any external party to observe the Object's actions unless the write actually succeeds.
- After any write, subsequent network messages may be slightly delayed. Some applications may consider it acceptable to communicate on the basis of unconfirmed writes. Some programs may prefer to allow network traffic immediately. In this case, set `allowUnconfirmed` to `true` to opt out of the default behavior.
- If you want to allow some outgoing network messages to proceed immediately but not others, you can use the allowUnconfirmed option to avoid blocking the messages that you want to proceed and then separately call the [`sync()`](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#sync) method, which returns a promise that only resolves once all previous writes have successfully been persisted to disk.
- `noCache`
- If true, then the key/value will be discarded from memory as soon as it has completed writing to disk.
- Use `noCache` if the key will not be used again in the near future. `noCache` will never change the semantics of your code, but it may affect performance.
- If you use `get()` to retrieve the key before the write has completed, the copy from the write buffer will be returned, thus ensuring consistency with the latest call to `put()`.
:::note[Automatic write coalescing]
If you invoke `put()` (or `delete()`) multiple times without performing any `await` in the meantime, the operations will automatically be combined and submitted atomically. In case of a machine failure, either all of the writes will have been stored to disk or none of the writes will have been stored to disk.
:::note[Write buffer behavior]
The `put()` method returns a `Promise`, but most applications can discard this promise without using `await`. The `Promise` usually completes immediately, because `put()` writes to an in-memory write buffer that is flushed to disk asynchronously. However, if an application performs a large number of `put()` without waiting for any I/O, the write buffer could theoretically grow large enough to cause the isolate to exceed its 128 MB memory limit. To avoid this scenario, such applications should use `await` on the `Promise` returned by `put()`. The system will then apply backpressure onto the application, slowing it down so that the write buffer has time to flush. Using `await` will disable automatic write coalescing.
### `list`
- list(options )
- Returns all keys and values associated with the current Durable Object in ascending sorted order based on the keys' UTF-8 encodings.
- The type of each returned value in the [`Map`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Map) will be whatever was previously written for the corresponding key.
- Be aware of how much data may be stored in your Durable Object before calling this version of `list` without options because all the data will be loaded into the Durable Object's memory, potentially hitting its [limit](/durable-objects/platform/limits/). If that is a concern, pass options to `list` as documented below.
#### Supported options
- `start`
- Key at which the list results should start, inclusive.
- `startAfter`
- Key after which the list results should start, exclusive. Cannot be used simultaneously with `start`.
- `end`
- Key at which the list results should end, exclusive.
- `prefix`
- Restricts results to only include key-value pairs whose keys begin with the prefix.
- `reverse`
- If true, return results in descending order instead of the default ascending order.
- Enabling `reverse` does not change the meaning of `start`, `startKey`, or `endKey`. `start` still defines the smallest key in lexicographic order that can be returned (inclusive), effectively serving as the endpoint for a reverse-order list. `end` still defines the largest key in lexicographic order that the list should consider (exclusive), effectively serving as the starting point for a reverse-order list.
- `limit`
- Maximum number of key-value pairs to return.
- `allowConcurrency`
- Same as the option to `get()`, above.
- `noCache`
- Same as the option to `get()`, above.
### `transaction`
- `transaction(closureFunction(txn))`:
- Runs the sequence of storage operations called on `txn` in a single transaction that either commits successfully or aborts.
- Explicit transactions are no longer necessary. Any series of write operations with no intervening `await` will automatically be submitted atomically, and the system will prevent concurrent events from executing while `await` a read operation (unless you use `allowConcurrency: true`). Therefore, a series of reads followed by a series of writes (with no other intervening I/O) are automatically atomic and behave like a transaction.
- `txn`
- Provides access to the `put()`, `get()`, `delete()` and `list()` methods documented above to run in the current transaction context. In order to get transactional behavior within a transaction closure, you must call the methods on the `txn` Object instead of on the top-level `ctx.storage` Object.
Also supports a `rollback()` function that ensures any changes made during the transaction will be rolled back rather than committed. After `rollback()` is called, any subsequent operations on the `txn` Object will fail with an exception. `rollback()` takes no parameters and returns nothing to the caller.
* When using [the SQLite-backed storage engine](/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/#sqlite-storage-backend), the `txn` object is obsolete. Any storage operations performed directly on the `ctx.storage` object, including SQL queries using [`ctx.storage.sql.exec()`](/durable-objects/api/sql-storage/#exec), will be considered part of the transaction.
### `transactionSync`
- `transactionSync(callback)`:
- Only available when using [the SQLite-backed storage engine](/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/#sqlite-storage-backend).
- Invokes `callback()` wrapped in a transaction, and returns its result.
- If `callback()` throws an exception, the transaction will be rolled back.
* The callback must complete synchronously, that is, it should not be declared `async` nor otherwise return a Promise. Only synchronous storage operations can be part of the transaction. This is intended for use with SQL queries using [`ctx.storage.sql.exec()`](/durable-objects/api/sql-storage/#exec), which complete sychronously.
### `sync`
- `sync()`:
- Synchronizes any pending writes to disk.
- This is similar to normal behavior from automatic write coalescing. If there are any pending writes in the write buffer (including those submitted with [the `allowUnconfirmed` option](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#supported-options-1)), the returned promise will resolve when they complete. If there are no pending writes, the returned promise will be already resolved.
### `getAlarm`
- getAlarm(options )
- Retrieves the current alarm time (if set) as integer milliseconds since epoch. The alarm is considered to be set if it has not started, or if it has failed and any retry has not begun. If no alarm is set, `getAlarm()` returns `null`.
#### Supported options
- Same options as [`get()`](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#get), but without `noCache`.
### `setAlarm`
- setAlarm(scheduledTime , options{" "} )
- Sets the current alarm time, accepting either a JavaScript `Date`, or integer milliseconds since epoch.
If `setAlarm()` is called with a time equal to or before `Date.now()`, the alarm will be scheduled for asynchronous execution in the immediate future. If the alarm handler is currently executing in this case, it will not be canceled. Alarms can be set to millisecond granularity and will usually execute within a few milliseconds after the set time, but can be delayed by up to a minute due to maintenance or failures while failover takes place.
### `deleteAlarm`
- deleteAlarm(options )
- Deletes the alarm if one exists. Does not cancel the alarm handler if it is currently executing.
#### Supported options
- `setAlarm()` and `deleteAlarm()` support the same options as [`put()`](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#put), but without `noCache`.
## Properties
### `sql`
`sql` is a readonly property of type `DurableObjectStorage` encapsulating the [SQL API](/durable-objects/api/sql-storage/).
## Related resources
- [Durable Objects: Easy, Fast, Correct – Choose Three](https://blog.cloudflare.com/durable-objects-easy-fast-correct-choose-three/)
- [WebSockets API](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/)
# Durable Object State
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/api/state/
import { Tabs, TabItem, GlossaryTooltip, Type, MetaInfo } from "~/components";
## Description
The `DurableObjectState` interface is accessible as an instance property on the Durable Object class. This interface encapsulates methods that modify the state of a Durable Object, for example which WebSockets are attached to a Durable Object or how the runtime should handle concurrent Durable Object requests.
The `DurableObjectState` interface is different from the Storage API in that it does not have top-level methods which manipulate persistent application data. These methods are instead encapsulated in the [`DurableObjectStorage`](/durable-objects/api/storage-api) interface and accessed by [`DurableObjectState::storage`](/durable-objects/api/state/#storage).
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
// Durable Object
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
// DurableObjectState is accessible via the ctx instance property
constructor(ctx, env) {
super(ctx, env);
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export interface Env {
MY_DURABLE_OBJECT: DurableObjectNamespace;
// Durable Object
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
// DurableObjectState is accessible via the ctx instance property
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(ctx, env);
## Methods
### `waitUntil`
`waitUntil` waits until the promise which is passed as a parameter resolves and can extend a request context up to 30 seconds after the last client disconnects.
:::note[`waitUntil` is not necessary]
The request context for a Durable Objects extends at least 60 seconds after the last client disconnects. So `waitUntil` is not necessary. It remains part of the `DurableObjectState` interface to remain compatible with [Workers Runtime APIs](/workers/runtime-apis/context/#waituntil).
#### Parameters
- A required promise of any type.
#### Return values
- None.
### `blockConcurrencyWhile`
`blockConcurrencyWhile` executes an async callback while blocking any other events from being delivered to the Durable Object until the callback completes. This method guarantees ordering and prevents concurrent requests. All events that were not explicitly initiated as part of the callback itself will be blocked. Once the callback completes, all other events will be delivered.
`blockConcurrencyWhile` is commonly used within the constructor of the Durable Object class to enforce initialization to occur before any requests are delivered. Another use case is executing `async` operations based on the current state of the Durable Object and using `blockConcurrencyWhile` to prevent that state from changing while yielding the event loop.
If the callback throws an exception, the object will be terminated and reset. This ensures that the object cannot be left stuck in an uninitialized state if something fails unexpectedly. To avoid this behavior, enclose the body of your callback in a `try...catch` block to ensure it cannot throw an exception.
To help mitigate deadlocks there is a 30 second timeout applied when executing the callback. If this timeout is exceeded, the Durable Object will be reset. It is best practice to have the callback do as little work as possible to improve overall request throughput to the Durable Object.
// Durable Object
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
initialized = false;
constructor(ctx, env) {
super(ctx, env);
// blockConcurrencyWhile will ensure that initialized will always be true
this.ctx.blockConcurrencyWhile(async () => {
this.initialized = true;
#### Parameters
- A required callback which returns a `Promise`.
#### Return values
- A `Promise` returned by the callback.
### `acceptWebSocket`
`acceptWebSocket` is part of the [WebSocket Hibernation API](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/#websocket-hibernation-api), which allows a Durable Object to be removed from memory to save costs while keeping its WebSockets connected.
`acceptWebSocket` adds a WebSocket to the set of WebSockets attached to the Durable Object. Once called, any incoming messages will be delivered by calling the Durable Object's `webSocketMessage` handler, and `webSocketClose` will be invoked upon disconnect. After calling `acceptWebSocket`, the WebSocket is accepted and its `send` and `close` methods can be used.
The [WebSocket Hibernation API](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/#websocket-hibernation-api) takes the place of the standard [WebSockets API](/workers/runtime-apis/websockets/). Therefore, `ws.accept` must not have been called separately and `ws.addEventListener` method will not receive events as they will instead be delivered to the Durable Object.
The WebSocket Hibernation API permits a maximum of 32,768 WebSocket connections per Durable Object, but the CPU and memory usage of a given workload may further limit the practical number of simultaneous connections.
#### Parameters
- A required `WebSocket` with name `ws`.
- An optional `Array` of associated tags. Tags can be used to retrieve WebSockets via [`DurableObjectState::getWebSockets`](/durable-objects/api/state/#getwebsockets). Each tag is a maximum of 256 characters and there can be at most 10 tags associated with a WebSocket.
#### Return values
- None.
### `getWebSockets`
`getWebSockets` is part of the [WebSocket Hibernation API](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/#websocket-hibernation-api), which allows a Durable Object to be removed from memory to save costs while keeping its WebSockets connected.
`getWebSockets` returns an `Array` which is the set of WebSockets attached to the Durable Object. An optional tag argument can be used to filter the list according to tags supplied when calling [`DurableObjectState::acceptWebSocket`](/durable-objects/api/state/#acceptwebsocket).
:::note[`waitUntil` is not necessary]
Disconnected WebSockets are not returned by this method, but `getWebSockets` may still return WebSockets even after `ws.close` has been called. For example, if the server-side WebSocket sends a close, but does not receive one back (and has not detected a disconnect from the client), then the connection is in the CLOSING 'readyState'. The client might send more messages, so the WebSocket is technically not disconnected.
#### Parameters
- An optional tag of type `string`.
#### Return values
- An `Array`.
### `setWebSocketAutoResponse`
`setWebSocketAutoResponse` is part of the [WebSocket Hibernation API](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/#websocket-hibernation-api), which allows a Durable Object to be removed from memory to save costs while keeping its WebSockets connected.
`setWebSocketAutoResponse` sets an automatic response, auto-response, for the request provided for all WebSockets attached to the Durable Object. If a request is received matching the provided request then the auto-response will be returned without waking WebSockets in hibernation and incurring billable duration charges.
`setWebSocketAutoResponse` is a common alternative to setting up a server for static ping/pong messages because this can be handled without waking hibernating WebSockets.
#### Parameters
- An optional `WebSocketRequestResponsePair(request string, response string)` enabling any WebSocket accepted via [`DurableObjectState::acceptWebSocket`](/durable-objects/api/state/#acceptwebsocket) to automatically reply to the provided response when it receives the provided request. Both request and response are limited to 2,048 characters each. If the parameter is omitted, any previously set auto-response configuration will be removed. [`DurableObjectState::getWebSocketAutoResponseTimestamp`](/durable-objects/api/state/#getwebsocketautoresponsetimestamp) will still reflect the last timestamp that an auto-response was sent.
#### Return values
- None.
### `getWebSocketAutoResponse`
`getWebSocketAutoResponse` returns the `WebSocketRequestResponsePair` object last set by [`DurableObjectState::setWebSocketAutoResponse`](/durable-objects/api/state/#setwebsocketautoresponse), or null if not auto-response has been set.
:::note[inspect `WebSocketRequestResponsePair`]
`WebSocketRequestResponsePair` can be inspected further by calling `getRequest` and `getResponse` methods.
#### Parameters
- None.
#### Return values
- A `WebSocketRequestResponsePair` or null.
### `getWebSocketAutoResponseTimestamp`
`getWebSocketAutoResponseTimestamp` is part of the [WebSocket Hibernation API](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/#websocket-hibernation-api), which allows a Durable Object to be removed from memory to save costs while keeping its WebSockets connected.
`getWebSocketAutoResponseTimestamp` gets the most recent `Date` on which the given WebSocket sent an auto-response, or null if the given WebSocket never sent an auto-response.
#### Parameters
- A required `WebSocket`.
#### Return values
- A `Date` or null.
### `setHibernatableWebSocketEventTimeout`
`setHibernatableWebSocketEventTimeout` is part of the [WebSocket Hibernation API](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/#websocket-hibernation-api), which allows a Durable Object to be removed from memory to save costs while keeping its WebSockets connected.
`setHibernatableWebSocketEventTimeout` sets the maximum amount of time in milliseconds that a WebSocket event can run for.
If no parameter or a parameter of `0` is provided and a timeout has been previously set, then the timeout will be unset. The maximum value of timeout is 604,800,000 ms (7 days).
#### Parameters
- An optional `number`.
#### Return values
- None.
### `getHibernatableWebSocketEventTimeout`
`getHibernatableWebSocketEventTimeout` is part of the [WebSocket Hibernation API](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/#websocket-hibernation-api), which allows a Durable Object to be removed from memory to save costs while keeping its WebSockets connected.
`getHibernatableWebSocketEventTimeout` gets the currently set hibernatable WebSocket event timeout if one has been set via [`DurableObjectState::setHibernatableWebSocketEventTimeout`](/durable-objects/api/state/#sethibernatablewebsocketeventtimeout).
#### Parameters
- None.
#### Return values
- A number, or null if the timeout has not been set.
### `getTags`
`getTags` is part of the [WebSocket Hibernation API](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/#websocket-hibernation-api), which allows a Durable Object to be removed from memory to save costs while keeping its WebSockets connected.
`getTags` returns tags associated with a given WebSocket. This method throws an exception if the WebSocket has not been associated with the Durable Object via [`DurableObjectState::acceptWebSocket`](/durable-objects/api/state/#acceptwebsocket).
#### Parameters
- A required `WebSocket`.
#### Return values
- An `Array` of tags.
### `abort`
`abort` is used to forcibly reset a Durable Object. A JavaScript `Error` with the message passed as a parameter will be logged. This error is not able to be caught within the application code.
// Durable Object
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(ctx, env);
async sayHello() {
// Error: Hello, World! will be logged
this.ctx.abort("Hello, World!");
:::caution[Not available in local development]
`abort` is not available in local development with the `wrangler dev` CLI command.
#### Parameters
- An optional `string` .
#### Return values
- None.
## Properties
### `id`
`id` is a readonly property of type `DurableObjectId` corresponding to the [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) of the Durable Object.
### `storage`
`storage` is a readonly property of type `DurableObjectStorage` encapsulating the [Storage API](/durable-objects/api/storage-api).
## Related resources
- [Durable Objects: Easy, Fast, Correct – Choose Three](https://blog.cloudflare.com/durable-objects-easy-fast-correct-choose-three/).
# Durable Object Stub
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/api/stub/
import { Render, GlossaryTooltip } from "~/components";
## Description
The `DurableObjectStub` interface is a client used to invoke methods on a remote Durable Object. The type of `DurableObjectStub` is generic to allow for RPC methods to be invoked on the stub.
Durable Objects implement E-order semantics, a concept deriving from the [E distributed programming language](). When you make multiple calls to the same Durable Object, it is guaranteed that the calls will be delivered to the remote Durable Object in the order in which you made them. E-order semantics makes many distributed programming problems easier. E-order is implemented by the [Cap'n Proto](https://capnproto.org) distributed object-capability RPC protocol, which Cloudflare Workers uses for internal communications.
If an exception is thrown by a Durable Object stub all in-flight calls and future calls will fail with [exceptions](/durable-objects/observability/troubleshooting/). To continue invoking methods on a remote Durable Object a Worker must recreate the stub. There are no ordering guarantees between different stubs.
## Properties
### `id`
`id` is a property of the `DurableObjectStub` corresponding to the [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) used to create the stub.
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id);
console.assert(id.equals(stub.id), "This should always be true");
### `name`
`name` is an optional property of a `DurableObjectStub`, which returns the name that was used to create the [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) via [`DurableObjectNamespace::idFromName`](/durable-objects/api/namespace/#idfromname) which was then used to create the `DurableObjectStub`. This value is undefined if the [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) used to create the `DurableObjectStub` was constructed using [`DurableObjectNamespace::newUniqueId`](/durable-objects/api/namespace/#newuniqueid).
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id);
console.assert(stub.name === "foo", "This should always be true");
## Related resources
- [Durable Objects: Easy, Fast, Correct – Choose Three](https://blog.cloudflare.com/durable-objects-easy-fast-correct-choose-three/).
# WebGPU
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/api/webgpu/
The WebGPU API is only available in local development. You cannot deploy Durable Objects to Cloudflare that rely on the WebGPU API. See [Workers AI](/workers-ai/) for information on running machine learning models on the GPUs in Cloudflare's global network.
The [WebGPU API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGPU_API) allows you to use the GPU directly from JavaScript.
The WebGPU API is only accessible from within [Durable Objects](/durable-objects/). You cannot use the WebGPU API from within Workers.
To use the WebGPU API in local development, enable the `experimental` and `webgpu` [compatibility flags](/workers/configuration/compatibility-flags/) in the [Wrangler configuration file](/workers/wrangler/configuration/) of your Durable Object.
compatibility_flags = ["experimental", "webgpu"]
The following subset of the WebGPU API is available from within Durable Objects:
| API | Supported? | Notes |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------- | ----- |
| [`navigator.gpu`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/gpu) | ✅ | |
| [`GPU.requestAdapter`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPU/requestAdapter) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUAdapterInfo`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUAdapterInfo) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUAdapter`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUAdapter) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUBindGroupLayout`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUBindGroupLayout) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUBindGroup`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUBindGroup) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUBuffer`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUBuffer) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUCommandBuffer`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUCommandBuffer) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUCommandEncoder`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUCommandEncoder) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUComputePassEncoder`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUComputePassEncoder) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUComputePipeline`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUComputePipeline) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUComputePipelineError`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUPipelineError) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUDevice`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUDevice) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUOutOfMemoryError`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUOutOfMemoryError) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUValidationError`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUValidationError) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUInternalError`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUInternalError) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUDeviceLostInfo`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUDeviceLostInfo) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUPipelineLayout`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUPipelineLayout) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUQuerySet`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUQuerySet) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUQueue`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUQueue) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUSampler`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUSampler) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUCompilationMessage`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUCompilationMessage) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUShaderModule`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUShaderModule) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUSupportedFeatures`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUSupportedFeatures) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUSupportedLimits`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUSupportedLimits) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUMapMode`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGPU_API#reading_the_results_back_to_javascript) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUShaderStage`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGPU_API#create_a_bind_group_layout) | ✅ | |
| [`GPUUncapturedErrorEvent`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUUncapturedErrorEvent) | ✅ | |
The following subset of the WebGPU API is not yet supported:
| API | Supported? | Notes |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | ----- |
| [`GPU.getPreferredCanvasFormat`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPU/getPreferredCanvasFormat) | | |
| [`GPURenderBundle`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPURenderBundle) | | |
| [`GPURenderBundleEncoder`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPURenderBundleEncoder) | | |
| [`GPURenderPassEncoder`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPURenderPassEncoder) | | |
| [`GPURenderPipeline`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPURenderPipeline) | | |
| [`GPUShaderModule`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUShaderModule) | | |
| [`GPUTexture`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUTexture) | | |
| [`GPUTextureView`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUTextureView) | | |
| [`GPUExternalTexture`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUExternalTexture) | | |
## Examples
- [workers-wonnx](https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-wonnx/) — Image classification, running on a GPU via the WebGPU API, using the [wonnx](https://github.com/webonnx/wonnx) model inference runtime.
# Access Durable Objects Storage
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/
import { Render, GlossaryTooltip, WranglerConfig } from "~/components";
Durable Objects are a powerful compute API that provides a compute with storage building block. Each Durable Object has its own private, transactional and strongly consistent storage. Durable Objects Storage API provides access to a Durable Object's attached storage.
A Durable Object's [in-memory state](/durable-objects/reference/in-memory-state/) is preserved as long as the Durable Object is not evicted from memory. Inactive Durable Objects with no incoming request traffic can be evicted. There are normal operations like [code deployments](/workers/configuration/versions-and-deployments/) that trigger Durable Objects to restart and lose their in-memory state. For these reasons, you should use Storage API to persist state durably on disk that needs to survive eviction or restart of Durable Objects.
## Access storage
By default, a Durable Object class leverages a key-value storage backend. New Durable Object classes can opt-in to using a [SQLite storage backend](/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/#sqlite-storage-backend).
[Storage API methods](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#methods) are available on `ctx.storage` parameter passed to the Durable Object constructor. Storage API has key-value APIs and SQL APIs. Only Durable Object classes with a SQLite storage backend can access SQL API.
A common pattern is to initialize a Durable Object from [persistent storage](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/) and set instance variables the first time it is accessed. Since future accesses are routed to the same Durable Object, it is then possible to return any initialized values without making further calls to persistent storage.
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class Counter extends DurableObject {
value: number;
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(ctx, env);
// `blockConcurrencyWhile()` ensures no requests are delivered until
// initialization completes.
ctx.blockConcurrencyWhile(async () => {
// After initialization, future reads do not need to access storage.
this.value = (await ctx.storage.get("value")) || 0;
async getCounterValue() {
return this.value;
### Removing a Durable Object's storage
A Durable Object fully ceases to exist if, when it shuts down, its storage is empty. If you never write to a Durable Object's storage at all (including setting alarms), then storage remains empty, and so the Durable Object will no longer exist once it shuts down.
However if you ever write using [Storage API](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/), including setting alarms, then you must explicitly call [`storage.deleteAll()`](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#deleteall) to empty storage. It is not sufficient to simply delete the specific data that you wrote, such as deleting a key or dropping a table, as some metadata may remain. The only way to remove all storage is to call `deleteAll()`. Calling `deleteAll()` ensures that a Durable Object will not be billed for storage.
## SQLite storage backend
:::note[SQLite in Durable Objects Beta]
The new beta version of Durable Objects is available where each Durable Object has a private, embedded SQLite database. When deploying a new Durable Object class, users can opt-in to a SQLite storage backend in order to access new [SQL API](/durable-objects/api/sql-storage/#exec). Otherwise, a Durable Object class has a key-value storage backend.
To allow a new Durable Object class to use SQLite storage backend, use `new_sqlite_classes` on the migration in your Worker's Wrangler file:
tag = "v1" # Should be unique for each entry
new_sqlite_classes = ["MyDurableObject"] # Array of new classes
[SQL API](/durable-objects/api/sql-storage/#exec) is available on `ctx.storage.sql` parameter passed to the Durable Object constructor.
### Examples
## Index for SQLite Durable Objects
Creating indexes for your most queried tables and filtered columns reduces how much data is scanned and improves query performance at the same time. If you have a read-heavy workload (most common), this can be particularly advantageous. Writing to columns referenced in an index will add at least one (1) additional row written to account for updating the index, but this is typically offset by the reduction in rows read due to the benefits of an index.
## Related resources
* [Zero-latency SQLite storage in every Durable Object blog post](https://blog.cloudflare.com/sqlite-in-durable-objects)
# Invoking methods
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/best-practices/create-durable-object-stubs-and-send-requests/
import { Render, Tabs, TabItem, GlossaryTooltip } from "~/components";
## Invoking methods on a Durable Object
All new projects and existing projects with a compatibility date greater than or equal to [`2024-04-03`](/workers/configuration/compatibility-flags/#durable-object-stubs-and-service-bindings-support-rpc) should prefer to invoke [Remote Procedure Call (RPC)](/workers/runtime-apis/rpc/) methods defined on a Durable Object class. Legacy projects can continue to invoke the `fetch` handler on the Durable Object class indefinitely.
### Invoke RPC methods
By writing a Durable Object class which inherits from the built-in type `DurableObject`, public methods on the Durable Objects class are exposed as [RPC methods](/workers/runtime-apis/rpc/), which you can call using a [DurableObjectStub](/durable-objects/api/stub) from a Worker.
All RPC calls are [asynchronous](/workers/runtime-apis/rpc/lifecycle/), accept and return [serializable types](/workers/runtime-apis/rpc/), and [propagate exceptions](/workers/runtime-apis/rpc/error-handling/) to the caller without a stack trace. Refer to [Workers RPC](/workers/runtime-apis/rpc/) for complete details.
With RPC, the `DurableObject` superclass defines `ctx` and `env` as class properties. What was previously called `state` is now called `ctx` when you extend the `DurableObject` class. The name `ctx` is adopted rather than `state` for the `DurableObjectState` interface to be consistent between `DurableObject` and `WorkerEntrypoint` objects.
Refer to [Build a Counter](/durable-objects/examples/build-a-counter/) for a complete example.
### Invoking the `fetch` handler
If your project is stuck on a compatibility date before [`2024-04-03`](/workers/configuration/compatibility-flags/#durable-object-stubs-and-service-bindings-support-rpc), or has the need to send a [`Request`](/workers/runtime-apis/request/) object and return a `Response` object, then you should send requests to a Durable Object via the fetch handler.
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
// Durable Object
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx, env) {
super(ctx, env);
async fetch(request) {
return new Response("Hello, World!");
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
// Every unique ID refers to an individual instance of the Durable Object class
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
// A stub is a client used to invoke methods on the Durable Object
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id);
// Methods on the Durable Object are invoked via the stub
const response = await stub.fetch(request);
return response;
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export interface Env {
MY_DURABLE_OBJECT: DurableObjectNamespace;
// Durable Object
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(ctx, env);
async fetch(request: Request): Promise {
return new Response("Hello, World!");
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
// Every unique ID refers to an individual instance of the Durable Object class
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
// A stub is a client used to invoke methods on the Durable Object
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id);
// Methods on the Durable Object are invoked via the stub
const response = await stub.fetch(request);
return response;
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
The `URL` associated with the [`Request`](/workers/runtime-apis/request/) object passed to the `fetch()` handler of your Durable Object must be a well-formed URL, but does not have to be a publicly-resolvable hostname.
Without RPC, customers frequently construct requests which corresponded to private methods on the Durable Object and dispatch requests from the `fetch` handler. RPC is obviously more ergonomic in this example.
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
// Durable Object
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(ctx, env);
private hello(name) {
return new Response(`Hello, ${name}!`);
private goodbye(name) {
return new Response(`Goodbye, ${name}!`);
async fetch(request) {
const url = new URL(request.url);
let name = url.searchParams.get("name");
if (!name) {
name = "World";
switch (url.pathname) {
case "/hello":
return this.hello(name);
case "/goodbye":
return this.goodbye(name);
return new Response("Bad Request", { status: 400 });
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(_request, env, _ctx) {
// Every unique ID refers to an individual instance of the Durable Object class
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
// A stub is a client used to invoke methods on the Durable Object
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id);
// Invoke the fetch handler on the Durable Object stub
let response = await stub.fetch("http://do/hello?name=World");
return response;
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export interface Env {
MY_DURABLE_OBJECT: DurableObjectNamespace;
// Durable Object
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(ctx, env);
private hello(name: string) {
return new Response(`Hello, ${name}!`);
private goodbye(name: string) {
return new Response(`Goodbye, ${name}!`);
async fetch(request: Request): Promise {
const url = new URL(request.url);
let name = url.searchParams.get("name");
if (!name) {
name = "World";
switch (url.pathname) {
case "/hello":
return this.hello(name);
case "/goodbye":
return this.goodbye(name);
return new Response("Bad Request", { status: 400 });
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(_request, env, _ctx) {
// Every unique ID refers to an individual instance of the Durable Object class
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
// A stub is a client used to invoke methods on the Durable Object
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id);
// Invoke the fetch handler on the Durable Object stub
let response = await stub.fetch("http://do/hello?name=World");
return response;
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
# Error handling
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/best-practices/error-handling/
import { GlossaryTooltip } from "~/components";
Any uncaught exceptions thrown by a Durable Object or thrown by Durable Objects' infrastructure (such as overloads or network errors) will be propagated to the callsite of the client. Catching these exceptions allows you to retry creating the [`DurableObjectStub`](/durable-objects/api/stub) and sending requests.
JavaScript Errors with the property `.retryable` set to True are suggested to be retried if requests to the Durable Object are idempotent, or can be applied multiple times without changing the response. If requests are not idempotent, then you will need to decide what is best for your application.
JavaScript Errors with the property `.overloaded` set to True should not be retried. If a Durable Object is overloaded, then retrying will worsen the overload and increase the overall error rate.
It is strongly recommended to retry requests following the exponential backoff algorithm in production code when the error properties indicate that it is safe to do so.
## How exceptions are thrown
Durable Objects can throw exceptions in one of two ways:
- An exception can be thrown within the user code which implements a Durable Object class. The resulting exception will have a `.remote` property set to `True` in this case.
- An exception can be generated by Durable Object's infrastructure. Some sources of infrastructure exceptions include: transient internal errors, sending too many requests to a single Durable Object, and too many requests being queued due to slow or excessive I/O (external API calls or storage operations) within an individual Durable Object. Some infrastructure exceptions may also have the `.remote` property set to `True` -- for example, when the Durable Object exceeds its memory or CPU limits.
Refer to [Troubleshooting](/durable-objects/observability/troubleshooting/) to review the types of errors returned by a Durable Object and/or Durable Objects infrastructure and how to prevent them.
## Example
This example demonstrates retrying requests using the recommended exponential backoff algorithm.
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export interface Env {
ErrorThrowingObject: DurableObjectNamespace;
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
let userId = new URL(request.url).searchParams.get("userId") || "";
const id = env.ErrorThrowingObject.idFromName(userId);
// Retry behavior can be adjusted to fit your application.
let maxAttempts = 3;
let baseBackoffMs = 100;
let maxBackoffMs = 20000;
let attempt = 0;
while (true) {
// Try sending the request
try {
// Create a Durable Object stub for each attempt, because certain types of
// errors will break the Durable Object stub.
const doStub = env.ErrorThrowingObject.get(id);
const resp = await doStub.fetch("http://your-do/");
return Response.json(resp);
} catch (e: any) {
if (!e.retryable) {
// Failure was not a transient internal error, so don't retry.
let backoffMs = Math.min(
baseBackoffMs * Math.random() * Math.pow(2, attempt),
attempt += 1;
if (attempt >= maxAttempts) {
// Reached max attempts, so don't retry.
await scheduler.wait(backoffMs);
return new Response("server error", { status: 500 });
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
export class ErrorThrowingObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(state: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(state, env);
// Any exceptions that are raised in your constructor will also set the
// .remote property to True
throw new Error("no good");
async fetch(req: Request) {
// Generate an uncaught exception
// A .remote property will be added to the exception propagated to the caller
// and will be set to True
throw new Error("example error");
// We never reach this
return Response.json({});
# Best practices
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/best-practices/
import { DirectoryListing } from "~/components";
# Using WebSockets
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/
import { Tabs, TabItem, GlossaryTooltip, Type } from "~/components";
WebSockets are long-lived TCP connections that enable bi-directional, real-time communication between client and server. Both Cloudflare Durable Objects and Workers can act as WebSocket endpoints – either as a client or as a server. Because WebSocket sessions are long-lived, applications commonly use Durable Objects to accept either the client or server connection. While there are other use cases for using Workers exclusively with WebSockets, for example proxying WebSocket messages, WebSockets are most useful when combined with Durable Objects.
Because Durable Objects provide a single-point-of-coordination between [Cloudflare Workers](/workers/), a single Durable Object instance can be used in parallel with WebSockets to coordinate between multiple clients, such as participants in a chat room or a multiplayer game. Refer to [Cloudflare Edge Chat Demo](https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-chat-demo) for an example of using Durable Objects with WebSockets.
Both Cloudflare Durable Objects and Workers can use the [Web Standard WebSocket API](/workers/runtime-apis/websockets/) to build applications, but a major differentiator of Cloudflare Durable Objects relative to other platforms is the ability to Hibernate WebSocket connections to save costs.
This guide covers:
1. Building a WebSocket server using Web Standard APIs
2. Using WebSocket Hibernation APIs.
## WebSocket Standard API
WebSocket connections are established by making an HTTP GET request with the `Upgrade: websocket` header. A Cloudflare Worker is commonly used to validate the request, proxy the request to the Durable Object to accept the server side connection, and return the client side connection in the response.
:::note[Validate requests in a Worker]
Both Workers and Durable Objects are billed, in part, based on the number of requests they receive. To avoid being billed for requests against a Durable Object for invalid requests, be sure to validate requests in your Worker.
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
if (request.method === "GET" && request.url.endsWith("/websocket")) {
// Expect to receive a WebSocket Upgrade request.
// If there is one, accept the request and return a WebSocket Response.
const upgradeHeader = request.headers.get("Upgrade");
if (!upgradeHeader || upgradeHeader !== "websocket") {
return new Response(null, {
status: 426,
statusText: "Durable Object expected Upgrade: websocket",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
// This example will refer to a single Durable Object instance, since the name "foo" is
// hardcoded
let id = env.WEBSOCKET_SERVER.idFromName("foo");
let stub = env.WEBSOCKET_SERVER.get(id);
// The Durable Object's fetch handler will accept the server side connection and return
// the client
return stub.fetch(request);
return new Response(null, {
status: 400,
statusText: "Bad Request",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx): Promise {
if (request.method === "GET" && request.url.endsWith("/websocket")) {
// Expect to receive a WebSocket Upgrade request.
// If there is one, accept the request and return a WebSocket Response.
const upgradeHeader = request.headers.get("Upgrade");
if (!upgradeHeader || upgradeHeader !== "websocket") {
return new Response(null, {
status: 426,
statusText: "Durable Object expected Upgrade: websocket",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
// This example will refer to a single Durable Object instance, since the name "foo" is
// hardcoded
let id = env.WEBSOCKET_SERVER.idFromName("foo");
let stub = env.WEBSOCKET_SERVER.get(id);
// The Durable Object's fetch handler will accept the server side connection and return
// the client
return stub.fetch(request);
return new Response(null, {
status: 400,
statusText: "Bad Request",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
Each WebSocket server in this example is represented by a Durable Object. This WebSocket server creates a single WebSocket connection and responds to all messages over that connection with the total number of accepted WebSocket connections. In the Durable Object's fetch handler we create client and server connections and add event listeners for relevant event types.
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
// Durable Object
export class WebSocketServer extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx, env) {
// This is reset whenever the constructor runs because
// regular WebSockets do not survive Durable Object resets.
// WebSockets accepted via the Hibernation API can survive
// a certain type of eviction, but we will not cover that here.
super(ctx, env);
this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets = 0;
async fetch(request) {
// Creates two ends of a WebSocket connection.
const webSocketPair = new WebSocketPair();
const [client, server] = Object.values(webSocketPair);
// Calling `accept()` tells the runtime that this WebSocket is to begin terminating
// request within the Durable Object. It has the effect of "accepting" the connection,
// and allowing the WebSocket to send and receive messages.
this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets += 1;
// Upon receiving a message from the client, the server replies with the same message,
// and the total number of connections with the "[Durable Object]: " prefix
server.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
`[Durable Object] currentlyConnectedWebSockets: ${this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets}`,
// If the client closes the connection, the runtime will close the connection too.
server.addEventListener("close", (cls) => {
this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets -= 1;
server.close(cls.code, "Durable Object is closing WebSocket");
return new Response(null, {
status: 101,
webSocket: client,
// Durable Object
export class WebSocketServer extends DurableObject {
currentlyConnectedWebSockets: number;
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
// This is reset whenever the constructor runs because
// regular WebSockets do not survive Durable Object resets.
// WebSockets accepted via the Hibernation API can survive
// a certain type of eviction, but we will not cover that here.
super(ctx, env);
this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets = 0;
async fetch(request: Request): Promise {
// Creates two ends of a WebSocket connection.
const webSocketPair = new WebSocketPair();
const [client, server] = Object.values(webSocketPair);
// Calling `accept()` tells the runtime that this WebSocket is to begin terminating
// request within the Durable Object. It has the effect of "accepting" the connection,
// and allowing the WebSocket to send and receive messages.
this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets += 1;
// Upon receiving a message from the client, the server replies with the same message,
// and the total number of connections with the "[Durable Object]: " prefix
server.addEventListener("message", (event: MessageEvent) => {
`[Durable Object] currentlyConnectedWebSockets: ${this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets}`,
// If the client closes the connection, the runtime will close the connection too.
server.addEventListener("close", (cls: CloseEvent) => {
this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets -= 1;
server.close(cls.code, "Durable Object is closing WebSocket");
return new Response(null, {
status: 101,
webSocket: client,
To execute this code, configure your Wrangler file to include a Durable Object [binding](/durable-objects/get-started/tutorial/#5-configure-durable-object-bindings) and [migration](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/) based on the namespace and class name chosen previously.
```toml title="wrangler.toml"
name = "websocket-server"
class_name = "WebSocketServer"
tag = "v1"
new_classes = ["WebSocketServer"]
A full example can be found in [Build a WebSocket server](/durable-objects/examples/websocket-server/).
:::caution[WebSockets disconnection]
Code updates will disconnect all WebSockets. If you deploy a new version of a Worker, every Durable Object is restarted. Any connections to old Durable Objects will be disconnected.
## WebSocket Hibernation API
In addition to [Workers WebSocket API](/workers/runtime-apis/websockets/), Cloudflare Durable Objects can use the WebSocket Hibernation API which extends the Web Standard WebSocket API to reduce costs. Specifically, [billable Duration (GB-s) charges](/durable-objects/platform/pricing/) are not incurred during periods of inactivity. Note that other events, for example [alarms](/durable-objects/api/alarms/), can prevent a Durable Object from being inactive and therefore prevent this cost saving.
The WebSocket consists of Cloudflare-specific extensions to the Web Standard WebSocket API. These extensions are either present on the [DurableObjectState](/durable-objects/api/state) interface, or as handler methods on the Durable Object class.
Hibernation is only supported when a Durable Object acts as a WebSocket server. Currently, outgoing WebSockets cannot hibernate.
The Worker used in the WebSocket Standard API example does not require any code changes to make use of the WebSocket Hibernation API. The changes to the Durable Object are described in the code sample below. In summary, [`DurableObjectState::acceptWebSocket`](/durable-objects/api/state/#acceptwebsocket) is called to accept the server side of the WebSocket connection, and handler methods are defined on the Durable Object class for relevant event types rather than adding event listeners.
If an event occurs for a hibernated Durable Object's corresponding handler method, it will return to memory. This will call the Durable Object's constructor, so it is best to minimize work in the constructor when using WebSocket hibernation.
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
// Durable Object
export class WebSocketHibernationServer extends DurableObject {
async fetch(request) {
// Creates two ends of a WebSocket connection.
const webSocketPair = new WebSocketPair();
const [client, server] = Object.values(webSocketPair);
// Calling `acceptWebSocket()` informs the runtime that this WebSocket is to begin terminating
// request within the Durable Object. It has the effect of "accepting" the connection,
// and allowing the WebSocket to send and receive messages.
// Unlike `ws.accept()`, `state.acceptWebSocket(ws)` informs the Workers Runtime that the WebSocket
// is "hibernatable", so the runtime does not need to pin this Durable Object to memory while
// the connection is open. During periods of inactivity, the Durable Object can be evicted
// from memory, but the WebSocket connection will remain open. If at some later point the
// WebSocket receives a message, the runtime will recreate the Durable Object
// (run the `constructor`) and deliver the message to the appropriate handler.
return new Response(null, {
status: 101,
webSocket: client,
async webSocketMessage(ws, message) {
// Upon receiving a message from the client, reply with the same message,
// but will prefix the message with "[Durable Object]: " and return the
// total number of connections.
`[Durable Object] message: ${message}, connections: ${this.ctx.getWebSockets().length}`,
async webSocketClose(ws, code, reason, wasClean) {
// If the client closes the connection, the runtime will invoke the webSocketClose() handler.
ws.close(code, "Durable Object is closing WebSocket");
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export interface Env {
// Durable Object
export class WebSocketHibernationServer extends DurableObject {
async fetch(request: Request): Promise {
// Creates two ends of a WebSocket connection.
const webSocketPair = new WebSocketPair();
const [client, server] = Object.values(webSocketPair);
// Calling `acceptWebSocket()` informs the runtime that this WebSocket is to begin terminating
// request within the Durable Object. It has the effect of "accepting" the connection,
// and allowing the WebSocket to send and receive messages.
// Unlike `ws.accept()`, `state.acceptWebSocket(ws)` informs the Workers Runtime that the WebSocket
// is "hibernatable", so the runtime does not need to pin this Durable Object to memory while
// the connection is open. During periods of inactivity, the Durable Object can be evicted
// from memory, but the WebSocket connection will remain open. If at some later point the
// WebSocket receives a message, the runtime will recreate the Durable Object
// (run the `constructor`) and deliver the message to the appropriate handler.
return new Response(null, {
status: 101,
webSocket: client,
async webSocketMessage(ws: WebSocket, message: ArrayBuffer | string) {
// Upon receiving a message from the client, the server replies with the same message,
// and the total number of connections with the "[Durable Object]: " prefix
`[Durable Object] message: ${message}, connections: ${this.ctx.getWebSockets().length}`,
async webSocketClose(
ws: WebSocket,
code: number,
reason: string,
wasClean: boolean,
) {
// If the client closes the connection, the runtime will invoke the webSocketClose() handler.
ws.close(code, "Durable Object is closing WebSocket");
Similar to the WebSocket Standard API example, to execute this code, configure your Wrangler file to include a Durable Object [binding](/durable-objects/get-started/tutorial/#5-configure-durable-object-bindings) and [migration](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/) based on the namespace and class name chosen previously.
```toml title="wrangler.toml"
name = "websocket-hibernation-server"
class_name = "WebSocketHibernationServer"
tag = "v1"
new_classes = ["WebSocketHibernationServer"]
A full example can be found in [Build a WebSocket server with WebSocket Hibernation](/durable-objects/examples/websocket-hibernation-server/).
:::caution[Support for local development]
Prior to `wrangler@3.13.2` and Miniflare `v3.20231016.0`, WebSockets did not hibernate when using local development environments such as `wrangler dev` or Miniflare.
If you are using older versions, note that while hibernatable WebSocket events such as [`webSocketMessage()`](/durable-objects/api/base/#websocketmessage) will still be delivered, the Durable Object will never be evicted from memory.
## Extended methods
### `serializeAttachment`
- serializeAttachment(value )
- Keeps a copy of `value` associated with the WebSocket to survive hibernation. The value can be any type supported by the [structured clone algorithm](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Structured_clone_algorithm), which is true of most types. If the value needs to be durable please use [Durable Object Storage](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/).
- If you modify `value` after calling this method, those changes will not be retained unless you call this method again. The serialized size of `value` is limited to 2,048 bytes, otherwise this method will throw an error. If you need larger values to survive hibernation, use the [Storage API](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/) and pass the corresponding key to this method so it can be retrieved later.
### `deserializeAttachment`
- `deserializeAttachment()`:
- Retrieves the most recent value passed to `serializeAttachment()`, or `null` if none exists.
## Related resources
- [Mozilla Developer Network's (MDN) documentation on the WebSocket class](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket)
- [Cloudflare's WebSocket template for building applications on Workers using WebSockets](https://github.com/cloudflare/websocket-template)
- [Durable Object base class](/durable-objects/api/base/)
- [Durable Object State interface](/durable-objects/api/state/)
# Use the Alarms API
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/examples/alarms-api/
import { GlossaryTooltip, WranglerConfig } from "~/components";
This example implements an `alarm()` handler that allows batching of requests to a single Durable Object.
When a request is received and no alarm is set, it sets an alarm for 10 seconds in the future. The `alarm()` handler processes all requests received within that 10-second window.
If no new requests are received, no further alarms will be set until the next request arrives.
import { DurableObject } from 'cloudflare:workers';
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
let id = env.BATCHER.idFromName("foo");
return await env.BATCHER.get(id).fetch(request);
const SECONDS = 10;
// Durable Object
export class Batcher extends DurableObject {
constructor(state, env) {
this.state = state;
this.storage = state.storage;
this.state.blockConcurrencyWhile(async () => {
let vals = await this.storage.list({ reverse: true, limit: 1 });
this.count = vals.size == 0 ? 0 : parseInt(vals.keys().next().value);
async fetch(request) {
// If there is no alarm currently set, set one for 10 seconds from now
// Any further POSTs in the next 10 seconds will be part of this batch.
let currentAlarm = await this.storage.getAlarm();
if (currentAlarm == null) {
this.storage.setAlarm(Date.now() + (1000 * SECONDS));
// Add the request to the batch.
await this.storage.put(this.count, await request.text());
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ queued: this.count }), {
headers: {
"content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
async alarm() {
let vals = await this.storage.list();
await fetch("http://example.com/some-upstream-service", {
method: "POST",
body: Array.from(vals.values()),
await this.storage.deleteAll();
this.count = 0;
The `alarm()` handler will be called once every 10 seconds. If an unexpected error terminates the Durable Object, the `alarm()` handler will be re-instantiated on another machine. Following a short delay, the `alarm()` handler will run from the beginning on the other machine.
Finally, configure your Wrangler file to include a Durable Object [binding](/durable-objects/get-started/tutorial/#5-configure-durable-object-bindings) and [migration](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/) based on the namespace and class name chosen previously.
```toml title="wrangler.toml"
name = "durable-object-alarm"
name = "BATCHER"
class_name = "Batcher"
tag = "v1"
new_classes = ["Batcher"]
# Build a counter
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/examples/build-a-counter/
import { TabItem, Tabs, WranglerConfig } from "~/components"
This example shows how to build a counter using Durable Objects and Workers with [RPC methods](/workers/runtime-apis/rpc) that can print, increment, and decrement a `name` provided by the URL query string parameter, for example, `?name=A`.
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
let url = new URL(request.url);
let name = url.searchParams.get("name");
if (!name) {
return new Response(
"Select a Durable Object to contact by using" +
" the `name` URL query string parameter, for example, ?name=A"
// Every unique ID refers to an individual instance of the Counter class that
// has its own state. `idFromName()` always returns the same ID when given the
// same string as input (and called on the same class), but never the same
// ID for two different strings (or for different classes).
let id = env.COUNTERS.idFromName(name);
// Construct the stub for the Durable Object using the ID.
// A stub is a client Object used to send messages to the Durable Object.
let stub = env.COUNTERS.get(id);
// Send a request to the Durable Object using RPC methods, then await its response.
let count = null;
switch (url.pathname) {
case "/increment":
count = await stub.increment();
case "/decrement":
count = await stub.decrement();
case "/":
// Serves the current value.
count = await stub.getCounterValue();
return new Response("Not found", { status: 404 });
return new Response(`Durable Object '${name}' count: ${count}`);
// Durable Object
export class Counter extends DurableObject {
async getCounterValue() {
let value = (await this.ctx.storage.get("value")) || 0;
return value;
async increment(amount = 1) {
let value = (await this.ctx.storage.get("value")) || 0;
value += amount;
// You do not have to worry about a concurrent request having modified the value in storage.
// "input gates" will automatically protect against unwanted concurrency.
// Read-modify-write is safe.
await this.ctx.storage.put("value", value);
return value;
async decrement(amount = 1) {
let value = (await this.ctx.storage.get("value")) || 0;
value -= amount;
await this.ctx.storage.put("value", value);
return value;
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export interface Env {
COUNTERS: DurableObjectNamespace;
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
let url = new URL(request.url);
let name = url.searchParams.get("name");
if (!name) {
return new Response(
"Select a Durable Object to contact by using" +
" the `name` URL query string parameter, for example, ?name=A"
// Every unique ID refers to an individual instance of the Counter class that
// has its own state. `idFromName()` always returns the same ID when given the
// same string as input (and called on the same class), but never the same
// ID for two different strings (or for different classes).
let id = env.COUNTERS.idFromName(name);
// Construct the stub for the Durable Object using the ID.
// A stub is a client Object used to send messages to the Durable Object.
let stub = env.COUNTERS.get(id);
let count = null;
switch (url.pathname) {
case "/increment":
count = await stub.increment();
case "/decrement":
count = await stub.decrement();
case "/":
// Serves the current value.
count = await stub.getCounterValue();
return new Response("Not found", { status: 404 });
return new Response(`Durable Object '${name}' count: ${count}`);
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
// Durable Object
export class Counter extends DurableObject {
async getCounterValue() {
let value = (await this.ctx.storage.get("value")) || 0;
return value;
async increment(amount = 1) {
let value: number = (await this.ctx.storage.get("value")) || 0;
value += amount;
// You do not have to worry about a concurrent request having modified the value in storage.
// "input gates" will automatically protect against unwanted concurrency.
// Read-modify-write is safe.
await this.ctx.storage.put("value", value);
return value;
async decrement(amount = 1) {
let value: number = (await this.ctx.storage.get("value")) || 0;
value -= amount;
await this.ctx.storage.put("value", value);
return value;
Finally, configure your Wrangler file to include a Durable Object [binding](/durable-objects/get-started/tutorial/#5-configure-durable-object-bindings) and [migration](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/) based on the namespace and class name chosen previously.
```toml title="wrangler.toml"
name = "my-counter"
name = "COUNTERS"
class_name = "Counter"
tag = "v1"
new_classes = ["Counter"]
### Related resources
* [Workers RPC](/workers/runtime-apis/rpc/)
* [Durable Objects: Easy, Fast, Correct — Choose three](https://blog.cloudflare.com/durable-objects-easy-fast-correct-choose-three/).
# Build a rate limiter
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/examples/build-a-rate-limiter/
import { TabItem, Tabs, GlossaryTooltip, WranglerConfig } from "~/components"
This example shows how to build a rate limiter using Durable Objects and Workers that can be used to protect upstream resources, including third-party APIs that your application relies on and/or services that may be costly for you to invoke.
This example also discusses some decisions that need to be made when designing a system, such as a rate limiter, with Durable Objects.
The Worker creates a `RateLimiter` Durable Object on a per IP basis to protect upstream resources. IP based rate limiting can be effective without negatively impacting latency because any given IP will remain within a small geographic area colocated with the `RateLimiter` Durable Object. Furthermore, throughput is also improved because each IP gets its own Durable Object.
It might seem simpler to implement a global rate limiter, `const id = env.RATE_LIMITER.idFromName("global");`, which can provide better guarantees on the request rate to the upstream resource. However:
* This would require all requests globally to make a sub-request to a single Durable Object.
* Implementing a global rate limiter would add additional latency for requests not colocated with the Durable Object, and global throughput would be capped to the throughput of a single Durable Object.
* A single Durable Object that all requests rely on is typically considered an anti-pattern. Durable Objects work best when they are scoped to a user, room, service and/or the specific subset of your application that requires global co-ordination.
If you do not need unique or custom rate-limiting capabilities, refer to [Rate limiting rules](/waf/rate-limiting-rules/) that are part of Cloudflare's Web Application Firewall (WAF) product.
The Durable Object uses a token bucket algorithm to implement rate limiting. The naive idea is that each request requires a token to complete, and the tokens are replenished according to the reciprocal of the desired number of requests per second. As an example, a 1000 requests per second rate limit will have a token replenished every millisecond (as specified by milliseconds\_per\_request) up to a given capacity limit.
This example uses Durable Object's [Alarms API](/durable-objects/api/alarms) to schedule the Durable Object to be woken up at a time in the future.
* When the alarm's scheduled time comes, the `alarm()` handler method is called, and in this case, the alarm will add a token to the "Bucket".
* The implementation is made more efficient by adding tokens in bulk (as specified by milliseconds\_for\_updates) and preventing the alarm handler from being invoked every millisecond. More frequent invocations of Durable Objects will lead to higher invocation and duration charges.
The first implementation of a rate limiter is below:
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env, _ctx) {
// Determine the IP address of the client
const ip = request.headers.get("CF-Connecting-IP");
if (ip === null) {
return new Response("Could not determine client IP", { status: 400 });
// Obtain an identifier for a Durable Object based on the client's IP address
const id = env.RATE_LIMITER.idFromName(ip);
try {
const stub = env.RATE_LIMITER.get(id);
const milliseconds_to_next_request = await stub.getMillisecondsToNextRequest();
if (milliseconds_to_next_request > 0) {
// Alternatively one could sleep for the necessary length of time
return new Response("Rate limit exceeded", { status: 429 });
} catch (error) {
return new Response("Could not connect to rate limiter", { status: 502 });
// TODO: Implement me
return new Response("Call some upstream resource...")
// Durable Object
export class RateLimiter extends DurableObject {
static milliseconds_per_request = 1;
static milliseconds_for_updates = 5000;
static capacity = 10000;
constructor(ctx, env) {
super(ctx, env);
this.tokens = RateLimiter.capacity;
async getMillisecondsToNextRequest() {
let milliseconds_to_next_request = RateLimiter.milliseconds_per_request;
if (this.tokens > 0) {
this.tokens -= 1;
milliseconds_to_next_request = 0;
return milliseconds_to_next_request;
async checkAndSetAlarm() {
let currentAlarm = await this.ctx.storage.getAlarm();
if (currentAlarm == null) {
this.ctx.storage.setAlarm(Date.now() +
RateLimiter.milliseconds_for_updates * RateLimiter.milliseconds_per_request);
async alarm() {
if (this.tokens < RateLimiter.capacity) {
this.tokens = Math.min(RateLimiter.capacity,
this.tokens + RateLimiter.milliseconds_for_updates);
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export interface Env {
RATE_LIMITER: DurableObjectNamespace;
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env, _ctx): Promise {
// Determine the IP address of the client
const ip = request.headers.get("CF-Connecting-IP");
if (ip === null) {
return new Response("Could not determine client IP", { status: 400 });
// Obtain an identifier for a Durable Object based on the client's IP address
const id = env.RATE_LIMITER.idFromName(ip);
try {
const stub = env.RATE_LIMITER.get(id);
const milliseconds_to_next_request = await stub.getMillisecondsToNextRequest();
if (milliseconds_to_next_request > 0) {
// Alternatively one could sleep for the necessary length of time
return new Response("Rate limit exceeded", { status: 429 });
} catch (error) {
return new Response("Could not connect to rate limiter", { status: 502 });
// TODO: Implement me
return new Response("Call some upstream resource...")
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
// Durable Object
export class RateLimiter extends DurableObject {
static readonly milliseconds_per_request = 1;
static readonly milliseconds_for_updates = 5000;
static readonly capacity = 10000;
tokens: number;
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(ctx, env);
this.tokens = RateLimiter.capacity;
async getMillisecondsToNextRequest(): Promise {
let milliseconds_to_next_request = RateLimiter.milliseconds_per_request;
if (this.tokens > 0) {
this.tokens -= 1;
milliseconds_to_next_request = 0;
return milliseconds_to_next_request;
private async checkAndSetAlarm() {
let currentAlarm = await this.ctx.storage.getAlarm();
if (currentAlarm == null) {
this.ctx.storage.setAlarm(Date.now() +
RateLimiter.milliseconds_for_updates * RateLimiter.milliseconds_per_request);
async alarm() {
if (this.tokens < RateLimiter.capacity) {
this.tokens = Math.min(RateLimiter.capacity,
this.tokens + RateLimiter.milliseconds_for_updates);
While the token bucket algorithm is popular for implementing rate limiting and uses Durable Object features, there is a simpler approach:
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
// Durable Object
export class RateLimiter extends DurableObject {
static milliseconds_per_request = 1;
static milliseconds_for_grace_period = 5000;
constructor(ctx, env) {
super(ctx, env);
this.nextAllowedTime = 0;
async getMillisecondsToNextRequest() {
const now = Date.now();
this.nextAllowedTime = Math.max(now, this.nextAllowedTime);
this.nextAllowedTime += RateLimiter.milliseconds_per_request;
const value = Math.max(0,
this.nextAllowedTime - now - RateLimiter.milliseconds_for_grace_period);
return value;
```ts title="index.ts"
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
// Durable Object
export class RateLimiter extends DurableObject {
static milliseconds_per_request = 1;
static milliseconds_for_grace_period = 5000;
nextAllowedTime: number;
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(ctx, env);
this.nextAllowedTime = 0;
async getMillisecondsToNextRequest(): Promise {
const now = Date.now();
this.nextAllowedTime = Math.max(now, this.nextAllowedTime);
this.nextAllowedTime += RateLimiter.milliseconds_per_request;
const value = Math.max(0,
this.nextAllowedTime - now - RateLimiter.milliseconds_for_grace_period);
return value;
Finally, configure your Wrangler file to include a Durable Object [binding](/durable-objects/get-started/tutorial/#5-configure-durable-object-bindings) and [migration](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/) based on the namespace and class name chosen previously.
```toml title="wrangler.toml"
name = "my-counter"
class_name = "RateLimiter"
tag = "v1"
new_classes = ["RateLimiter"]
### Related resources
* Learn more about Durable Object's [Alarms API](/durable-objects/api/alarms) and how to configure alarms.
* [Understand how to troubleshoot](/durable-objects/observability/troubleshooting/) common errors related with Durable Objects.
* Review how [Durable Objects are priced](/durable-objects/platform/pricing/), including pricing examples.
# Durable Object in-memory state
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/examples/durable-object-in-memory-state/
import { WranglerConfig } from "~/components";
This example shows you how Durable Objects are stateful, meaning in-memory state can be retained between requests. After a brief period of inactivity, the Durable Object will be evicted, and all in-memory state will be lost. The next request will reconstruct the object, but instead of showing the city of the previous request, it will display a message indicating that the object has been reinitialized. If you need your applications state to survive eviction, write the state to storage by using the [Storage API](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/), or by storing your data elsewhere.
import { DurableObject } from 'cloudflare:workers';
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
return await handleRequest(request, env);
async function handleRequest(request, env) {
let id = env.LOCATION.idFromName("A");
let obj = env.LOCATION.get(id);
// Forward the request to the remote Durable Object.
let resp = await obj.fetch(request);
// Return the response to the client.
return new Response(await resp.text());
// Durable Object
export class Location extends DurableObject {
constructor(state, env) {
this.state = state;
// Upon construction, you do not have a location to provide.
// This value will be updated as people access the Durable Object.
// When the Durable Object is evicted from memory, this will be reset.
this.location = null
// Handle HTTP requests from clients.
async fetch(request) {
let response = null
if (this.location == null) {
response = new String(`
This is the first request, you called the constructor, so this.location was null.
You will set this.location to be your city: (${request.cf.city}). Try reloading the page.`);
} else {
response = new String(`
The Durable Object was already loaded and running because it recently handled a request.
Previous Location: ${this.location}
New Location: ${request.cf.city}`);
// You set the new location to be the new city.
this.location = request.cf.city;
return new Response(response);
Finally, configure your Wrangler file to include a Durable Object [binding](/durable-objects/get-started/tutorial/#5-configure-durable-object-bindings) and [migration](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/) based on the namespace and class name chosen previously.
```toml title="wrangler.toml"
name = "durable-object-in-memory-state"
name = "LOCATION"
class_name = "Location"
tag = "v1"
new_classes = ["Location"]
# Durable Object Time To Live
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/examples/durable-object-ttl/
import { TabItem, Tabs, GlossaryTooltip, WranglerConfig } from "~/components";
A common feature request for Durable Objects is a Time To Live (TTL) for Durable Object instances. Durable Objects give developers the tools to implement a custom TTL in only a few lines of code. This example demonstrates how to implement a TTL making use of `alarms`. While this TTL will be extended upon every new request to the Durable Object, this can be customized based on a particular use case.
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
// Durable Object
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
// Time To Live (TTL) in milliseconds
timeToLiveMs = 1000;
constructor(ctx, env) {
super(ctx, env);
this.ctx.blockConcurrencyWhile(async () => {
await this.ctx.storage.setAlarm(Date.now() + this.timeToLiveMs);
async fetch(_request) {
// Increment the TTL immediately following every request to a Durable Object
await this.ctx.storage.setAlarm(Date.now() + this.timeToLiveMs);
async alarm() {
await this.ctx.storage.deleteAll();
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id)
return await stub.fetch(request);
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export interface Env {
MY_DURABLE_OBJECT: DurableObjectNamespace;
// Durable Object
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
// Time To Live (TTL) in milliseconds
timeToLiveMs = 1000;
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(ctx, env);
this.ctx.blockConcurrencyWhile(async () => {
await this.ctx.storage.setAlarm(Date.now() + this.timeToLiveMs);
async fetch(_request: Request) {
// Increment the TTL immediately following every request to a Durable Object
await this.ctx.storage.setAlarm(Date.now() + this.timeToLiveMs);
async alarm() {
await this.ctx.storage.deleteAll();
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id)
return await stub.fetch(request);
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
To test and deploy this example, configure your Wrangler file to include a Durable Object [binding](/durable-objects/get-started/tutorial/#5-configure-durable-object-bindings) and [migration](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/) based on the namespace and class name chosen previously.
```toml title="wrangler.toml"
name = "durable-object-ttl"
class_name = "MyDurableObject"
tag = "v1"
new_classes = ["MyDurableObject"]
# Examples
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/examples/
import { ListExamples, GlossaryTooltip } from "~/components";
Explore the following examples for Durable Objects.
# Testing with Durable Objects
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/examples/testing-with-durable-objects/
import { unstable_dev } from "wrangler"
import type { UnstableDevWorker } from "wrangler"
import { describe, expect, it, beforeAll, afterAll } from "vitest"
describe("Worker", () => {
let worker: UnstableDevWorker
beforeAll(async () => {
worker = await unstable_dev("src/index.ts", {
experimental: { disableExperimentalWarning: true },
afterAll(async () => {
await worker.stop()
it("should deny request for short paths", async () => {
const cases = {
failures: ["/", "/foo", "/foo/", "/%2F"],
for (const path of cases.failures) {
const resp = await worker.fetch(`http://example.com${path}`)
if (resp) {
const text = await resp.text()
expect(text).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"path must be at least 5 characters"')
describe("durable object", () => {
it("Should send text from a POST to a matching GET", async () => {
const path = "/stuff1"
const url = `http://example.com${path}`
// The get request should wait for the post request to complete
const getResponsePromise = worker.fetch(url)
// The post request to the same path should receive a response that the text was consumed
const postResponse = await worker.fetch(url, { method: "POST", body: "Hello World 12345" })
const postText = await postResponse.text()
expect(postText).toBe("The text was consumed!")
// The get request should now receive the text
const getResponse = await getResponsePromise
const text = await getResponse.text()
expect(text).toBe("Hello World 12345")
it("Shouldn't send text from a POST to a different GET", async () => {
const path1 = "/stuff1"
const path2 = "/stuff2"
const url = (p: string) => `http://example.com${p}`
// The get request should wait for the post request to complete
const getResponsePromise1 = worker.fetch(url(path1))
const getResponsePromise2 = worker.fetch(url(path2))
// The post request to the same path should receive a response that the text was consumed
const postResponse1 = await worker.fetch(url(path1), { method: "POST", body: "Hello World 12345" })
const postText1 = await postResponse1.text()
expect(postText1).toBe("The text was consumed!")
const postResponse2 = await worker.fetch(url(path2), { method: "POST", body: "Hello World 789" })
const postText2 = await postResponse2.text()
expect(postText2).toBe("The text was consumed!")
// The get request should now receive the text
const getResponse1 = await getResponsePromise1
const text1 = await getResponse1.text()
expect(text1).toBe("Hello World 12345")
const getResponse2 = await getResponsePromise2
const text2 = await getResponse2.text()
expect(text2).toBe("Hello World 789")
it("Should not send the same POST twice", async () => {
const path = "/stuff1"
const url = (p: string) => `http://example.com${p}`
// The get request should wait for the post request to complete
const getResponsePromise1 = worker.fetch(url(path))
// The post request to the same path should receive a response that the text was consumed
const postResponse1 = await worker.fetch(url(path), { method: "POST", body: "Hello World 12345" })
const postText1 = await postResponse1.text()
expect(postText1).toBe("The text was consumed!")
// The get request should now receive the text
const getResponse1 = await getResponsePromise1
const text1 = await getResponse1.text()
expect(text1).toBe("Hello World 12345")
// The next get request should wait for the next post request to complete
const getResponsePromise2 = worker.fetch(url(path))
// Send a new POST with different text
const postResponse2 = await worker.fetch(url(path), { method: "POST", body: "Hello World 789" })
const postText2 = await postResponse2.text()
expect(postText2).toBe("The text was consumed!")
// The get request should receive the new text, not the old text
const getResponse2 = await getResponsePromise2
const text2 = await getResponse2.text()
expect(text2).toBe("Hello World 789")
Find the [full code for this example on GitHub](https://github.com/jahands/do-demo).
# Use Workers KV from Durable Objects
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/examples/use-kv-from-durable-objects/
import { GlossaryTooltip, WranglerConfig } from "~/components";
The following Worker script shows you how to configure a Durable Object to read from and/or write to a [Workers KV namespace](/kv/concepts/how-kv-works/). This is useful when using a Durable Object to coordinate between multiple clients, and allows you to serialize writes to KV and/or broadcast a single read from KV to hundreds or thousands of clients connected to a single Durable Object [using WebSockets](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/).
* A [KV namespace](/kv/api/) created via the Cloudflare dashboard or the [wrangler CLI](/workers/wrangler/install-and-update/).
* A [configured binding](/kv/concepts/kv-bindings/) for the `kv_namespace` in the Cloudflare dashboard or Wrangler file.
* A [Durable Object namespace binding](/workers/wrangler/configuration/#durable-objects).
Configure your Wrangler file as follows:
name = "my-worker"
kv_namespaces = [
{ binding = "YOUR_KV_NAMESPACE", id = "" }
bindings = [
{ name = "YOUR_DO_CLASS", class_name = "YourDurableObject" }
import { DurableObject } from 'cloudflare:workers';
interface Env {
YOUR_DO_CLASS: DurableObjectNamespace;
export default {
async fetch(req: Request, env: Env): Promise {
// Assume each Durable Object is mapped to a roomId in a query parameter
// In a production application, this will likely be a roomId defined by your application
// that you validate (and/or authenticate) first.
let url = new URL(req.url);
let roomIdParam = url.searchParams.get("roomId");
if (roomIdParam) {
// Create (or get) a Durable Object based on that roomId.
let durableObjectId = env.YOUR_DO_CLASS.idFromName(roomIdParam);
// Get a "stub" that allows you to call that Durable Object
let durableObjectStub = env.YOUR_DO_CLASS.get(durableObjectId);
// Pass the request to that Durable Object and await the response
// This invokes the constructor once on your Durable Object class (defined further down)
// on the first initialization, and the fetch method on each request.
// You could pass the original Request to the Durable Object's fetch method
// or a simpler URL with just the roomId.
let response = await durableObjectStub.fetch(`http://do/${roomId}`);
// This would return the value you read from KV *within* the Durable Object.
return response;
export class YourDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(public state: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
this.state = state;
// Ensure you pass your bindings and environmental variables into
// each Durable Object when it is initialized
this.env = env;
async fetch(request: Request) {
// Error handling elided for brevity.
// Write to KV
await this.env.YOUR_KV_NAMESPACE.put("some-key");
// Fetch from KV
let val = await this.env.YOUR_KV_NAMESPACE.get("some-other-key");
return Response.json(val);
# Build a WebSocket server with WebSocket Hibernation
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/examples/websocket-hibernation-server/
import { TabItem, Tabs, WranglerConfig } from "~/components"
This example is similar to the [Build a WebSocket server](/durable-objects/examples/websocket-server/) example, but uses the WebSocket Hibernation API. The WebSocket Hibernation API should be preferred for WebSocket server applications built on Durable Objects, since it significantly decreases duration charge, and provides additional features that pair well with WebSocket applications. For more information, refer to [Use Durable Objects with WebSockets](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/).
WebSocket Hibernation is unavailable for outgoing WebSocket use cases. Hibernation is only supported when the Durable Object acts as a server. For use cases where outgoing WebSockets are required, refer to [Write a WebSocket client](/workers/examples/websockets/#write-a-websocket-client).
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
if (request.url.endsWith("/websocket")) {
// Expect to receive a WebSocket Upgrade request.
// If there is one, accept the request and return a WebSocket Response.
const upgradeHeader = request.headers.get('Upgrade');
if (!upgradeHeader || upgradeHeader !== 'websocket') {
return new Response('Durable Object expected Upgrade: websocket', { status: 426 });
// This example will refer to the same Durable Object,
// since the name "foo" is hardcoded.
let id = env.WEBSOCKET_HIBERNATION_SERVER.idFromName("foo");
let stub = env.WEBSOCKET_HIBERNATION_SERVER.get(id);
return stub.fetch(request);
return new Response(null, {
status: 400,
statusText: 'Bad Request',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
// Durable Object
export class WebSocketHibernationServer extends DurableObject {
async fetch(request) {
// Creates two ends of a WebSocket connection.
const webSocketPair = new WebSocketPair();
const [client, server] = Object.values(webSocketPair);
// Calling `acceptWebSocket()` informs the runtime that this WebSocket is to begin terminating
// request within the Durable Object. It has the effect of "accepting" the connection,
// and allowing the WebSocket to send and receive messages.
// Unlike `ws.accept()`, `state.acceptWebSocket(ws)` informs the Workers Runtime that the WebSocket
// is "hibernatable", so the runtime does not need to pin this Durable Object to memory while
// the connection is open. During periods of inactivity, the Durable Object can be evicted
// from memory, but the WebSocket connection will remain open. If at some later point the
// WebSocket receives a message, the runtime will recreate the Durable Object
// (run the `constructor`) and deliver the message to the appropriate handler.
return new Response(null, {
status: 101,
webSocket: client,
async webSocketMessage(ws, message) {
// Upon receiving a message from the client, reply with the same message,
// but will prefix the message with "[Durable Object]: " and return the
// total number of connections.
ws.send(`[Durable Object] message: ${message}, connections: ${this.ctx.getWebSockets().length}`);
async webSocketClose(ws, code, reason, wasClean) {
// If the client closes the connection, the runtime will invoke the webSocketClose() handler.
ws.close(code, "Durable Object is closing WebSocket");
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export interface Env {
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise {
if (request.url.endsWith("/websocket")) {
// Expect to receive a WebSocket Upgrade request.
// If there is one, accept the request and return a WebSocket Response.
const upgradeHeader = request.headers.get('Upgrade');
if (!upgradeHeader || upgradeHeader !== 'websocket') {
return new Response('Durable Object expected Upgrade: websocket', { status: 426 });
// This example will refer to the same Durable Object,
// since the name "foo" is hardcoded.
let id = env.WEBSOCKET_HIBERNATION_SERVER.idFromName("foo");
let stub = env.WEBSOCKET_HIBERNATION_SERVER.get(id);
return stub.fetch(request);
return new Response(null, {
status: 400,
statusText: 'Bad Request',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
// Durable Object
export class WebSocketHibernationServer extends DurableObject {
async fetch(request: Request): Promise {
// Creates two ends of a WebSocket connection.
const webSocketPair = new WebSocketPair();
const [client, server] = Object.values(webSocketPair);
// Calling `acceptWebSocket()` informs the runtime that this WebSocket is to begin terminating
// request within the Durable Object. It has the effect of "accepting" the connection,
// and allowing the WebSocket to send and receive messages.
// Unlike `ws.accept()`, `state.acceptWebSocket(ws)` informs the Workers Runtime that the WebSocket
// is "hibernatable", so the runtime does not need to pin this Durable Object to memory while
// the connection is open. During periods of inactivity, the Durable Object can be evicted
// from memory, but the WebSocket connection will remain open. If at some later point the
// WebSocket receives a message, the runtime will recreate the Durable Object
// (run the `constructor`) and deliver the message to the appropriate handler.
return new Response(null, {
status: 101,
webSocket: client,
async webSocketMessage(ws: WebSocket, message: ArrayBuffer | string) {
// Upon receiving a message from the client, the server replies with the same message,
// and the total number of connections with the "[Durable Object]: " prefix
ws.send(`[Durable Object] message: ${message}, connections: ${this.ctx.getWebSockets().length}`);
async webSocketClose(ws: WebSocket, code: number, reason: string, wasClean: boolean) {
// If the client closes the connection, the runtime will invoke the webSocketClose() handler.
ws.close(code, "Durable Object is closing WebSocket");
Finally, configure your Wrangler file to include a Durable Object [binding](/durable-objects/get-started/tutorial/#5-configure-durable-object-bindings) and [migration](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/) based on the namespace and class name chosen previously.
```toml title="wrangler.toml"
name = "websocket-hibernation-server"
class_name = "WebSocketHibernationServer"
tag = "v1"
new_classes = ["WebSocketHibernationServer"]
### Related resources
* [Durable Objects: Edge Chat Demo with Hibernation](https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-chat-demo/).
# Build a WebSocket server
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/examples/websocket-server/
import { TabItem, Tabs, GlossaryTooltip, WranglerConfig } from "~/components"
This example shows how to build a WebSocket server using Durable Objects and Workers. The example exposes an endpoint to create a new WebSocket connection. This WebSocket connection echos any message while including the total number of WebSocket connections currently established. For more information, refer to [Use Durable Objects with WebSockets](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/).
WebSocket connections pin your Durable Object to memory, and so duration charges will be incurred so long as the WebSocket is connected (regardless of activity). To avoid duration charges during periods of inactivity, use the [WebSocket Hibernation API](/durable-objects/examples/websocket-hibernation-server/), which only charges for duration when JavaScript is actively executing.
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
if (request.url.endsWith("/websocket")) {
// Expect to receive a WebSocket Upgrade request.
// If there is one, accept the request and return a WebSocket Response.
const upgradeHeader = request.headers.get('Upgrade');
if (!upgradeHeader || upgradeHeader !== 'websocket') {
return new Response('Durable Object expected Upgrade: websocket', { status: 426 });
// This example will refer to the same Durable Object,
// since the name "foo" is hardcoded.
let id = env.WEBSOCKET_SERVER.idFromName("foo");
let stub = env.WEBSOCKET_SERVER.get(id);
return stub.fetch(request);
return new Response(null, {
status: 400,
statusText: 'Bad Request',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
// Durable Object
export class WebSocketServer extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx, env) {
// This is reset whenever the constructor runs because
// regular WebSockets do not survive Durable Object resets.
// WebSockets accepted via the Hibernation API can survive
// a certain type of eviction, but we will not cover that here.
super(ctx, env);
this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets = 0;
async fetch(request) {
// Creates two ends of a WebSocket connection.
const webSocketPair = new WebSocketPair();
const [client, server] = Object.values(webSocketPair);
// Calling `accept()` tells the runtime that this WebSocket is to begin terminating
// request within the Durable Object. It has the effect of "accepting" the connection,
// and allowing the WebSocket to send and receive messages.
this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets += 1;
// Upon receiving a message from the client, the server replies with the same message,
// and the total number of connections with the "[Durable Object]: " prefix
server.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
server.send(`[Durable Object] currentlyConnectedWebSockets: ${this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets}`);
// If the client closes the connection, the runtime will close the connection too.
server.addEventListener('close', (cls) => {
this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets -= 1;
server.close(cls.code, "Durable Object is closing WebSocket");
return new Response(null, {
status: 101,
webSocket: client,
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export interface Env {
WEBSOCKET_SERVER: DurableObjectNamespace;
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx): Promise {
if (request.url.endsWith("/websocket")) {
// Expect to receive a WebSocket Upgrade request.
// If there is one, accept the request and return a WebSocket Response.
const upgradeHeader = request.headers.get('Upgrade');
if (!upgradeHeader || upgradeHeader !== 'websocket') {
return new Response('Durable Object expected Upgrade: websocket', { status: 426 });
// This example will refer to the same Durable Object,
// since the name "foo" is hardcoded.
let id = env.WEBSOCKET_SERVER.idFromName("foo");
let stub = env.WEBSOCKET_SERVER.get(id);
return stub.fetch(request);
return new Response(null, {
status: 400,
statusText: 'Bad Request',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
// Durable Object
export class WebSocketServer extends DurableObject {
currentlyConnectedWebSockets: number;
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
// This is reset whenever the constructor runs because
// regular WebSockets do not survive Durable Object resets.
// WebSockets accepted via the Hibernation API can survive
// a certain type of eviction, but we will not cover that here.
super(ctx, env);
this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets = 0;
async fetch(request: Request): Promise {
// Creates two ends of a WebSocket connection.
const webSocketPair = new WebSocketPair();
const [client, server] = Object.values(webSocketPair);
// Calling `accept()` tells the runtime that this WebSocket is to begin terminating
// request within the Durable Object. It has the effect of "accepting" the connection,
// and allowing the WebSocket to send and receive messages.
this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets += 1;
// Upon receiving a message from the client, the server replies with the same message,
// and the total number of connections with the "[Durable Object]: " prefix
server.addEventListener('message', (event: MessageEvent) => {
server.send(`[Durable Object] currentlyConnectedWebSockets: ${this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets}`);
// If the client closes the connection, the runtime will close the connection too.
server.addEventListener('close', (cls: CloseEvent) => {
this.currentlyConnectedWebSockets -= 1;
server.close(cls.code, "Durable Object is closing WebSocket");
return new Response(null, {
status: 101,
webSocket: client,
Finally, configure your Wrangler file to include a Durable Object [binding](/durable-objects/get-started/tutorial/#5-configure-durable-object-bindings) and [migration](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/) based on the namespace and class name chosen previously.
```toml title="wrangler.toml"
name = "websocket-server"
class_name = "WebSocketServer"
tag = "v1"
new_classes = ["WebSocketServer"]
### Related resources
* [Durable Objects: Edge Chat Demo](https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-chat-demo).
# Get started
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/get-started/
import { DirectoryListing } from "~/components";
# Tutorial with SQL API
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/get-started/tutorial-with-sql-api/
import { Render, TabItem, Tabs, PackageManagers, WranglerConfig } from "~/components";
This guide will instruct you through:
- Writing a JavaScript class that defines a Durable Object.
- Using Durable Objects SQL API to query a Durable Object's private, embedded SQLite database.
- Instantiating and communicating with a Durable Object from another Worker.
- Deploying a Durable Object and a Worker that communicates with a Durable Object.
If you wish to learn more about Durable Objects, refer to [What are Durable Objects?](/durable-objects/what-are-durable-objects/).
:::note[SQLite in Durable Objects Beta]
The new beta version of Durable Objects is available where each Durable Object has a private, embedded SQLite database. When deploying a new Durable Object class, users can [opt-in to a SQLite storage backend](/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/#sqlite-storage-backend) in order to access new [SQL API](/durable-objects/api/sql-storage/#exec), part of Durable Objects Storage API.
## Prerequisites
## 1. Enable Durable Objects in the dashboard
To enable Durable Objects, you will need to purchase the Workers Paid plan:
1. Log in to the [Cloudflare dashboard](https://dash.cloudflare.com/), and select your account.
2. Go to **Workers & Pages** > **Plans**.
3. Select **Purchase Workers Paid** and complete the payment process to enable Durable Objects.
## 2. Create a Worker project to access Durable Objects
You will access your Durable Object from a [Worker](/workers/). Your Worker application is an interface to interact with your Durable Object.
To create a Worker project, run:
Running `create cloudflare@latest` will install [Wrangler](/workers/wrangler/install-and-update/), the Workers CLI. You will use Wrangler to test and deploy your project.
This will create a new directory, which will include either a `src/index.js` or `src/index.ts` file to write your code and a [`wrangler.jsonc`](/workers/wrangler/configuration/) configuration file.
Move into your new directory:
cd durable-object-starter
## 3. Write a class to define a Durable Object that uses SQL API
Before you create and access a Durable Object, its behavior must be defined by an ordinary exported JavaScript class.
If you do not use JavaScript or TypeScript, you will need a [shim](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Shim) to translate your class definition to a JavaScript class.
Your `MyDurableObject` class will have a constructor with two parameters. The first parameter, `ctx`, passed to the class constructor contains state specific to the Durable Object, including methods for accessing storage. The second parameter, `env`, contains any bindings you have associated with the Worker when you uploaded it.
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx, env) {}
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
// Required, as we're extending the base class.
super(ctx, env)
Workers communicate with a Durable Object using [remote-procedure call](/workers/runtime-apis/rpc/#_top). Public methods on a Durable Object class are exposed as [RPC methods](/durable-objects/best-practices/create-durable-object-stubs-and-send-requests/) to be called by another Worker.
Your file should now look like:
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {}
async sayHello() {
let result = this.ctx.storage.sql
.exec("SELECT 'Hello, World!' as greeting")
return result.greeting;
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
// Required, as we're extending the base class.
super(ctx, env)
async sayHello() {
let result = this.ctx.storage.sql
.exec("SELECT 'Hello, World!' as greeting")
return result.greeting;
In the code above, you have:
1. Defined a RPC method, `sayHello()`, that can be called by a Worker to communicate with a Durable Object.
2. Accessed a Durable Object's attached storage, which is a private SQLite database only accessible to the object, using [SQL API](/durable-objects/api/sql-storage/#exec) methods (`sql.exec()`) available on `ctx.storage` .
3. Returned an object representing the single row query result using `one()`, which checks that the query result has exactly one row.
4. Return the `greeting` column from the row object result.
## 4. Instantiate and communicate with a Durable Object
Durable Objects do not receive requests directly from the Internet. Durable Objects receive requests from Workers or other Durable Objects.
This is achieved by configuring a binding in the calling Worker for each Durable Object class that you would like it to be able to talk to. These bindings must be configured at upload time. Methods exposed by the binding can be used to communicate with particular Durable Objects.
A Worker is used to [access Durable Objects](/durable-objects/best-practices/create-durable-object-stubs-and-send-requests/).
To communicate with a Durable Object, the Worker's fetch handler should look like the following:
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
let id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName(new URL(request.url).pathname);
let stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id);
let greeting = await stub.sayHello();
return new Response(greeting);
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx): Promise {
let id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName(new URL(request.url).pathname);
let stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id);
let greeting = await stub.sayHello();
return new Response(greeting);
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
In the code above, you have:
1. Exported your Worker's main event handlers, such as the `fetch()` handler for receiving HTTP requests.
2. Passed `env` into the `fetch()` handler. Bindings are delivered as a property of the environment object passed as the second parameter when an event handler or class constructor is invoked. By calling the `idFromName()` function on the binding, you use a string-derived object ID. You can also ask the system to [generate random unique IDs](/durable-objects/api/namespace/#newuniqueid). System-generated unique IDs have better performance characteristics, but require you to store the ID somewhere to access the Object again later.
3. Derived an object ID from the URL path. `MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName()` always returns the same ID when given the same string as input (and called on the same class), but never the same ID for two different strings (or for different classes). In this case, you are creating a new object for each unique path.
4. Constructed the stub for the Durable Object using the ID. A stub is a client object used to send messages to the Durable Object.
5. Called a Durable Object by invoking a RPC method, `sayHello()`, on the Durable Object, which returns a `Hello, World!` string greeting.
6. Received an HTTP response back to the client by constructing a HTTP Response with `return new Response()`.
Refer to [Access a Durable Object from a Worker](/durable-objects/best-practices/create-durable-object-stubs-and-send-requests/) to learn more about communicating with a Durable Object.
## 5. Configure Durable Object bindings
[Bindings](/workers/runtime-apis/bindings/) allow your Workers to interact with resources on the Cloudflare developer platform. The Durable Object bindings in your Worker project's [Wrangler configuration file](/workers/wrangler/configuration/) will include a binding name (for this guide, use `MY_DURABLE_OBJECT`) and the class name (`MyDurableObject`).
class_name = "MyDurableObject"
The `[[durable_objects.bindings]]` section contains the following fields:
- `name` - Required. The binding name to use within your Worker.
- `class_name` - Required. The class name you wish to bind to.
- `script_name` - Optional. Defaults to the current [environment's](/durable-objects/reference/environments/) Worker code.
## 6. Configure Durable Object class with SQLite storage backend
A migration is a mapping process from a class name to a runtime state. You perform a migration when creating a new Durable Object class, or when renaming, deleting or transferring an existing Durable Object class.
Migrations are performed through the `[[migrations]]` configurations key in your Wrangler file.
The Durable Object migration to create a new Durable Object class with SQLite storage backend will look like the following in your Worker's Wrangler file:
tag = "v1" # Should be unique for each entry
new_sqlite_classes = ["MyDurableObject"] # Array of new classes
Refer to [Durable Objects migrations](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/) to learn more about the migration process.
## 7. Develop a Durable Object Worker locally
To test your Durable Object locally, run [`wrangler dev`](/workers/wrangler/commands/#dev):
npx wrangler dev
In your console, you should see a`Hello world` string returned by the Durable Object.
## 8. Deploy your Durable Object Worker
To deploy your Durable Object Worker:
npx wrangler deploy
Once deployed, you should be able to see your newly created Durable Object Worker on the [Cloudflare dashboard](https://dash.cloudflare.com/), **Workers & Pages** > **Overview**.
Preview your Durable Object Worker at `..workers.dev`.
By finishing this tutorial, you have successfully created, tested and deployed a Durable Object.
### Related resources
- [Create Durable Object stubs](/durable-objects/best-practices/create-durable-object-stubs-and-send-requests/)
- [Access Durable Objects Storage](/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/)
- [Miniflare](https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-sdk/tree/main/packages/miniflare) - Helpful tools for mocking and testing your Durable Objects.
# Tutorial
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/get-started/tutorial/
import { Render, TabItem, Tabs, PackageManagers, WranglerConfig } from "~/components";
This guide will instruct you through:
- Writing a Durable Object class.
- Writing a Worker which invokes methods on a Durable Object.
- Deploying a Durable Object.
If you wish to learn more about Durable Objects, refer to [What are Durable Objects?](/durable-objects/what-are-durable-objects/).
## Prerequisites
## 1. Enable Durable Objects in the dashboard
To enable Durable Objects, you will need to purchase the Workers Paid plan:
1. Log in to the [Cloudflare dashboard](https://dash.cloudflare.com/), and select your account.
2. Go to **Workers & Pages** > **Plans**.
3. Select **Purchase Workers Paid** and complete the payment process to enable Durable Objects.
## 2. Create a Worker project
Durable Objects are accessed from a [Worker](/workers/).
To create a Worker project, run:
Running `create cloudflare@latest` will install [Wrangler](/workers/wrangler/install-and-update/), the Workers CLI. You will use Wrangler to test and deploy your project.
This will create a new directory, which will include either a `src/index.js` or `src/index.ts` file to write your code and a [`wrangler.jsonc`](/workers/wrangler/configuration/) configuration file.
Move into your new directory:
cd durable-object-starter
## 3. Write a Durable Object class
Durable Objects are defined by a exporting a standard JavaScript class which extends from the `DurableObject` base class.
If you do not use JavaScript or TypeScript, you will need a [shim](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Shim) to translate your class definition to a JavaScript class.
Your `MyDurableObject` class will have a constructor with two parameters. The first parameter, `state`, passed to the class constructor contains state specific to the Durable Object, including methods for accessing storage. The second parameter, `env`, contains any bindings you have associated with the Worker when you uploaded it.
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(state, env) {}
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(state: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {}
Workers can invoke public methods defined on a Durable Object via Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
The `sayHello` method demonstrates this capability:
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(state, env) {}
async sayHello() {
return "Hello, World!";
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class MyDurableObject extends DurableObject {
constructor(state: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {}
async sayHello(): Promise {
return "Hello, World!";
## 4. Invoke methods on a Durable Object class
As mentioned previously, methods on a Durable Object class are invoked by a Worker. This is done by creating an ID refering to an instance of the Durable Object class, getting a stub that refers to a particular instance of a Durable Object class, and invoking methods on that stub.
The fetch handler should look like the following:
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
// Every unique ID refers to an individual instance of the Durable Object class
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
// A stub is a client used to invoke methods on the Durable Object
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id);
// Methods on the Durable Object are invoked via the stub
const rpcResponse = await stub.sayHello();
return new Response(rpcResponse);
// Worker
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx): Promise {
// Every unique ID refers to an individual instance of the Durable Object class
const id = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("foo");
// A stub is a client used to invoke methods on the Durable Object
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(id);
// Methods on the Durable Object are invoked via the stub
const rpcResponse = await stub.sayHello();
return new Response(rpcResponse);
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
## 5. Configure Durable Object bindings
To allow a Worker to invoke methods on a Durable Object, the Worker must have a [Durable Object binding](/workers/runtime-apis/bindings/) in the project's [Wrangler configuration file](/workers/wrangler/configuration/#durable-objects). The binding is configured to use a particular Durable Object class.
class_name = "MyDurableObject"
The `[[durable_objects.bindings]]` section contains the following fields:
- `name` - Required. The binding name to use within your Worker.
- `class_name` - Required. The class name you wish to bind to.
- `script_name` - Optional. The name of the Worker if the Durable Object is external to this Worker.
- `environment` - Optional. The environment of the `script_name` to bind to.
Refer to [Wrangler Configuration](/workers/wrangler/configuration/#durable-objects) for more detail.
## 6. Configure Durable Object classes with migrations
A migration is a mapping process from a class name to a runtime state. You perform a migration when creating a new Durable Object class, or when renaming, deleting or transferring an existing Durable Object class.
Migrations are performed through the `[[migrations]]` configurations key in your Wrangler file.
The Durable Object migration to create a new Durable Object class will look like the following in your Worker's Wrangler file:
tag = "v1" # Should be unique for each entry
new_classes = ["MyDurableObject"] # Array of new classes
### 6.a Optional: Configure new Durable Object class for SQL storage
:::note[SQLite in Durable Objects Beta]
New beta version of Durable Objects is available where each Durable Object has a private, embedded SQLite database. SQL storage is opt-in during beta; otherwise, a Durable Object class has the standard, private key-value storage. Objects can access long-lived durable storage with the [Storage API](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/).
A Durable Object class can only have a single storage type, which cannot be changed after the Durable Object class is created.
To configure SQL storage and API, replace `new_classes` with `new_sqlite_classes` in your Worker's Wrangler file:
tag = "v1" # Should be unique for each entry
new_sqlite_classes = ["MyDurableObject"] # Array of new classes
Refer to [Durable Objects migrations](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/) to learn more about the migration process.
## 7. Develop a Durable Object Worker locally
To test your Durable Object locally, run [`wrangler dev`](/workers/wrangler/commands/#dev):
npx wrangler dev
In your console, you should see a`Hello world` string returned by the Durable Object.
## 8. Deploy your Durable Object Worker
To deploy your Durable Object Worker:
npx wrangler deploy
Once deployed, you should be able to see your newly created Durable Object Worker on the [Cloudflare dashboard](https://dash.cloudflare.com/), **Workers & Pages** > **Overview**.
Preview your Durable Object Worker at `..workers.dev`.
By finishing this tutorial, you have successfully created, tested and deployed a Durable Object.
### Related resources
- [Send requests to Durable Objects](/durable-objects/best-practices/create-durable-object-stubs-and-send-requests/)
- [Miniflare](https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-sdk/tree/main/packages/miniflare) - Helpful tools for mocking and testing your Durable Objects.
# Metrics and GraphQL analytics
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/observability/graphql-analytics/
import { GlossaryTooltip } from "~/components";
Durable Objects expose analytics for Durable Object namespace-level and request-level metrics.
The metrics displayed in the [Cloudflare dashboard](https://dash.cloudflare.com/) charts are queried from Cloudflare’s [GraphQL Analytics API](/analytics/graphql-api/). You can access the metrics [programmatically via GraphQL](#query-via-the-graphql-api) or HTTP client.
:::note[Durable Object namespace]
A Durable Object namespace is a set of Durable Objects that can be addressed by name, backed by the same class. There is only one Durable Object namespace per class. A Durable Object namespace can contain any number of Durable Objects.
## View metrics and analytics via the dashboard
Per-namespace analytics for Durable Objects are available in the Cloudflare dashboard. To view current and historical metrics for a namespace:
1. Log in to the [Cloudflare dashboard](https://dash.cloudflare.com) and select your account.
2. Go to [**Workers & Pages** > **Durable Objects**](https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/workers/durable-objects).
3. View account-level Durable Objects usage.
4. Select an existing namespace.
5. Select the **Metrics** tab.
You can optionally select a time window to query. This defaults to the last 24 hours.
## Query via the GraphQL API
Durable Object metrics are powered by GraphQL.
The datasets that include Durable Object metrics include:
* `durableObjectsInvocationsAdaptiveGroups`
* `durableObjectsPeriodicGroups`
* `durableObjectsStorageGroups`
* `durableObjectsSubrequestsAdaptiveGroups`
Use [GraphQL Introspection](/analytics/graphql-api/features/discovery/introspection/) to get information on the fields exposed by each datasets.
### WebSocket metrics
Durable Objects using [WebSockets](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/) will see request metrics across several GraphQL datasets because WebSockets have different types of requests.
* Metrics for a WebSocket connection itself is represented in `durableObjectsInvocationsAdaptiveGroups` once the connection closes. Since WebSocket connections are long-lived, connections often do not terminate until the Durable Object terminates.
* Metrics for incoming and outgoing WebSocket messages on a WebSocket connection are available in `durableObjectsPeriodicGroups`. If a WebSocket connection uses [WebSocket Hibernation](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/#websocket-hibernation-api), incoming WebSocket messages are instead represented in `durableObjectsInvocationsAdaptiveGroups`.
## Example GraphQL query for Durable Objects
viewer {
Replace with your account tag, the 32 hex character id visible at the beginning of any url
when logged in to dash.cloudflare.com or under "Account ID" on the sidebar of the Workers & Pages Overview
accounts(filter: {accountTag: "your account tag here"}) {
// Replace dates with a recent date
durableObjectsInvocationsAdaptiveGroups(filter: {date_gt: "2023-05-23"}, limit: 1000) {
sum {
// Any other fields found through introspection can be added here
durableObjectsPeriodicGroups(filter: {date_gt: "2023-05-23"}, limit: 1000) {
sum {
durableObjectsStorageGroups(filter: {date_gt: "2023-05-23"}, limit: 1000) {
max {
Refer to the [Querying Workers Metrics with GraphQL](/analytics/graphql-api/tutorials/querying-workers-metrics/) tutorial for authentication and to learn more about querying Workers datasets.
# Observability
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/observability/
import { DirectoryListing } from "~/components";
# Platform
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/platform/
import { DirectoryListing } from "~/components";
# Troubleshooting
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/observability/troubleshooting/
## Debugging
[`wrangler dev`](/workers/wrangler/commands/#dev) and [`wrangler tail`](/workers/wrangler/commands/#tail) are both available to help you debug your Durable Objects.
The `wrangler dev --remote` command opens a tunnel from your local development environment to Cloudflare's global network, letting you test your Durable Objects code in the Workers environment as you write it.
`wrangler tail` displays a live feed of console and exception logs for each request served by your Worker code, including both normal Worker requests and Durable Object requests. After running `npx wrangler deploy`, you can use `wrangler tail` in the root directory of your Worker project and visit your Worker URL to see console and error logs in your terminal.
## Common errors
### No event handlers were registered. This script does nothing.
In your Wrangler file, make sure the `dir` and `main` entries point to the correct file containing your Worker code, and that the file extension is `.mjs` instead of `.js` if using ES modules syntax.
### Cannot apply `--delete-class` migration to class.
When deleting a migration using `npx wrangler deploy --delete-class `, you may encounter this error: `"Cannot apply --delete-class migration to class without also removing the binding that references it"`. You should remove the corresponding binding under `[durable_objects]` in the [Wrangler configuration file](/workers/wrangler/configuration/) before attempting to apply `--delete-class` again.
### Durable Object is overloaded.
A single instance of a Durable Object cannot do more work than is possible on a single thread. These errors mean the Durable Object has too much work to keep up with incoming requests:
- `Error: Durable Object is overloaded. Too many requests queued.` The total count of queued requests is too high.
- `Error: Durable Object is overloaded. Too much data queued.` The total size of data in queued requests is too high.
- `Error: Durable Object is overloaded. Requests queued for too long.` The oldest request has been in the queue too long.
- `Error: Durable Object is overloaded. Too many requests for the same object within a 10 second window.` The number of requests for a Durable Object is too high within a short span of time (10 seconds). This error indicates a more extreme level of overload.
To solve this error, you can either do less work per request, or send fewer requests. For example, you can split the requests among more instances of the Durable Object.
These errors and others that are due to overload will have an [`.overloaded` property](/durable-objects/best-practices/error-handling) set on their exceptions, which can be used to avoid retrying overloaded operations.
### Your account is generating too much load on Durable Objects. Please back off and try again later.
There is a limit on how quickly you can create new [stubs](/durable-objects/api/stub) for new or existing Durable Objects. Those lookups are usually cached, meaning attempts for the same set of recently accessed Durable Objects should be successful, so catching this error and retrying after a short wait is safe. If possible, also consider spreading those lookups across multiple requests.
### Durable Object reset because its code was updated.
Reset in error messages refers to in-memory state. Any durable state that has already been successfully persisted via `state.storage` is not affected.
Refer to [Global Uniqueness](/durable-objects/platform/known-issues/#global-uniqueness).
### Durable Object storage operation exceeded timeout which caused object to be reset.
To prevent indefinite blocking, there is a limit on how much time storage operations can take. In Durable Objects containing a sufficiently large number of key-value pairs, `deleteAll()` may hit that time limit and fail. When this happens, note that each `deleteAll()` call does make progress and that it is safe to retry until it succeeds. Otherwise contact [Cloudflare support](/support/contacting-cloudflare-support/).
### Your account is doing too many concurrent storage operations. Please back off and try again later.
Besides the suggested approach of backing off, also consider changing your code to use `state.storage.get(keys Array)` rather than multiple individual `state.storage.get(key)` calls where possible.
# Known issues
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/platform/known-issues/
import { GlossaryTooltip } from "~/components";
Durable Objects is generally available. However, there are some known issues.
## Global uniqueness
Global uniqueness guarantees there is only a single instance of a Durable Object class with a given ID running at once, across the world.
Uniqueness is enforced upon starting a new event (such as receiving an HTTP request), and upon accessing storage.
After an event is received, if the event takes some time to execute and does not ever access its durable storage, then it is possible that the Durable Object may no longer be current, and some other instance of the same Durable Object ID will have been created elsewhere. If the event accesses storage at this point, it will receive an [exception](/durable-objects/observability/troubleshooting/). If the event completes without ever accessing storage, it may not ever realize that the Durable Object was no longer current.
A Durable Object may be replaced in the event of a network partition or a software update (including either an update of the Durable Object's class code, or of the Workers system itself). Enabling `wrangler tail` or [Cloudflare dashboard](https://dash.cloudflare.com/) logs requires a software update.
## Code updates
Code changes for Workers and Durable Objects are released globally in an eventually consistent manner. Because each Durable Object is globally unique, the situation can arise that a request arrives to the latest version of your Worker (running in one part of the world), which then calls to a unique Durable Object running the previous version of your code for a short period of time (typically seconds to minutes). If you create a [gradual deployment](/workers/configuration/versions-and-deployments/gradual-deployments/), this period of time is determined by how long your live deployment is configured to use more than one version.
For this reason, it is best practice to ensure that API changes between your Workers and Durable Objects are forward and backward compatible across code updates.
## Development tools
[`wrangler tail`](/workers/wrangler/commands/#tail) logs from requests that are upgraded to WebSockets are delayed until the WebSocket is closed. `wrangler tail` should not be connected to a Worker that you expect will receive heavy volumes of traffic.
The Workers editor in the [Cloudflare dashboard](https://dash.cloudflare.com/) allows you to interactively edit and preview your Worker and Durable Objects. In the editor, Durable Objects can only be talked to by a preview request if the Worker being previewed both exports the Durable Object class and binds to it. Durable Objects exported by other Workers cannot be talked to in the editor preview.
[`wrangler dev`](/workers/wrangler/commands/#dev) has read access to Durable Object storage, but writes will be kept in memory and will not affect persistent data. However, if you specify the `script_name` explicitly in the [Durable Object binding](/workers/runtime-apis/bindings/), then writes will affect persistent data. Wrangler will emit a warning in that case.
## Alarms in local development
Currently, when developing locally (using `npx wrangler dev`), Durable Object [alarm methods](/durable-objects/api/alarms) may fail after a hot reload (if you edit the code while the code is running locally).
To avoid this issue, when using Durable Object alarms, close and restart your `wrangler dev` command after editing your code.
# Limits
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/platform/limits/
import { Render, GlossaryTooltip } from "~/components";
Durable Objects are only available on the [Workers Paid plan](/workers/platform/pricing/#workers). Durable Objects limits are the same as [Workers Limits](/workers/platform/limits/), as well as the following limits that are specific to Durable Objects:
| Feature | Limit for class with key-value storage backend | Limit for class with SQLite storage backend [^1] |
| --------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| Number of Objects | Unlimited (within an account or of a given class) | Unlimited (within an account or of a given class) |
| Maximum Durable Object namespaces | 500 (identical to the [script limit](/workers/platform/limits/)) | 500 (identical to the [script limit](/workers/platform/limits/)) |
| Storage per account | 50 GB (can be raised by contacting Cloudflare) [^2] | 50 GB (can be raised by contacting Cloudflare) [^2] |
| Storage per class | Unlimited | Unlimited |
| Storage per Durable Object | Unlimited | 1 GB [^3] |
| Key size | 2 KiB (2048 bytes) | Key and value combined cannot exceed 2 MB |
| Value size | 128 KiB (131072 bytes) | Key and value combined cannot exceed 2 MB |
| WebSocket message size | 1 MiB (only for received messages) | 1 MiB (only for received messages) |
| CPU per request | 30s (including WebSocket messages) [^4] | 30s (including WebSocket messages) [^4] |
[^1]: The new beta version of Durable Objects is available where each Durable Object has a private, embedded SQLite database. When creating a Durable Object class, users can [opt-in to using SQL storage](/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/#enable-sqlite-storage-backend-on-new-durable-object-class-migration).
[^2]: Durable Objects both bills and measures storage based on a gigabyte
(1 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes) and not a gibibyte (GiB).
[^3]: Will be raised to 10 GB for general availability.
[^4]: Each incoming HTTP request or WebSocket *message* resets the remaining available CPU time to 30 seconds. This allows the Durable Object to consume up to 30 seconds of compute after each incoming network request, with each new network request resetting the timer. If you consume more than 30 seconds of compute between incoming network requests, there is a heightened chance that the individual Durable Object is evicted and reset.
For Durable Object classes with [SQLite storage backend](/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/#sqlite-storage-backend) these SQL limits apply:
| SQL | Limit |
| -------------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| Maximum number of columns per table | 100 |
| Maximum number of rows per table | Unlimited (excluding per-object storage limits) |
| Maximum string, `BLOB` or table row size | 2 MB |
| Maximum SQL statement length | 100 KB |
| Maximum bound parameters per query | 100 |
| Maximum arguments per SQL function | 32 |
| Maximum characters (bytes) in a `LIKE` or `GLOB` pattern | 50 bytes |
## Frequently Asked Questions
### How much work can a single Durable Object do?
Durable Objects can scale horizontally across many Durable Objects. Each individual Object is inherently single-threaded.
- An individual Object has a soft limit of 1,000 requests per second. You can have an unlimited number of individual objects per namespace.
- A simple [storage](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/) `get()` on a small value that directly returns the response may realize a higher request throughput compared to a Durable Object that (for example) serializes and/or deserializes large JSON values.
- Similarly, a Durable Object that performs multiple `list()` operations may be more limited in terms of request throughput.
A Durable Object that receives too many requests will, after attempting to queue them, return an [overloaded](/durable-objects/observability/troubleshooting/#durable-object-is-overloaded) error to the caller.
### How many Durable Objects can I create?
Durable Objects are designed such that the number of individual objects in the system do not need to be limited, and can scale horizontally.
- You can create and run as many separate Durable Objects as you want within a given Durable Object namespace.
- The main limit to your usage of Durable Objects is the total storage limit per account.
- If you need more storage, contact your account team or complete the [Limit Increase Request Form](https://forms.gle/ukpeZVLWLnKeixDu7) and we will contact you with next steps.
# Pricing
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/platform/pricing/
import { Render } from "~/components"
## Billing metrics
## Durable Objects billing examples
These examples exclude the costs for the Workers calling the Durable Objects. When modelling the costs of a Durable Object, note that:
* Inactive objects receiving no requests do not incur any duration charges.
* The [WebSocket Hibernation API](/durable-objects/best-practices/websockets/#websocket-hibernation-api) can dramatically reduce duration-related charges for Durable Objects communicating with clients over the WebSocket protocol, especially if messages are only transmitted occasionally at sparse intervals.
### Example 1
This example represents a simple Durable Object used as a co-ordination service invoked via HTTP.
* A single Durable Object was called by a Worker 1.5 million times
* It is active for 1,000,000 seconds in the month
In this scenario, the estimated monthly cost would be calculated as:
* (1.5 million requests - included 1 million requests) x $0.15 / 1,000,000 = $0.075
**Compute Duration**:
* 1,000,000 seconds \* 128 MB / 1 GB = 128,000 GB-s
* (128,000 GB-s - included 400,000 GB-s) x $12.50 / 1,000,000 = $0.00
**Estimated total**: \~$0.075 (requests) + $0.00 (compute duration) + minimum $5/mo usage = $5.08 per month
### Example 2
This example represents a moderately trafficked Durable Objects based application using WebSockets to broadcast game, chat or real-time user state across connected clients:
* 100 Durable Objects have 50 WebSocket connections established to each of them.
* Clients send approximately one message a minute for eight active hours a day, every day of the month.
In this scenario, the estimated monthly cost would be calculated as:
* 50 WebSocket connections \* 100 Durable Objects to establish the WebSockets = 5,000 connections created each day \* 30 days = 150,000 WebSocket connection requests.
* 50 messages per minute \* 100 Durable Objects \* 60 minutes \* 8 hours \* 30 days = 72,000,000 WebSocket message requests.
* 150,000 + (72 million requests / 20 for WebSocket message billing ratio) = 3.75 million billing request.
* (3.75 million requests - included 1 million requests) x $0.15 / 1,000,000 = $0.41.
**Compute Duration**:
* 100 Durable Objects \* 60 seconds \* 60 minutes \* 8 hours \* 30 days = 86,400,000 seconds.
* 86,400,000 seconds \* 128 MB / 1 GB = 11,059,200 GB-s.
* (11,059,200 GB-s - included 400,000 GB-s) x $12.50 / 1,000,000 = $133.24.
**Estimated total**: $0.41 (requests) + $133.24 (compute duration) + minimum $5/mo usage = $138.65 per month.
### Example 3
This example represents a horizontally scaled Durable Objects based application using WebSockets to communicate user-specific state to a single client connected to each Durable Object.
* 100 Durable Objects each have a single WebSocket connection established to each of them.
* Clients sent one message every second of the month so that the Durable Objects were active for the entire month.
In this scenario, the estimated monthly cost would be calculated as:
* 100 WebSocket connection requests.
* 1 message per second \* 100 connections \* 60 seconds \* 60 minutes \* 24 hours \* 30 days = 259,200,000 WebSocket message requests.
* 100 + (259.2 million requests / 20 for WebSocket billing ratio) = 12,960,100 requests.
* (12.9 million requests - included 1 million requests) x $0.15 / 1,000,000 = $1.79.
**Compute Duration**:
* 100 Durable Objects \* 60 seconds \* 60 minutes \* 24 hours \* 30 days = 259,200,000 seconds
* 259,200,000 seconds \* 128 MB / 1 GB = 33,177,600 GB-s
* (33,177,600 GB-s - included 400,000 GB-s) x $12.50 / 1,000,000 = $409.72
**Estimated total**: $1.79 (requests) + $409.72 (compute duration) + minimum $5/mo usage = $416.51 per month
### Example 4
This example represents a moderately trafficked Durable Objects based application using WebSocket Hibernation to broadcast game, chat or real-time user state across connected clients:
* 100 Durable Objects each have 100 Hibernatable WebSocket connections established to each of them.
* Clients send one message per minute, and it takes 10ms to process a single message in the `webSocketMessage()` handler. Since each Durable Object handles 100 WebSockets, cumulatively each Durable Object will be actively executing JS for 1 second each minute (100 WebSockets \* 10ms).
In this scenario, the estimated monthly cost would be calculated as:
* 100 WebSocket connections \* 100 Durable Objects to establish the WebSockets = 10,000 initial WebSocket connection requests.
* 100 messages per minute1 \* 100 Durable Objects \* 60 minutes \* 24 hours \* 30 days = 432,000,000 requests.
* 10,000 + (432 million requests / 20 for WebSocket billing ratio) = 21,610,000 million requests.
* (21.6 million requests - included 1 million requests) x $0.15 / 1,000,000 = $3.09.
**Compute Duration**:
* 100 Durable Objects \* 1 second2 \* 60 minutes \* 24 hours \* 30 days = 4,320,000 seconds
* 4,320,000 seconds \* 128 MB / 1 GB = 552,960 GB-s
* (552,960 GB-s - included 400,000 GB-s) x $12.50 / 1,000,000 = $1.91
**Estimated total**: $3.09 (requests) + $1.91 (compute duration) + minimum $5/mo usage = $10.00 per month
1 100 messages per minute comes from the fact that 100 clients connect to each DO, and each sends 1 message per minute.
2 The example uses 1 second because each Durable Object is active for 1 second per minute. This can also be thought of as 432 million requests that each take 10 ms to execute (4,320,000 seconds).
## Storage API billing
## Frequently Asked Questions
### Does an empty table / SQLite database contribute to my storage?
Yes, although minimal. Empty tables can consume at least a few kilobytes, based on the number of columns (table width) in the table. An empty SQLite database consumes approximately 12 KB of storage.
### Does metadata stored in Durable Objects count towards my storage?
All writes to a SQLite-backed Durable Object stores nominal amounts of metadata in internal tables in the Durable Object, which counts towards your billable storage.
The metadata remains in the Durable Object until you call [`deleteAll()`](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/#deleteall).
# Data location
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/reference/data-location/
import { GlossaryTooltip } from "~/components";
## Restrict Durable Objects to a jurisdiction
Jurisdictions are used to create Durable Objects that only run and store data within a region to comply with local regulations such as the [GDPR](https://gdpr-info.eu/) or [FedRAMP](https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-achieves-fedramp-authorization/).
Workers may still access Durable Objects constrained to a jurisdiction from anywhere in the world. The jurisdiction constraint only controls where the Durable Object itself runs and persists data. Consider using [Regional Services](/data-localization/regional-services/) to control the regions from which Cloudflare responds to requests.
A [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) will be logged outside of the specified jurisdiction for billing and debugging purposes.
Durable Objects can be restricted to a specific jurisdiction either by creating a [`DurableObjectNamespace`](/durable-objects/api/namespace/) restricted to a jurisdiction, or by creating an individual [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) restricted to a jurisdiction:
const euSubnamespace = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.jurisdiction("eu");
const euId = euSubnamespace.newUniqueId();
// or
const euId = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.newUniqueId({ jurisdiction: "eu" });
Methods on a [`DurableObjectNamespace`](/durable-objects/api/namespace/) that take a [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) as a parameter will throw an exception if the parameter is associated with a different jurisdiction. To achieve this, a [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) encodes its jurisdiction. As a consequence, it is possible to have the same name represent different IDs in different jurisdictions.
const euId1 = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.idFromName("my-name");
const euId2 = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.jurisdiction("eu").idFromName("my-name");
console.assert(!euId1.equal(euId2), "This should always be true");
Methods on a [`DurableObjectNamespace`](/durable-objects/api/namespace/) that take a [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) as a parameter will throw an exception if the parameter is associated with a different jurisdiction. However, these methods will not throw an exception if the [`DurableObjectNamespace`](/durable-objects/api/namespace/) is not associated with a jurisdiction. The common case is that any valid [`DurableObjectId`](/durable-objects/api/id) can be used in the top-level namespace's methods.
const euSubnamespace = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.jurisdiction("eu");
const euId = euSubnamespace.idFromName(name);
const stub = env.MY_DURABLE_OBJECT.get(euId);
### Supported locations
| Parameter | Location |
| --------- | ---------------------------- |
| eu | The European Union |
| fedramp | FedRAMP-compliant data centers |
## Provide a location hint
Durable Objects, as with any stateful API, will often add response latency as requests must be forwarded to the data center where the Durable Object, or state, is located.
Durable Objects do not currently change locations after they are created1. By default, a Durable Object is instantiated in a data center close to where the initial `get()` request is made. This may not be in the same data center that the `get()` request is made from, but in most cases, it will be in close proximity.
:::caution[Initial requests to Durable Objects]
It can negatively impact latency to pre-create Durable Objects prior to the first client request or when the first client request is not representative of where the majority of requests will come from. It is better for latency to create Durable Objects in response to actual production traffic or provide explicit location hints.
Location hints are the mechanism provided to specify the location that a Durable Object should be located regardless of where the initial `get()` request comes from.
To manually create Durable Objects in another location, provide an optional `locationHint` parameter to `get()`. Only the first call to `get()` for a particular Object will respect the hint.
let durableObjectStub = OBJECT_NAMESPACE.get(id, { locationHint: "enam" });
Hints are a best effort and not a guarantee. Unlike with jurisdictions, Durable Objects will not necessarily be instantiated in the hinted location, but instead instantiated in a data center selected to minimize latency from the hinted location.
### Supported locations
| Parameter | Location |
| --------- | -------------------------- |
| wnam | Western North America |
| enam | Eastern North America |
| sam | South America 2 |
| weur | Western Europe |
| eeur | Eastern Europe |
| apac | Asia-Pacific |
| oc | Oceania |
| afr | Africa 2 |
| me | Middle East 2 |
1 Dynamic relocation of existing Durable Objects is planned for the
2 Durable Objects currently do not spawn in this location. Instead,
the Durable Object will spawn in a nearby location which does support Durable
Objects. For example, Durable Objects hinted to South America spawn in Eastern
North America instead.
# Data security
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/reference/data-security/
This page details the data security properties of Durable Objects, including:
* Encryption-at-rest (EAR).
* Encryption-in-transit (EIT).
* Cloudflare's compliance certifications.
## Encryption at Rest
All Durable Object data, including metadata, is encrypted at rest. Encryption and decryption are automatic, do not require user configuration to enable, and do not impact the effective performance of Durable Objects.
Encryption keys are managed by Cloudflare and securely stored in the same key management systems we use for managing encrypted data across Cloudflare internally.
Encryption at rest is implemented using the Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) disk encryption specification and [AES-256](https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/ssl/what-is-encryption/), a widely tested, highly performant and industry-standard encryption algorithm.
## Encryption in Transit
Data transfer between a Cloudflare Worker, and/or between nodes within the Cloudflare network and Durable Objects is secured using the same [Transport Layer Security](https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/ssl/transport-layer-security-tls/) (TLS/SSL).
API access via the HTTP API or using the [wrangler](/workers/wrangler/install-and-update/) command-line interface is also over TLS/SSL (HTTPS).
## Compliance
To learn more about Cloudflare's adherence to industry-standard security compliance certifications, visit the Cloudflare [Trust Hub](https://www.cloudflare.com/trust-hub/compliance-resources/).
# Durable Objects migrations
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/reference/durable-objects-migrations/
import { GlossaryTooltip, WranglerConfig, Steps, Details } from "~/components";
A migration is a mapping process from a class name to a runtime state. This process communicates the changes to the Workers runtime and provides the runtime with instructions on how to deal with those changes.
To apply a migration, you need to:
1. Edit your `wrangler.toml / wrangler.json` file, as explained below.
2. Re-deploy your Worker using `npx wrangler deploy`.
You must initiate a migration process when you:
- Create a new Durable Object class.
- Rename a Durable Object class.
- Delete a Durable Object class.
- Transfer an existing Durable Objects class.
Updating the code for an existing Durable Object class does not require a migration. To update the code for an existing Durable Object class, run [`npx wrangler deploy`](/workers/wrangler/commands/#deploy). This is true even for changes to how the code interacts with persistent storage. Because of [global uniqueness](/durable-objects/platform/known-issues/#global-uniqueness), you do not have to be concerned about old and new code interacting with the same storage simultaneously. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that the new code is backwards compatible with existing stored data.
## Create migration
The most common migration performed is a new class migration, which informs the runtime that a new Durable Object class is being uploaded. This is also the migration you need when creating your first Durable Object class.
To apply a Create migration:
1. Add the following lines to your `wrangler.toml / wrangler.json` file:
tag = "" # Migration identifier. This should be unique for each migration entry
new_classes = [""] # Array of new classes
# For SQLite storage backend use new_sqlite_classes=[""] instead
The Create migration contains:
- A `tag` to identify the migration.
- The array `new_classes`, which contains the new Durable Object class.
2. Ensure you reference the correct name of the Durable Object class in your Worker code.
3. Deploy the Worker.
To create a new Durable Object binding `DURABLE_OBJECT_A`, your `wrangler.toml / wrangler.json` file should look like the following:
# Creating a new Durable Object class
class_name = "DurableObjectAClass"
# Add the lines below for a Create migration.
tag = "v1"
new_classes = ["DurableObjectAClass"]
## Delete migration
Running a Delete migration will delete all Durable Objects associated with the deleted class, including all of their stored data.
- Do not run a Delete migration on a class without first ensuring that you are not relying on the Durable Objects within that Worker anymore, that is, first remove the binding from the Worker.
- Copy any important data to some other location before deleting.
- You do not have to run a Delete migration on a class that was renamed or transferred.
To apply a Delete migration:
1. Remove the binding for the class you wish to delete from the `wrangler.toml / wrangler.json` file.
2. Remove references for the class you wish to delete from your Worker code.
3. Add the following lines to your `wrangler.toml / wrangler.json` file.
tag = "" # Migration identifier. This should be unique for each migration entry
deleted_classes = [""] # Array of deleted class names
The Delete migration contains:
- A `tag` to identify the migration.
- The array `deleted_classes`, which contains the deleted Durable Object classes.
4. Deploy the Worker.
To delete a Durable Object binding `DEPRECATED_OBJECT`, your `wrangler.toml / wrangler.json` file should look like the following:
# Remove the binding for the DeprecatedObjectClass DO
#class_name = "DeprecatedObjectClass"
tag = "v3" # Should be unique for each entry
deleted_classes = ["DeprecatedObjectClass"] # Array of new classes
## Rename migration
Rename migrations are used to transfer stored Durable Objects between two Durable Object classes in the same Worker code file.
To apply a Rename migration:
1. Update the previous class name to the new class name by editing your `wrangler.toml / wrangler.json` file in the following way:
name = ""
class_name = "" # Update the class name to the new class name
tag = "" # Migration identifier. This should be unique for each migration entry
renamed_classes = [{from = "", to = "" }] # Array of rename directives
The Rename migration contains:
- A `tag` to identify the migration.
- The `renamed_classes` array, which contains objects with `from` and `to` properties.
- `from` property is the old Durable Object class name.
- `to` property is the renamed Durable Object class name.
2. Reference the new Durable Object class name in your Worker code.
3. Deploy the Worker.
To rename a Durable Object class, from `OldName` to `UpdatedName`, your `wrangler.toml / wrangler.json` file should look like the following:
# Before deleting the `DeprecatedClass` remove the binding for the `DeprecatedClass`.
# Update the binding for the `DurableObjectExample` to the new class name `UpdatedName`.
class_name = "UpdatedName"
# Renaming classes
tag = "v3"
renamed_classes = [{from = "OldName", to = "UpdatedName" }] # Array of rename directives
## Transfer migration
Transfer migrations are used to transfer stored Durable Objects between two Durable Object classes in different Worker code files.
If you want to transfer stored Durable Objects between two Durable Object classes in the same Worker code file, use [Rename migrations](#rename-migration) instead.
Do not run a [Create migration](#create-migration) for the destination class before running a Transfer migration. The Transfer migration will create the destination class for you.
To apply a Transfer migration:
1. Edit your `wrangler.toml / wrangler.json` file in the following way:
name = ""
class_name = ""
tag = "" # Migration identifier. This should be unique for each migration entry
transferred_classes = [{from = "", from_script = "", to = "" }]
The Transfer migration contains:
- A `tag` to identify the migration.
- The `transferred_class` array, which contains objects with `from`, `from_script`, and `to` properties.
- `from` property is the name of the source Durable Object class.
- `from_script` property is the name of the source Worker script.
- `to` property is the name of the destination Durable Object class.
2. Ensure you reference the name of the new, destination Durable Object class in your Worker code.
3. Deploy the Worker.
You can transfer stored Durable Objects from `DurableObjectExample` to `TransferredClass` from a Worker script named `OldWorkerScript`. The configuration of the `wrangler.toml / wrangler.json` file for your new Worker code (destination Worker code) would look like this:
# destination worker
class_name = "TransferredClass"
# Transferring class
tag = "v4"
transferred_classes = [{from = "DurableObjectExample", from_script = "OldWorkerScript", to = "TransferredClass" }]
## Migration Wrangler configuration
- Migrations are performed through the `[[migrations]]` configurations key in your `wrangler.toml` file or `migration` key in your `wrangler.json` file.
- Migrations require a migration tag, which is defined by the `tag` property in each migration entry.
- Migration tags are treated like unique names and are used to determine which migrations have already been applied. Once a given Worker code has a migration tag set on it, all future Worker code deployments must include a migration tag.
- The migration list is an ordered array of tables, specified as a top-level key in your `wrangler` configuration file. The migration list is inherited by all environments and cannot be overridden by a specific environment.
- All migrations are applied at deployment. Each migration can only be applied once per [environment](/durable-objects/reference/environments/).
- Each migration in the list can have multiple directives, and multiple migrations can be specified as your project grows in complexity.
- The destination class (the class that stored Durable Objects are being transferred to) for a Rename or Transfer migration must be exported by the deployed Worker.
- You should not create the destination Durable Object class before running a Rename or Transfer migration. The migration will create the destination class for you.
- After a Rename or Transfer migration, requests to the destination Durable Object class will have access to the source Durable Object's stored data.
- After a migration, any existing bindings to the original Durable Object class (for example, from other Workers) will automatically forward to the updated destination class. However, any Workers bound to the updated Durable Object class must update their Durable Object binding configuration in the `wrangler` configuration file for their next deployment.
Note that `.toml` files do not allow line breaks in inline tables (the `{key = "value"}` syntax), but line breaks in the surrounding inline array are acceptable.
{/* ## Examples of Durable Object migration
To illustrate an example migrations workflow, the `DurableObjectExample` class can be initially defined with:
# Creating a new Durable Object class
tag = "v1" # Migration identifier. This should be unique for each migration entry
new_classes = ["DurableObjectExample"] # Array of new classes
You can rename the `DurableObjectExample` class to `UpdatedName` and delete an outdated `DeprecatedClass` entirely. You can create separate migrations for each operation, or combine them into a single migration as shown below. */}
## Enable SQLite storage backend on new Durable Object class migration
:::note[SQLite in Durable Objects Beta]
The new beta version of Durable Objects is available where each Durable Object has a private, embedded SQLite database. When deploying a new Durable Object class, users can opt-in to a SQLite storage backend in order to access new [SQL API](/durable-objects/api/sql-storage/#exec). Otherwise, a Durable Object class has a key-value storage backend.
To allow a new Durable Object class to use a SQLite storage backend, use `new_sqlite_classes` on the migration in your Worker's `wrangler` configuration file:
tag = "v1" # Should be unique for each entry
new_sqlite_classes = ["MyDurableObject"] # Array of new classes
For an example of a new class migration, refer to [Get started: Configure Durable Object class with SQLite storage backend](/durable-objects/get-started/tutorial-with-sql-api/#6-configure-durable-object-class-with-sqlite-storage-backend).
You cannot enable a SQLite storage backend on an existing, deployed Durable Object class, so setting `new_sqlite_classes` on later migrations will fail with an error. Automatic migration of deployed classes from their key-value storage backend to SQLite storage backend will be available in the future.
# Environments
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/reference/environments/
import { WranglerConfig } from "~/components";
[Wrangler](/workers/wrangler/install-and-update/) allows you to deploy the same Worker application with different configuration for each [environment](/workers/wrangler/environments/).
If you are using Wrangler environments, you must specify any [Durable Object bindings](/workers/runtime-apis/bindings/) you wish to use on a per-environment basis.
Durable Object bindings are not inherited. For example, you can define an environment named `staging` as below:
durable_objects.bindings = [
{name = "EXAMPLE_CLASS", class_name = "DurableObjectExample"}
Because Wrangler appends the [environment name](/workers/wrangler/environments/) to the top-level name when publishing, for a Worker named `worker-name` the above example is equivalent to:
durable_objects.bindings = [
{name = "EXAMPLE_CLASS", class_name = "DurableObjectExample", script_name = "worker-name-staging"}
`"EXAMPLE_CLASS"` in the staging environment is bound to a different Worker code name compared to the top-level `"EXAMPLE_CLASS"` binding, and will therefore access different Durable Objects with different persistent storage.
If you want an environment-specific binding that accesses the same Objects as the top-level binding, specify the top-level Worker code name explicitly using `script_name`:
durable_objects.bindings = [
{name = "EXAMPLE_CLASS", class_name = "DurableObjectExample", script_name = "worker-name"}
# Glossary
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/reference/glossary/
import { Glossary } from "~/components"
Review the definitions for terms used across Cloudflare's Durable Objects documentation.
# In-memory state in a Durable Object
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/reference/in-memory-state/
import { GlossaryTooltip } from "~/components";
In-memory state means that each Durable Object has one active instance at any particular time. All requests sent to that Durable Object are handled by that same instance. You can store some state in memory.
Variables in a Durable Object will maintain state as long as your Durable Object is not evicted from memory.
A common pattern is to initialize a Durable Object from [persistent storage](/durable-objects/api/storage-api/) and set instance variables the first time it is accessed. Since future accesses are routed to the same Durable Object, it is then possible to return any initialized values without making further calls to persistent storage.
export class Counter {
constructor(state, env) {
this.state = state;
// `blockConcurrencyWhile()` ensures no requests are delivered until
// initialization completes.
this.state.blockConcurrencyWhile(async () => {
let stored = await this.state.storage.get("value");
// After initialization, future reads do not need to access storage.
this.value = stored || 0;
// Handle HTTP requests from clients.
async fetch(request) {
// use this.value rather than storage
A given instance of a Durable Object may share global memory with other instances defined in the same Worker code.
In the example above, using a global variable `value` instead of the instance variable `this.value` would be incorrect. Two different instances of `Counter` will each have their own separate memory for `this.value`, but might share memory for the global variable `value`, leading to unexpected results. Because of this, it is best to avoid global variables.
:::note[Built-in caching]
The Durable Object's storage has a built-in in-memory cache of its own. If you use `get()` to retrieve a value that was read or written recently, the result will be instantly returned from cache. Instead of writing initialization code like above, you could use `get("value")` whenever you need it, and rely on the built-in cache to make this fast. Refer to the [Build a counter example](/durable-objects/examples/build-a-counter/) to learn more about this approach.
However, in applications with more complex state, explicitly storing state in your Object may be easier than making Storage API calls on every access. Depending on the configuration of your project, write your code in the way that is easiest for you.
# Reference
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/reference/
import { DirectoryListing } from "~/components";
# Tutorials
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/tutorials/
import { GlossaryTooltip, ListTutorials } from "~/components"
View tutorials to help you get started with Durable Objects.
# Building the App Frontend and UI
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/get-started/video-series/app-frontend/
import { Details, DirectoryListing, Stream } from "~/components";
Now, we're moving to the frontend. In this video, we'll set up the frontend starter code (the starter code is located in the Veet GitHub repository), connect to Durable Objects using a call room ID, and display a local video preview.
Useful links:
- [GitHub code](https://github.com/megaconfidence/veet)
# Deploy your Video Call app
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/get-started/video-series/deploy-app/
import { Details, DirectoryListing, Stream } from "~/components";
We're almost done with the project, and in this video, we'll add the finishing touches. Learn how to handle call disconnections, wire up essential media controls like muting/unmuting and video toggling, and integrate a TURN server to ensure reliable connections even behind firewalls. By the end of this video, your app will be fully functional and ready for deployment.
Useful links:
- [GitHub code](https://github.com/megaconfidence/veet)
- [TURN service](/calls/turn/)
# What are Durable Objects?
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/get-started/video-series/durable-objects/
import { Details, DirectoryListing, Stream } from "~/components";
In this video, we will show how Durable Objects work and start building a video call app together.
Useful links:
- [Sign up](https://dash.cloudflare.com/sign-up) for a Cloudflare account
# Introduction
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/get-started/video-series/intro/
import { Details, DirectoryListing, Stream } from "~/components";
In this episode, we will present an overview of the final project, discuss its underlying architecture, and access resources to set up the project locally.
Useful links:
- [GitHub code](https://github.com/megaconfidence/veet)
# Video series
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/get-started/video-series/
import { DirectoryListing, Stream } from "~/components";
Building stateful apps on a serverless architecture has been difficult until Cloudflare's Durable Objects - a powerful API that enables you to easily build stateful serverless apps on Workers. In this series of videos, we will show how Durable Objects work and start building a video call app together.
To get started, [create an account](https://dash.cloudflare.com/sign-up) on Cloudflare today for free.
# Make and Answer WebRTC calls
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/get-started/video-series/make-answer-webrtc-calls/
import { Details, DirectoryListing, Stream } from "~/components";
In this video, we'll build on the frontend we set up earlier by adding functionality for making and answering WebRTC video calls. You'll learn how to create peer-to-peer connections, handle ICE candidates, and seamlessly send and receive video streams between users.
Useful links:
- [GitHub code](https://github.com/megaconfidence/veet)
# Real-time messaging with WebSockets
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/get-started/video-series/real-time-messaging/
import { Details, DirectoryListing, Stream } from "~/components";
Now, we'll take it a step further by enabling our server to receive and broadcast messages. In this video, you'll learn how to route and broadcast incoming messages from WebSocket connections and implement error handling such as closed WebSocket connections. By the end, you will have completed the backend for our video call app.
Useful links:
- [GitHub code](https://github.com/megaconfidence/veet)
# Create a Serverless Websocket 'Backend'
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/get-started/video-series/serverless-websocket/
import { Details, DirectoryListing, Stream } from "~/components";
In this video, we'll create a WebSocket backend using serverless technology, making the process simpler than ever before. You'll learn how to create your first Durable Object, set up a WebSocket server to coordinate connections, and keep track of connected clients.
Useful links:
- [CLI command](/pages/get-started/c3/) for creating new Workers and Pages projects
- [Hopscotch.io](https://hoppscotch.io/) for local WebSocket testing
- [GitHub code](https://github.com/megaconfidence/veet)
# Build a seat booking app with SQLite in Durable Objects
URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/durable-objects/tutorials/build-a-seat-booking-app/
import { Render, PackageManagers, Details, WranglerConfig } from "~/components";
In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a seat reservation app using Durable Objects. This app will allow users to book a seat for a flight. The app will be written in TypeScript and will use the new [SQLite storage backend in Durable Object](/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/#sqlite-storage-backend) to store the data.
Using Durable Objects, you can write reusable code that can handle coordination and state management for multiple clients. Moreover, writing data to SQLite in Durable Objects is synchronous and uses local disks, therefore all queries are executed with great performance. You can learn more about SQLite storage in Durable Objects in the [SQLite in Durable Objects blog post](https://blog.cloudflare.com/sqlite-in-durable-objects).
:::note[SQLite in Durable Objects]
SQLite in Durable Objects is currently in beta. You can learn more about the limitations of SQLite in Durable Objects in the [SQLite in Durable Objects documentation](/durable-objects/best-practices/access-durable-objects-storage/#sqlite-storage-backend).
The application will function as follows:
- A user navigates to the application with a flight number passed as a query parameter.
- The application will create a new Durable Object for the flight number, if it does not already exist.
- If the Durable Object already exists, the application will retrieve the seats information from the SQLite database.
- If the Durable Object does not exist, the application will create a new Durable Object and initialize the SQLite database with the seats information. For the purpose of this tutorial, the seats information is hard-coded in the application.
- When a user selects a seat, the application asks for their name. The application will then reserve the seat and store the name in the SQLite database.
- The application also broadcasts any changes to the seats to all clients.
Let's get started!
## Prerequisites
1. Sign up for a [Cloudflare account](https://dash.cloudflare.com/sign-up/workers-and-pages).
2. Install [`Node.js`](https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm).
Use a Node version manager like [Volta](https://volta.sh/) or
[nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) to avoid permission issues and change
Node.js versions. [Wrangler](/workers/wrangler/install-and-update/), discussed
later in this guide, requires a Node version of `16.17.0` or later.
## 1. Create a new project
Create a new Worker project to create and deploy your app.
1. Create a Worker named `seat-booking` by running:
2. Change into your new project directory to start developing:
```sh frame="none"
cd seat-booking
## 2. Create the frontend
The frontend of the application is a simple HTML page that allows users to select a seat and enter their name. The application uses [Workers Static Assets](/workers/static-assets/binding/) to serve the frontend.
1. Create a new directory named `public` in the project root.
2. Create a new file named `index.html` in the `public` directory.
3. Add the following HTML code to the `index.html` file:
```html title="public/index.html"
Flight Seat Booking
- The frontend makes an HTTP `GET` request to the `/seats` endpoint to retrieve the available seats for the flight.
- It also uses a WebSocket connection to receive updates about the available seats.
- When a user clicks on a seat, the `bookSeat()` function is called that prompts the user to enter their name and then makes a `POST` request to the `/book-seat` endpoint.
4. Update the bindings in the [Wrangler configuration file](/workers/wrangler/configuration/) to configure `assets` to serve the `public` directory.
directory = "public"
5. If you start the development server using the following command, the frontend will be served at `http://localhost:8787`. However, it will not work because the backend is not yet implemented.
```bash frame=none
npm run dev
:::note[Workers Static Assets]
[Workers Static Assets](/workers/static-assets/binding/) is currently in beta. You can also use Cloudflare Pages to serve the frontend. However, you will need a separate Worker for the backend.
## 3. Create table for each flight
The application already has the binding for the Durable Objects class configured in the [Wrangler configuration file](/workers/wrangler/configuration/). If you update the name of the Durable Objects class in `src/index.ts`, make sure to also update the binding in the [Wrangler configuration file](/workers/wrangler/configuration/).
1. Update the binding to use the SQLite storage in Durable Objects. In the [Wrangler configuration file](/workers/wrangler/configuration/), replace `new_classes=["Flight"]` with `new_sqlite_classes=["Flight"]`, `name = "FLIGHT"` with `name = "FLIGHT"`, and `class_name = "MyDurableObject"` with `class_name = "Flight"`. your [Wrangler configuration file](/workers/wrangler/configuration/) should look like this:
```toml {9}
name = "FLIGHT"
class_name = "Flight"
# Durable Object migrations.
# Docs: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/wrangler/configuration/#migrations
tag = "v1"
new_sqlite_classes = ["Flight"]
Your application can now use the SQLite storage in Durable Objects.
2. Add the `initializeSeats()` function to the `Flight` class. This function will be called when the Durable Object is initialized. It will check if the table exists, and if not, it will create it. It will also insert seats information in the table.
For this tutorial, the function creates an identical seating plan for all the flights. However, in production, you would want to update this function to insert seats based on the flight type.
Replace the `Flight` class with the following code:
```ts title="src/index.ts"
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class Flight extends DurableObject {
sql = this.ctx.storage.sql;
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
super(ctx, env);
private initializeSeats() {
const cursor = this.sql.exec(`PRAGMA table_list`);
// Check if a table exists.
if ([...cursor].find((t) => t.name === "seats")) {
console.log("Table already exists");
occupant TEXT
// For this demo, we populate the table with 60 seats.
// Since SQLite in DOs is fast, we can do a query per INSERT instead of batching them in a transaction.
for (let row = 1; row <= 10; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < 6; col++) {
const seatNumber = `${row}${String.fromCharCode(65 + col)}`;
this.sql.exec(`INSERT INTO seats VALUES (?, null)`, seatNumber);
3. Add a `fetch` handler to the `Flight` class. This handler will return a text response. In [Step 5](#5-handle-websocket-connections) You will update the `fetch` handler to handle the WebSocket connection.
```ts title="src/index.ts" {3-5}
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class Flight extends DurableObject {
async fetch(request: Request): Promise {
return new Response("Hello from Durable Object!", { status: 200 });
4. Next, update the Worker's fetch handler to create a unique Durable Object for each flight.
```ts title="src/index.ts"
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx): Promise {
// Get flight id from the query parameter
const url = new URL(request.url);
const flightId = url.searchParams.get("flightId");
if (!flightId) {
return new Response(
"Flight ID not found. Provide flightId in the query parameter",
{ status: 404 },
const id = env.FLIGHT.idFromName(flightId);
const stub = env.FLIGHT.get(id);
return stub.fetch(request);
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
Using the flight ID, from the query parameter, a unique Durable Object is created. This Durable Object is initialized with a table if it does not exist.
## 4. Add methods to the Durable Object
1. Add the `getSeats()` function to the `Flight` class. This function returns all the seats in the table.
```ts title="src/index.ts" {8-22}
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class Flight extends DurableObject {
private initializeSeats() {
// Get all seats.
getSeats() {
let results = [];
// Query returns a cursor.
let cursor = this.sql.exec(`SELECT seatId, occupant FROM seats`);
// Cursors are iterable.
for (let row of cursor) {
// Each row is an object with a property for each column.
results.push({ seatNumber: row.seatId, occupant: row.occupant });
return results;
2. Add the `assignSeat()` function to the `Flight` class. This function will assign a seat to a passenger. It takes the seat number and the passenger name as parameters.
```ts title="src/index.ts" {13-48}
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class Flight extends DurableObject {
private initializeSeats() {
// Get all seats.
getSeats() {
// Assign a seat to a passenger.
assignSeat(seatId: string, occupant: string) {
// Check that seat isn't occupied.
let cursor = this.sql.exec(
`SELECT occupant FROM seats WHERE seatId = ?`,
let result = cursor.toArray()[0]; // Get the first result from the cursor.
if (!result) {
return {message: 'Seat not available', status: 400 };
if (result.occupant !== null) {
return {message: 'Seat not available', status: 400 };
// If the occupant is already in a different seat, remove them.
`UPDATE seats SET occupant = null WHERE occupant = ?`,
// Assign the seat. Note: We don't have to worry that a concurrent request may
// have grabbed the seat between the two queries, because the code is synchronous
// (no `await`s) and the database is private to this Durable Object. Nothing else
// could have changed since we checked that the seat was available earlier!
`UPDATE seats SET occupant = ? WHERE seatId = ?`,
// Broadcast the updated seats.
return {message: `Seat ${seatId} booked successfully`, status: 200 };
The above function uses the `broadcastSeats()` function to broadcast the updated seats to all the connected clients. In the next section, we will add the `broadcastSeats()` function.
## 5. Handle WebSocket connections
All the clients will connect to the Durable Object using WebSockets. The Durable Object will broadcast the updated seats to all the connected clients. This allows the clients to update the UI in real time.
1. Add the `handleWebSocket()` function to the `Flight` class. This function handles the WebSocket connections.
```ts title="src/index.ts" {18-26}
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class Flight extends DurableObject {
private initializeSeats() {
// Get all seats.
getSeats() {
// Assign a seat to a passenger.
assignSeat(seatId: string, occupant: string) {
private handleWebSocket(request: Request) {
console.log('WebSocket connection requested');
const [client, server] = Object.values(new WebSocketPair());
console.log('WebSocket connection established');
return new Response(null, { status: 101, webSocket: client });
2. Add the `broadcastSeats()` function to the `Flight` class. This function will broadcast the updated seats to all the connected clients.
```ts title="src/index.ts" {22-24}
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class Flight extends DurableObject {
private initializeSeats() {
// Get all seats.
getSeats() {
// Assign a seat to a passenger.
assignSeat(seatId: string, occupant: string) {
private handleWebSocket(request: Request) {
private broadcastSeats() {
this.ctx.getWebSockets().forEach((ws) => ws.send(this.getSeats()));
3. Next, update the `fetch` handler in the `Flight` class. This handler will handle all the incoming requests from the Worker and handle the WebSocket connections using the `handleWebSocket()` method.
```ts title="src/index.ts" {26-28}
import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class Flight extends DurableObject {
private initializeSeats() {
// Get all seats.
getSeats() {
// Assign a seat to a passenger.
assignSeat(seatId: string, occupant: string) {
private handleWebSocket(request: Request) {
private broadcastSeats() {
async fetch(request: Request) {
return this.handleWebSocket(request);
4. Finally, update the `fetch` handler of the Worker.
```ts title="src/index.ts" {8-23}
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx): Promise {
// Get flight id from the query parameter
if (request.method === "GET" && url.pathname === "/seats") {
return new Response(JSON.stringify(await stub.getSeats()), {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
} else if (request.method === "POST" && url.pathname === "/book-seat") {
const { seatNumber, name } = (await request.json()) as {
seatNumber: string;
name: string;
const result = await stub.assignSeat(seatNumber, name);
return new Response(JSON.stringify(result));
} else if (request.headers.get("Upgrade") === "websocket") {
return stub.fetch(request);
return new Response("Not found", { status: 404 });
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
The `fetch` handler in the Worker now calls appropriate Durable Object function to handle the incoming request. If the request is a `GET` request to `/seats`, the Worker returns the seats from the Durable Object. If the request is a `POST` request to `/book-seat`, the Worker calls the `bookSeat` method of the Durable Object to assign the seat to the passenger. If the request is a WebSocket connection, the Durable Object handles the WebSocket connection.
## 6. Test the application
You can test the application locally by running the following command:
```sh frame="none"
npm run dev
This starts a local development server that runs the application. The application is served at `http://localhost:8787`.
Navigate to the application at `http://localhost:8787` in your browser. Since the flight ID is not specified, the application displays an error message.
Update the URL with the flight ID as `http://localhost:8787?flightId=1234`. The application displays the seats for the flight with the ID `1234`.
## 7. Deploy the application
To deploy the application, run the following command:
```sh frame="none"
npm run deploy
```sh output
⛅️ wrangler 3.78.8
🌀 Building list of assets...
🌀 Starting asset upload...
🌀 Found 1 new or modified file to upload. Proceeding with upload...
+ /index.html
Uploaded 1 of 1 assets
✨ Success! Uploaded 1 file (1.93 sec)
Total Upload: 3.45 KiB / gzip: 1.39 KiB
Your worker has access to the following bindings:
- Durable Objects:
- FLIGHT: Flight
Uploaded seat-book (12.12 sec)
Deployed seat-book triggers (5.54 sec)
Current Version ID: [BINDING_ID]
Navigate to the `[DEPLOYED_APP_LINK]` to see the application. Again, remember to pass the flight ID as a query string parameter.
## Summary
In this tutorial, you have:
- used the SQLite storage backend in Durable Objects to store the seats for a flight.
- created a Durable Object class to manage the seat booking.
- deployed the application to Cloudflare Workers!
The full code for this tutorial is available on [GitHub](https://github.com/harshil1712/seat-booking-app).