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Sample Terms

Cloudflare recommends that customers consider updating their Terms of Service to address bots specifically related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) training and data scraping. The text below provides an informational example of the kind of language that could be added to a website’s terms of use.

**Artificial Intelligence Restriction**
You may not use automated means to access, scan, scrape, data mine, copy, or use the materials or content on this website for developing, training, fine-tuning, or otherwise contributing to or improving a machine learning model or artificial intelligence (AI) system or the operation thereof, unless you are explicitly permitted (i.e., “allowed”) to do so in this website’s robots.txt file.

Disclaimer This language is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice, nor does it guarantee any specific outcome. This is merely an illustrative example of language that can be included in a website’s terms to put AI providers on notice that they are not authorized to use automated means to scrape content from your website for purposes of training or otherwise contributing to their AI models or systems, unless you have expressly permitted them to do so in your robots.txt file.