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Cloudflare Docs

Proxy traffic through Gateway

With Cloudflare Gateway, you can log and filter DNS, network, and HTTP traffic from devices running the WARP client. This includes traffic to the public Internet and traffic directed to your private network. DNS filtering is enabled by default since the WARP client sends DNS queries to Cloudflare's public DNS resolver, To enable network and HTTP filtering, you will need to allow Cloudflare Gateway to proxy that traffic.

Enable the proxy

  1. Go to Settings > Network.
  2. In Firewall, turn on Proxy.
  3. Select TCP.
  4. (Recommended) To proxy traffic to internal DNS resolvers, select UDP.
  5. (Recommended) To proxy traffic for diagnostic tools such as ping and traceroute, select ICMP. You may also need to update your system to allow ICMP traffic through cloudflared.

Cloudflare will now proxy traffic from enrolled devices, except for the traffic excluded in your split tunnel settings. For more information on how Gateway forwards traffic, refer to Gateway proxy.

Cloudflare will now proxy traffic from enrolled devices, except for the traffic excluded in your split tunnel settings. For more information on how Gateway forwards traffic, refer to Gateway proxy.