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Limits that apply to authoring, deploying, and running Workflows are detailed below.

Many limits are inherited from those applied to Workers scripts and as documented in the Workers limits documentation.

FeatureWorkers FreeWorkers Paid
Workflow class definitions per script3MB max script size per Worker size limits10MB max script size per Worker size limits
Total scripts per account100500 (shared with Worker script limits
Compute time per step 10 seconds30 seconds of active CPU time
Duration (wall clock) per step UnlimitedUnlimited - for example, waiting on network I/O calls or querying a database
Maximum persisted state per step1MiB (2^20 bytes)1MiB (2^20 bytes)
Maximum event payload size1MiB (2^20 bytes)1MiB (2^20 bytes)
Maximum state that can be persisted per Workflow instance100MB1GB
Maximum length of a Workflow ID 64 characters64 characters
Maximum step.sleep duration365 days (1 year) 365 days (1 year)
Maximum steps per Workflow 1024 1024
Maximum Workflow executions100,000 per day shared with Workers daily limitUnlimited
Concurrent Workflow instances (executions) per account25100
Maximum number of queued instances10,000 100,000
Retention limit for completed Workflow state3 days30 days
Maximum length of a Workflow ID 64 characters64 characters