Percentage distribution of unique accounts by model.
Percentage distribution of unique accounts by task.
Percentage distribution of unique accounts by model over time.
Percentage distribution of unique accounts by task over time.
Get the latest annotations.
Get latest Internet outages and anomalies.
Get the number of outages by location.
Get AS112 queries change over time.
Percentage distribution of DNS queries to AS112 by DNSSEC support.
Percentage distribution of DNS queries to AS112 by EDNS support.
Percentage distribution of DNS queries to AS112 per IP Version.
Percentage distribution of DNS queries to AS112 per protocol.
Percentage distribution of DNS queries to AS112 by query type.
Percentage distribution of AS112 DNS requests classified by response code.
Percentage distribution of AS112 DNS queries by DNSSEC support over time.
Percentage distribution of AS112 DNS queries by EDNS support over time.
Percentage distribution of AS112 DNS queries by IP version over time.
Percentage distribution of AS112 DNS requests classified by protocol over time.
Percentage distribution of AS112 DNS queries by query type over time.
Percentage distribution of AS112 DNS requests classified by response code over time.
Get the top locations of DNS queries to AS112 with DNSSEC.
Get the top locations of DNS queries to AS112 with EDNS support.
Get the top locations of DNS queries to AS112 by IP version.
Get the top locations by AS112 DNS queries. Values are a percentage out of the total queries.
Percentage distribution of attacks by bitrate.
Percentage distribution of attacks by duration.
Percentage distribution of attacks by ip version used.
Percentage distribution of attacks by protocol used.
Percentage distribution of attacks by vector.
Percentage distribution of attacks by bitrate over time.
Percentage distribution of attacks by duration over time.
Percentage distribution of attacks by industry targeted over time.
Percentage distribution of attacks by ip version used over time.
Percentage distribution of attacks by protocol used over time.
Percentage distribution of attacks by vector used over time.
Percentage distribution of attacks by vertical targeted over time.
Get the top attacks from origin to target location. Values are a percentage out of the total layer 3 attacks (with billing country). You can optionally limit the number of attacks per origin/target location (useful if all the top attacks are from or to the same location).
Get the industries targeted by attacks.
Get the verticals targeted by attacks.
Get the origin locations of attacks.
Get the target locations of attacks.
Percentage distribution of attacks by http method used.
Percentage distribution of attacks by http version used.
Percentage distribution of attacks by ip version used.
Percentage distribution of attacks by managed rules used.
Percentage distribution of attacks by mitigation product used.
Percentage distribution of attacks by http method used over time.
Percentage distribution of attacks by http version used over time.
Percentage distribution of attacks by targeted industry over time.
Percentage distribution of attacks by ip version used over time.
Percentage distribution of attacks by managed rules used over time.
Percentage distribution of attacks by mitigation product used over time.
Percentage distribution of attacks by targeted vertical over time.
Get the top attacks from origin to target location. Values are a percentage out of the total Layer 7 attacks (with billing country). The attack magnitude can be defined by the number of mitigated requests or by the number of zones affected. You can optionally limit the number of attacks by origin/target location (useful if all the top attacks are from or to the same location).
Get the industries targeted by attacks.
Get the verticals targeted by attacks.
Get the top origin Autonomous Systems of and by Layer 7 attacks. Values are a percentage out of the total Layer 7 attacks. The origin Autonomous Systems is determined by the client IP address.
Get the top origin locations of and by Layer 7 attacks. Values are a percentage out of the total Layer 7 attacks. The origin location is determined by the client IP address.
Get the top target locations of and by layer 7 attacks. Values are a percentage out of the total layer 7 attacks. The target location is determined by the attacked zone's billing country, when available.
Get BGP updates change over time. Raw values are returned. When requesting updates for an autonomous system (AS), only BGP updates of type announcement are returned.
List all ASes in current global routing tables with routing statistics
List all Multi-Origin AS (MOAS) prefixes on the global routing tables.
Lookup prefix-to-ASN mapping on global routing tables.
Get the BGP routing table stats (Beta).
Get the top autonomous systems (ASes) by BGP updates (announcements only). Values are a percentage out of the total updates.
Get the full list of autonomous systems on the global routing table ordered by announced prefixes count. The data comes from public BGP MRT data archives and updates every 2 hours.
Get a URL to download a single dataset.
Get the CSV content of a given dataset by alias or ID. When getting the content by alias the latest dataset is returned, optionally filtered by the latest available at a given date.
Get a list of datasets.
The preferred authorization scheme for interacting with the Cloudflare API. Create a token.
Example: Authorization: Bearer Sn3lZJTBX6kkg7OdcBUAxOO963GEIyGQqnFTOFYY
User Details Write User Details Read
Dataset type.
Format results are returned in.
Limit the number of objects in the response.
Number of objects to skip before grabbing results.
Get top autonomous systems by DNS queries made to Cloudflare's public DNS resolver.
Get top locations by DNS queries made to Cloudflare's public DNS resolver.
Domain types
Percentage distribution of emails classified by ARC validation.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by DKIM validation.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by DMARC validation.
Percentage distribution of emails by encryption status.
Percentage distribution of emails by IP version.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by SPF validation.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by ARC validation over time.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by DKIM validation over time.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by DMARC validation over time.
Percentage distribution of emails by encryption status over time.
Percentage distribution of emails by IP version over time.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by SPF validation over time.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by ARC validation.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by DKIM validation.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by DMARC validation.
Percentage distribution of emails classified as MALICIOUS.
Proportion of emails categorized as either spam or legitimate (non-spam).
Percentage distribution of emails classified by SPF validation.
Proportion of emails categorized as either spoof or legitimate (non-spoof).
Percentage distribution of emails classified in Threat Categories.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by TLS version.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by ARC validation over time.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by DKIM validation over time.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by DMARC validation over time.
Percentage distribution of emails classified as MALICIOUS over time.
Percentage distribution of emails classified as SPAM over time.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by SPF validation over time.
Percentage distribution of emails classified as SPOOF over time.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by threat category over time.
Percentage distribution of emails classified by TLS version over time.
Get IP address information.
Get the requested autonomous system information. (A confidence level below 5
indicates a low level of confidence in the traffic data - normally this happens because Cloudflare has a small amount of traffic from/to this AS). Population estimates come from APNIC (refer to https://labs.apnic.net/?p=526).
Get the requested autonomous system information based on IP address. Population estimates come from APNIC (refer to https://labs.apnic.net/?p=526).
Get a list of autonomous systems (ASes).
Get AS-level relationship for given networks.
Get the requested location information. (A confidence level below 5
indicates a low level of confidence in the traffic data - normally this happens because Cloudflare has a small amount of traffic from/to this location).
Get a list of locations.
Get HTTP requests over time.
Get the top autonomous systems (AS), by HTTP traffic, of the requested bot class. These two categories use Cloudflare's bot score - refer to Bot Scores for more information. Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Get the top autonomous systems (AS), by HTTP traffic, of the requested browser family. Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Get the top autonomous systems (AS), by HTTP traffic, of the requested device type. Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Get the top autonomous systems (AS), by HTTP traffic, of the requested HTTP version. Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Get the top autonomous systems (AS), by HTTP traffic, of the requested HTTP protocol. Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Get the top autonomous systems (AS), by HTTP traffic, of the requested TLS protocol version. Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Get the top locations, by HTTP traffic, of the requested bot class. These two categories use Cloudflare's bot score - refer to [Bot scores])https://developers.cloudflare.com/bots/concepts/bot-score). Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Get the top locations, by HTTP traffic, of the requested browser family. Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Get the top locations, by HTTP traffic, of the requested device type. Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Get the top locations, by HTTP traffic, of the requested HTTP version. Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Get the top locations, by HTTP traffic, of the requested HTTP protocol. Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Get the top locations, by HTTP traffic, of the requested TLS protocol version. Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Percentage distribution of bot-generated traffic to genuine human traffic, as classified by Cloudflare. Visit https://developers.cloudflare.com/radar/concepts/bot-classes/ for more information.
Percentage of Internet traffic generated by mobile, desktop, and other types of devices over a given time period.
Percentage distribution of traffic by HTTP protocol over a given time period.
Percentage distribution of traffic by HTTP version over a given time period.
Percentage distribution of Internet traffic based on IP versions (IPv4 and IPv6) over a given time period.
Percentage distribution of Internet traffic generated by different operating systems like Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and others, over a given time period.
Percentage distribution of traffic by post-quantum support over a given time period.
Percentage distribution of traffic by TLS protocol version, over a given time period.
Get a time series of the percentage distribution of traffic classified as automated or human. Visit https://developers.cloudflare.com/radar/concepts/bot-classes/ for more information.
Get a time series of the percentage distribution of traffic of the top user agents.
Get a time series of the percentage distribution of traffic of the top user agents aggregated in families.
Get a time series of the percentage distribution of traffic by device type.
Get a time series of the percentage distribution of traffic by HTTP protocol.
Get a time series of the percentage distribution of traffic by HTTP version.
Get a time series of the percentage distribution of traffic by IP version.
Get a time series of the percentage distribution of traffic of the top operating systems.
Get a time series of the percentage distribution of traffic by post-quantum suport.
Get a time series of the percentage distribution of traffic by TLS protocol version.
Get the top user agents by HTTP traffic. Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Get the top user agents aggregated in families by HTTP traffic. Values are a percentage out of the total traffic.
Percentage distribution of HTTP vs other protocols traffic over a given time period.
Get network traffic change over time. Visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetFlow for more information on NetFlows.
Get the top autonomous systems (AS) by network traffic (NetFlows) over a given time period. Visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetFlow for more information.
Get the top locations by network traffic (NetFlows) over a given time period. Visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetFlow for more information.
Get a summary (percentiles) of bandwidth, latency or DNS response time from the Radar Internet Quality Index (IQI).
Get a time series (percentiles) of bandwidth, latency or DNS response time from the Radar Internet Quality Index (IQI).
Get an histogram from the previous 90 days of Cloudflare Speed Test data, split into fixed bandwidth (Mbps), latency (ms) or jitter (ms) buckets.
Get a summary of bandwidth, latency, jitter and packet loss, from the previous 90 days of Cloudflare Speed Test data.
Get the top autonomous systems by bandwidth, latency, jitter or packet loss, from the previous 90 days of Cloudflare Speed Test data.
Get the top locations by bandwidth, latency, jitter or packet loss, from the previous 90 days of Cloudflare Speed Test data.
Gets Domains Rank updates change over time. Raw values are returned.
Get top or trending domains based on their rank. Popular domains are domains of broad appeal based on how people use the Internet. Trending domains are domains that are generating a surge in interest. For more information on top domains, see https://blog.cloudflare.com/radar-domain-rankings/.
Gets Domains Rank details. Cloudflare provides an ordered rank for the top 100 domains, but for the remainder it only provides ranking buckets like top 200 thousand, top one million, etc.. These are available through Radar datasets endpoints.
Gets Internet Services rank update changes over time. Raw values are returned.
Get top Internet services based on their rank.
Robots TXT
Get the top domain categories by the number of robots.txt files parsed.
Get the top user agents on robots.txt files by directive.
Lets you search for locations, autonomous systems (ASes), and reports.
TCP Resets Timeouts
Percentage distribution by connection stage of TCP connections terminated within the first 10 packets by a reset or timeout, for a given time period.
Percentage distribution by connection stage of TCP connections terminated within the first 10 packets by a reset or timeout, over time.
Traffic Anomalies
Internet traffic anomalies are signals that might point to an outage. These alerts are automatically detected by Radar and then manually verified by our team. This endpoint returns the latest alerts.
Internet traffic anomalies are signals that might point to an outage. These alerts are automatically detected by Radar and then manually verified by our team. This endpoint returns the sum of alerts grouped by location.
Verified Bots
Get top verified bots by HTTP requests, with owner and category.
Get top verified bot categories by HTTP requests, along with their corresponding percentage, over the total verified bot HTTP requests.