Waiting Rooms



Create Waiting Room -> Envelope<>

Creates a new waiting room.

Delete Waiting Room -> Envelope<{ id }>

Deletes a waiting room.

Patch Waiting Room -> Envelope<>

Patches a configured waiting room.

Waiting Room Details -> Envelope<>

Fetches a single configured waiting room.

Update Waiting Room -> Envelope<>

Updates a configured waiting room.

Domain types

AdditionalRoutes = { host, path }
CookieAttributes = { samesite, secure }

Configures cookie attributes for the waiting room cookie. This encrypted cookie stores a user's status in the waiting room, such as queue position.

Query = { host, name, new_users_per_minute, 18 more... }
WaitingRoom = { id, additional_routes, cookie_attributes, 23 more... }



Create Event -> Envelope<>

Only available for the Waiting Room Advanced subscription. Creates an event for a waiting room. An event takes place during a specified period of time, temporarily changing the behavior of a waiting room. While the event is active, some of the properties in the event's configuration may either override or inherit from the waiting room's configuration. Note that events cannot overlap with each other, so only one event can be active at a time.


The preferred authorization scheme for interacting with the Cloudflare API. Create a token.

Example: Authorization: Bearer Sn3lZJTBX6kkg7OdcBUAxOO963GEIyGQqnFTOFYY

zone_id: string
(maxLength: 32)


waiting_room_id: string
Response fields
Request example
Delete Event -> Envelope<{ id }>

Deletes an event for a waiting room.

Patch Event -> Envelope<>

Patches a configured event for a waiting room.

Event Details -> Envelope<>

Fetches a single configured event for a waiting room.

List Events -> V4PagePaginationArray<>

Lists events for a waiting room.

Update Event -> Envelope<>

Updates a configured event for a waiting room.

Domain types

Event = { id, created_on, custom_page_html, 13 more... }



Preview Active Event Details -> Envelope<{ id, created_on, custom_page_html, 13 more... }>

Previews an event's configuration as if it was active. Inherited fields from the waiting room will be displayed with their current values.

Domain types

EventQuery = { event_end_time, event_start_time, name, 10 more... }



Create A Custom Waiting Room Page Preview -> Envelope<{ preview_url }>

Creates a waiting room page preview. Upload a custom waiting room page for preview. You will receive a preview URL in the form http://waitingrooms.dev/preview/<uuid>. You can use the following query parameters to change the state of the preview:

  1. force_queue: Boolean indicating if all users will be queued in the waiting room and no one will be let into the origin website (also known as queueAll).
  2. queue_is_full: Boolean indicating if the waiting room's queue is currently full and not accepting new users at the moment.
  3. queueing_method: The queueing method currently used by the waiting room.
    • fifo indicates a FIFO queue.
    • random indicates a Random queue.
    • passthrough indicates a Passthrough queue. Keep in mind that the waiting room page will only be displayed if force_queue=true or event=prequeueing — for other cases the request will pass through to the origin. For our preview, this will be a fake origin website returning "Welcome".
    • reject indicates a Reject queue.
  4. event: Used to preview a waiting room event.
    • none indicates no event is occurring.
    • prequeueing indicates that an event is prequeueing (between prequeue_start_time and event_start_time).
    • started indicates that an event has started (between event_start_time and event_end_time).
  5. shuffle_at_event_start: Boolean indicating if the event will shuffle users in the prequeue when it starts. This can only be set to true if an event is active (event is not none).

For example, you can make a request to http://waitingrooms.dev/preview/<uuid>?force_queue=false&queue_is_full=false&queueing_method=random&event=started&shuffle_at_event_start=true 6. waitTime: Non-zero, positive integer indicating the estimated wait time in minutes. The default value is 10 minutes.

For example, you can make a request to http://waitingrooms.dev/preview/<uuid>?waitTime=50 to configure the estimated wait time as 50 minutes.



Create Waiting Room Rule -> SinglePage<>

Only available for the Waiting Room Advanced subscription. Creates a rule for a waiting room.

Delete Waiting Room Rule -> SinglePage<>

Deletes a rule for a waiting room.

Patch Waiting Room Rule -> SinglePage<>

Patches a rule for a waiting room.

List Waiting Room Rules -> SinglePage<>

Lists rules for a waiting room.

Replace Waiting Room Rules -> SinglePage<>

Only available for the Waiting Room Advanced subscription. Replaces all rules for a waiting room.

Domain types

WaitingRoomRule = { id, action, description, 4 more... }



Patch Zone Level Waiting Room Settings -> Envelope<{ search_engine_crawler_bypass }>

Patch zone-level Waiting Room settings

Get Zone Level Waiting Room Settings -> Envelope<{ search_engine_crawler_bypass }>

Get zone-level Waiting Room settings

Update Zone Level Waiting Room Settings -> Envelope<{ search_engine_crawler_bypass }>

Update zone-level Waiting Room settings

Domain types

Setting = { search_engine_crawler_bypass }



Get Waiting Room Status -> Envelope<{ estimated_queued_users, estimated_total_active_users, event_id, 2 more... }>

Fetches the status of a configured waiting room. Response fields include:

  1. status: String indicating the status of the waiting room. The possible status are:
    • not_queueing indicates that the configured thresholds have not been met and all users are going through to the origin.
    • queueing indicates that the thresholds have been met and some users are held in the waiting room.
    • event_prequeueing indicates that an event is active and is currently prequeueing users before it starts.
    • suspended indicates that the room is suspended.
  2. event_id: String of the current event's id if an event is active, otherwise an empty string.
  3. estimated_queued_users: Integer of the estimated number of users currently waiting in the queue.
  4. estimated_total_active_users: Integer of the estimated number of users currently active on the origin.
  5. max_estimated_time_minutes: Integer of the maximum estimated time currently presented to the users.