Origin Post Quantum Encryption



Get Origin Post Quantum Encryption Setting -> Envelope<{ id, editable, value, 1 more... }>

Instructs Cloudflare to use Post-Quantum (PQ) key agreement algorithms when connecting to your origin. Preferred instructs Cloudflare to opportunistically send a Post-Quantum keyshare in the first message to the origin (for fastest connections when the origin supports and prefers PQ), supported means that PQ algorithms are advertised but only used when requested by the origin, and off means that PQ algorithms are not advertised


The preferred authorization scheme for interacting with the Cloudflare API. Create a token.

Example: Authorization: Bearer Sn3lZJTBX6kkg7OdcBUAxOO963GEIyGQqnFTOFYY

Accepted Permissions (at least one required)

Zone Settings Write Zone Settings Read Zone Read Zone Write

zone_id: string
(maxLength: 32)


Response fields
errors: Array<>
messages: Array<>
success: true

Whether the API call was successful

result: { id, editable, value, 1 more... }
Request example
Change Origin Post Quantum Encryption Setting -> Envelope<{ id, editable, value, 1 more... }>

Instructs Cloudflare to use Post-Quantum (PQ) key agreement algorithms when connecting to your origin. Preferred instructs Cloudflare to opportunistically send a Post-Quantum keyshare in the first message to the origin (for fastest connections when the origin supports and prefers PQ), supported means that PQ algorithms are advertised but only used when requested by the origin, and off means that PQ algorithms are not advertised