Audit Logs
Gets a list of audit logs for an account. Can be filtered by who made the change, on which zone, and the timeframe of the change.
The preferred authorization scheme for interacting with the Cloudflare API. Create a token.
Example: Authorization: Bearer Sn3lZJTBX6kkg7OdcBUAxOO963GEIyGQqnFTOFYY
Account Settings Write Account Settings Read
Finds a specific log by its ID.
Filters by the action type.
Filters by the email address of the actor that made the change.
Filters by the IP address of the request that made the change by specific IP address or valid CIDR Range.
Limits the returned results to logs older than the specified date. A full-date
that conforms to RFC3339.
Limits the returned results to logs older than the specified date. A full-date
that conforms to RFC3339.
Limits the returned results to logs older than the specified date. A date-time
that conforms to RFC3339.
Changes the direction of the chronological sorting.
Indicates that this request is an export of logs in CSV format.
Indicates whether or not to hide user level audit logs.
Defines which page of results to return.
Sets the number of results to return per page.
Limits the returned results to logs newer than the specified date. A full-date
that conforms to RFC3339.
Limits the returned results to logs newer than the specified date. A full-date
that conforms to RFC3339.
Limits the returned results to logs newer than the specified date. A date-time
that conforms to RFC3339.
Filters by the name of the zone associated to the change.