Rules Lists




Create A List -> Envelope<>

Creates a new list of the specified type.

Delete A List -> Envelope<{ id }>

Deletes a specific list and all its items.

Get A List -> Envelope<>

Fetches the details of a list.

Get Lists -> SinglePage<>

Fetches all lists in the account.

Update A List -> Envelope<>

Updates the description of a list.

Domain types

Hostname = { url_hostname }

Valid characters for hostnames are ASCII(7) letters from a to z, the digits from 0 to 9, wildcards (*), and the hyphen (-).

ListsList = { id, created_on, description, 5 more... }
Redirect = { source_url, target_url, include_subdomains, 4 more... }

The definition of the redirect.

Rules ListsLists

Bulk Operations



Get Bulk Operation Status -> Envelope<{ id, status, completed, 1 more... }>

Gets the current status of an asynchronous operation on a list.

The status property can have one of the following values: pending, running, completed, or failed. If the status is failed, the error property will contain a message describing the error.

Domain types

OperationStatus = "pending" | "running" | "completed" | 1 more...

The current status of the asynchronous operation.



Create List Items -> Envelope<{ operation_id }>

Appends new items to the list.

This operation is asynchronous. To get current the operation status, invoke the Get bulk operation status endpoint with the returned operation_id.

Delete List Items -> Envelope<{ operation_id }>

Removes one or more items from a list.

This operation is asynchronous. To get current the operation status, invoke the Get bulk operation status endpoint with the returned operation_id.

Get A List Item -> Envelope<{ id, asn, comment, 5 more... }>

Fetches a list item in the list.

Get List Items -> CursorPagination<{ id, asn, comment, 5 more... }>

Fetches all the items in the list.

API Email + API Key

The previous authorization scheme for interacting with the Cloudflare API, used in conjunction with a Global API key.

Example: X-Auth-Email:

The previous authorization scheme for interacting with the Cloudflare API. When possible, use API tokens instead of Global API keys.

Example: X-Auth-Key: 144c9defac04969c7bfad8efaa8ea194

Accepted Permissions (at least one required)

Account Rule Lists Write Account Rule Lists Read

account_id: string
(maxLength: 32)


list_id: string
(maxLength: 32, minLength: 32)

The unique ID of the list.

cursor: string

The pagination cursor. An opaque string token indicating the position from which to continue when requesting the next/previous set of records. Cursor values are provided under result_info.cursors in the response. You should make no assumptions about a cursor's content or length.

per_page: number
(maximum: 500, minimum: 1)

Amount of results to include in each paginated response. A non-negative 32 bit integer.

search: string

A search query to filter returned items. Its meaning depends on the list type: IP addresses must start with the provided string, hostnames and bulk redirects must contain the string, and ASNs must match the string exactly.

Response fields
errors: Array<>
messages: Array<>
result: Array<{ id, asn, comment, 5 more... }>
success: true

Whether the API call was successful

result_info: { cursors }
Request example
Update All List Items -> Envelope<{ operation_id }>

Removes all existing items from the list and adds the provided items to the list.

This operation is asynchronous. To get current the operation status, invoke the Get bulk operation status endpoint with the returned operation_id.

Domain types

ListCursor = { after, before }
ListItem = { operation_id }