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Cloudflare Web Analytics
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Web Analytics for Single Page Applications (SPAs)

Cloudflare Web Analytics can automatically track user interactions on Single Page Applications (SPAs) by overriding the History API’s pushState function and listening to the onpopstate event. Note that hash-based routers are not supported.

​​ Disable SPA measurement

If you want to disable the automatic tracking for SPAs, you can do so by adding the spa option with a value of false in the data attribute of the script tag, as shown below:

data-cf-beacon=' {"token": "42e216b9090ru59384ygu891dce9eecde", "spa": false} '

​​ Google Tag Manager (GTM)

If you are using Google Tag Manager (GTM), you can disable SPA tracking by passing the spa option via the query string in the script URL:
