Cloudflare Calls billing is based on data sent from Cloudflare edge to your application.
Cloudflare Calls SFU and TURN services cost $0.05 per GB of data egress.
There is a free tier of 1,000 GB before any charges start. This free tier includes usage from both SFU and TURN services, not two independent free tiers. Cloudflare Calls billing appears as a single line item on your Cloudflare bill, covering both SFU and TURN.
Traffic between Cloudflare Calls TURN and Cloudflare Calls SFU or Cloudflare Stream (WHIP/WHEP) does not get double charged, so if you are using both SFU and TURN at the same time, you will get charged for only one.
Please see the TURN FAQ page, where there is additional information on speficially which traffic path from RFC8656 is measured and counts towards billing.
Only traffic originating from Cloudflare towards clients incurs charges. Traffic pushed to Cloudflare incurs no charge even if there is no client pulling same traffic from Cloudflare.