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Cloudflare Docs


Cloudflare provides analytics to show the performance benefits of Argo Smart Routing.

You can access Argo analytics for your domain in the Cloudflare dashboard at Analytics > Performance. For information on all analytics in the dashboard, refer to Analytics.

How it works

Analytics collects data based on the time-to-first-byte (TTFB) from your origin to the Cloudflare network. TTFB is the delay between when Cloudflare sends a request to your server and when it receives the first byte in response. Argo Smart Routing optimizes your server's network transit time to minimize this delay.

Types of analytics

The dashboard displays two different views for performance data:

  • Origin Response Time: A histogram shows response time from your origin to the Cloudflare network. The blue bars show TTFB without Argo, while the orange bars show TTFB where Argo found a Smart Route.

  • Geography: A map shows the improvement in response time at each Cloudflare data center.

    • A negative value indicates that requests from that location would not have benefited from Argo Smart Routing, so instead would have been routed directly.