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Error codes

An error callback will retrieve an error code as its first parameter. Error codes are separated by the first three numbers into error-code families.

Error code
100***Initialization Problems: There was a problem initializing Turnstile before a challenge could be started.NoThis could be caused by an old instance of the challenge that was solved. It is advised to reload the page and restart Turnstile. On continuous failures, this is indicative of an automated device.
102***Invalid Parameters: The visitor sent an invalid parameter as part of the challenge towards Turnstile.YesIt is advised to retry the challenge. On continuous failures, this is indicative of an automated device.
Invalid Parameters: The visitor sent an invalid parameter as part of the challenge towards Turnstile.YesIt is advised to retry the challenge. On continuous failures, this is indicative of an automated device and you must verify the visitor’s authenticity by other means.
105***Turnstile API Compatibility: Turnstile was invoked in a deprecated or invalid way.NoIt is advised to refer to the Turnstile documentation again and refresh the page to obtain the most recent Turnstile version.
Invalid sitekey: Turnstile was invoked with an invalid sitekey or a sitekey that is no longer active.NoVerify if the sitekey provided is still active via the Cloudflare dashboard.
110200Unknown domain: Domain not allowed.NoTurnstile was used on a domain that was not allowed for this widget to be used on. Ensure that the domain is allowed in the widget configuration via the Cloudflare dashboard.
110420Invalid action: This error occurs when an unsupported or incorrectly formatted action is submitted.NoEnsure that the action conforms to the specified structure and contains only valid characters and adheres to the documented length limitations. Refer to client-side configurations for more information.
110430Invalid cData: This error in Turnstile refers to an issue encountered when processing Custom Data (cData). This error occurs when the cData provided does not adhere to the expected format or contains invalid characters.NoEnsure that the cData conforms to the specified structure and contains only valid characters and adheres to the documented length limitations. Refer to client-side configurations for more information.
110500Unsupported browser: The visitor is using an unsupported browser.NoEncourage the visitor to upgrade their browser or verify otherwise. Refer to supported browsers for more information.
110510Inconsistent user-agent: The visitor provided an inconsistent user-agent throughout the process of solving Turnstile.NoThe visitor may have browser extensions or settings enabled to spoof their user-agent and should disable them to proceed.
11060*Challenge timed out: The visitor took too long to solve the challenge and the challenge timed out.YesRetry the challenge. The visitor also may have a system clock set to a wrong date.
11062*Challenge timed out: This error is for visible mode only. The visitor took too long to solve the interactive challenge and the challenge became outdated.YesReset the widget and re-initialize it to give the visitor the chance to solve the widget again.
120***Internal Errors for Cloudflare Employees.NoOnly encountered by Cloudflare Support Engineers while debugging.
200010Invalid caching: Some portion of Turnstile was accidentally cached.NoEncourage the visitor to clear their cache.
200100Time problem: The visitor's clock is incorrect.NoEncourage the visitor to set their clock to the correct time.
300***Generic client execution error: An unspecified error occurred in the visitor while they were solving a challenge.YesPotentially an automated visitor. Retry the challenge. Upon multiple subsequent failures, verify the visitor otherwise.
600***Challenge execution failure: A visitor failed to solve a Turnstile Challenge. Also used by failing testing sitekey.YesPotentially an automated visitor. Retry the challenge. Upon multiple subsequent failures, verify the visitor otherwise.

Error code 300*** and 600***

Error code family 300*** and 600*** (e.g. "600010: The generic_challenge_failure") is a response generated by the Turnstile in situations where a potential bot or unusual visitor behavior is detected.

You can troubleshoot these error codes using the following recommendations:

  1. Verify your browser compatibility.
    • Turnstile supports all major browsers, except Internet Explorer.
    • Ensure your browser is up to date. For more information, refer to our Supported browsers.
  2. Disable your browser extensions.
    • Some browser extensions, such as ad blockers, may block the scripts Turnstile needs to operate.
    • Temporarily disable all extensions and reload the page.
  3. Enable JavaScript.
    • Turnstile requires JavaScript to run. Ensure it is enabled in your browser settings. Refer to your browser's documentation for instructions on enabling JavaScript.
  4. Try Incognito or Private mode.
    • Use your browser's incognito or private mode to rule out issues caused by extensions or cached data.
  5. Test another browser or device.
    • Switch to a different browser or device to see if the issue is specific to your current setup.
  6. Avoid VPNs or proxies.
    • Some virtual private networks (VPN) or proxies may interfere with Turnstile. Disable them temporarily to test.
  7. Switch to a different network.
    • Your current network may have restrictions causing Turnstile challenges to fail. Try switching to another network, such as a mobile hotspot.