Upload with a link
If you have videos stored in a cloud storage bucket, you can pass a HTTP link for the file, and Stream will fetch the file on your behalf.
Make a POST
request to the Stream API using the link to your video.
curl \--data '{"url":"https://storage.googleapis.com/zaid-test/Watermarks%20Demo/cf-ad-original.mp4","meta":{"name":"My First Stream Video"}}' \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{account_id}/stream/copy
Stream must download and encode the video, which can take a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the length of your video.
When the readyToStream
value returns true
, your video is ready for streaming.
You can optionally use webhooks which will notify you when the video is ready to stream or if an error occurs.
{ "result": { "uid": "6b9e68b07dfee8cc2d116e4c51d6a957", "thumbnail": "https://customer-f33zs165nr7gyfy4.cloudflarestream.com/6b9e68b07dfee8cc2d116e4c51d6a957/thumbnails/thumbnail.jpg", "thumbnailTimestampPct": 0, "readyToStream": false, "status": { "state": "downloading" }, "meta": { "downloaded-from": "https://storage.googleapis.com/zaid-test/Watermarks%20Demo/cf-ad-original.mp4", "name": "My First Stream Video" }, "created": "2020-10-16T20:20:17.872170843Z", "modified": "2020-10-16T20:20:17.872170843Z", "size": 9032701, "preview": "https://customer-f33zs165nr7gyfy4.cloudflarestream.com/6b9e68b07dfee8cc2d116e4c51d6a957/watch", "allowedOrigins": [], "requireSignedURLs": false, "uploaded": "2020-10-16T20:20:17.872170843Z", "uploadExpiry": null, "maxSizeBytes": 0, "maxDurationSeconds": 0, "duration": -1, "input": { "width": -1, "height": -1 }, "playback": { "hls": "https://customer-f33zs165nr7gyfy4.cloudflarestream.com/6b9e68b07dfee8cc2d116e4c51d6a957/manifest/video.m3u8", "dash": "https://customer-f33zs165nr7gyfy4.cloudflarestream.com/6b9e68b07dfee8cc2d116e4c51d6a957/manifest/video.mpd" }, "watermark": null }, "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": []}
After the video is uploaded, you can use the video uid
shown in the example response above to play the video using the Stream video player.
If you are using your own player or rendering the video in a mobile app, refer to using your own player.
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