Deploy a managed ruleset with ruleset, tag, and rule overrides
Customize the execution of managed rulesets with a combination of ruleset overrides, tag overrides, and rule overrides in your phase entry point ruleset.
- Add a rule to a phase entry point ruleset to execute a managed ruleset.
- Configure a ruleset override that disables all rules in the managed ruleset.
- Configure a tag override that sets an action for rules with a given tag.
- Configure a rule override that sets an action for the rules you want to execute.
The request below uses the Update a zone entry point ruleset operation to execute the following in a single PUT
- Add a rule to the
phase entry point ruleset that executes a managed ruleset. - Use category overrides to enable rules with
tags and set their actions tolog
. - Add a rule override that enables a single rule.
Example: Execute a managed ruleset at the zone level with overrides
In this example:
adds a rule to thehttp_request_firewall_managed
phase entry point ruleset to execute a managed ruleset for requests addressed to a zone ({zone_id}
)."enabled": false
defines an override at the ruleset level to disable all rules in the managed ruleset."categories": [{"category": "wordpress", "action": "log", "enabled": true}, {"category": "drupal", "action": "log", "enabled": true}]
defines an override at the tag level to enable rules tagged withwordpress
and sets their action tolog
."rules": [{"id": "<RULE_ID>", "action": "block", "enabled": true}]
defines an override at the rule level that enables one individual rule and sets the action toblock
curl --request PUT \{zone_id}/rulesets/phases/http_request_firewall_managed/entrypoint \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "rules": [ { "action": "execute", "expression": "true", "action_parameters": { "id": "<MANAGED_RULESET_ID>", "overrides": { "enabled": false, "categories": [ { "category": "wordpress", "action": "log", "enabled": true }, { "category": "drupal", "action": "log", "enabled": true } ], "rules": [ { "id": "<RULE_ID>", "action": "block", "enabled": true } ] } } } ]}'
Example: Execute a managed ruleset at the account level with overrides
In this example:
adds a rule to thehttp_request_firewall_managed
phase entry point ruleset that executes a managed ruleset for requests addressed
."enabled": false
defines an override at the ruleset level to disable all rules in the managed ruleset."categories": [{"category": "wordpress", "action": "log", "enabled": true}, {"category": "drupal", "action": "log", "enabled": true}]
defines an override at the tag level to enable rules tagged withwordpress
and sets their action tolog
."rules": [{"id": "<RULE_ID>", "action": "block", "enabled": true}]
defines an override at the rule level that enables one individual rule and sets the action toblock
curl --request PUT \{account_id}/rulesets/phases/http_request_firewall_managed/entrypoint \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "rules": [ { "action": "execute", "expression": " eq \"\" and eq \"ENT\"", "action_parameters": { "id": "<MANAGED_RULESET_ID>", "overrides": { "enabled": false, "categories": [ { "category": "wordpress", "action": "log", "enabled": true }, { "category": "drupal", "action": "log", "enabled": true } ], "rules": [ { "id": "<RULE_ID>", "action": "block", "enabled": true } ] } } } ]}'
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