Create custom errors via API
To configure custom errors via API:
- (Optional) Create a custom error asset based on a URL you provide.
- Create a custom error rule in the
phase, using the Rulesets API.
The following sections provide examples of common API calls for managing custom error assets at the zone level.
To perform the same operations at the account level, use the corresponding account-level API endpoints.
The following POST
request creates new a custom error asset in a zone based on the provided URL:
curl "{zone_id}/custom_pages/assets" \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "name": "500_error_template", "description": "Standard 5xx error template page", "url": ""}'
{ "result": { "name": "500_error_template", "description": "Standard 5xx error template page", "url": "", "last_updated": "2025-02-10T11:36:07.810215Z", "size_bytes": 2048 }, "success": true}
To create an asset at the account level, use the account-level endpoint:{account_id}/custom_pages/assets
The following GET
request retrieves a list of custom error assets configured in the zone:
curl "{zone_id}/custom_pages/assets" \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
{ "result": [ { "name": "500_error_template", "description": "Standard 5xx error template page", "url": "", "last_updated": "2025-02-10T11:36:07.810215Z", "size_bytes": 2048 } // ... ], "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": [], "result_info": { "count": 2, "page": 1, "per_page": 20, "total_count": 2, "total_pages": 1 }}
To retrieve a list of assets at the account level, use the account-level endpoint:{account_id}/custom_pages/assets
The following PUT
request updates the URL of an existing custom error asset at the zone level named 500_error_template
curl --request PUT \"{zone_id}/custom_pages/assets/500_error_template" \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "url": ""}'
{ "result": { "name": "500_error_template", "description": "Standard 5xx error template page", "url": "", "last_updated": "2025-02-10T13:13:07.810215Z", "size_bytes": 3145 }, "success": true}
You can update the asset description and URL. You cannot update the asset name after creation.
If you provide the same URL when updating an asset, Cloudflare will fetch the URL again, along with its resources.
To update an asset at the account level, use the account-level endpoint:{account_id}/custom_pages/assets/{asset_name}
The following GET
request retrieves the details of an existing custom error asset at the zone level named 500_error_template
curl "{zone_id}/custom_pages/assets/500_error_template" \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
{ "result": { "name": "500_error_template", "description": "Standard 5xx error template page", "url": "", "last_updated": "2025-02-10T13:13:07.810215Z", "size_bytes": 3145 }, "success": true}
To retrieve an asset at the account level, use the account-level endpoint:{account_id}/custom_pages/assets/{asset_name}
The following DELETE
request deletes an existing custom error asset at the zone level named 500_error_template
curl --request DELETE \"{zone_id}/custom_pages/assets/500_error_template" \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
If the request is successful, the response will have a 204
HTTP status code.
To delete an asset at the account level, use the account-level endpoint:{account_id}/custom_pages/assets/{asset_name}
When creating a custom error rule via API, make sure you:
- Set the rule action to
. - Define the rule parameters in the
field according to response type. - Deploy the rule to the
The first rule in the http_custom_errors
phase ruleset that matches will be applied. No other rules in the ruleset will be matched or applied. Additionally, custom error rules defined at the zone level will have priority over rules defined at the account level.
The provided examples use the following fields in their rule expressions:
: Represents the HTTP status code returned to the client, either set by a Cloudflare product or returned by the origin server. Use this field to customize the response for error codes returned by the origin server or by a Cloudflare product such as a Worker. -
: Contains the specific error code for Cloudflare-generated errors. This field will only work for Cloudflare-generated errors such as 52X and 1XXX.
Follow this workflow to create a custom error rule for a given zone via API:
Use the List zone rulesets operation to check if there is already a ruleset for the
phase at the zone level. -
If the phase ruleset does not exist, create it using the Update a zone entry point ruleset operation, which allows you to create a ruleset if it does not exist and update all the rules in the ruleset. Create the ruleset in the
phase.If the phase ruleset already exists, use the Update a zone entry point ruleset operation to replace all the rules in the ruleset, or the Add rule to ruleset operation to add a rule to the existing rules in the ruleset.
To create a custom error rule at the account level, use the corresponding account-level API endpoints.
This example configures a custom JSON error response for all 5XX errors (500
) in the zone with ID {zone_id}
. The HTTP status code of the custom error response will be set to 530
curl --request PUT \"{zone_id}/rulesets/phases/http_custom_errors/entrypoint" \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "rules": [ { "action": "serve_error", "action_parameters": { "content": "{\"message\": \"A server error occurred.\"}", "content_type": "application/json", "status_code": 530 }, "expression": "http.response.code ge 500 and http.response.code lt 600", "enabled": true } ]}'
This PUT
request, corresponding to the Update a zone entry point ruleset operation, replaces any existing rules in the http_custom_errors
phase entry point ruleset.
This example configures a custom HTML error response for responses with a 500
HTTP status code, and redefines the response status code to 503
curl --request PUT \"{zone_id}/rulesets/phases/http_custom_errors/entrypoint" \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "rules": [ { "action": "serve_error", "action_parameters": { "content": "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\"><title>Application unavailable</title></head><body><h1>Application temporarily unavailable</h1><p>Please try again later.</p></body></html>", "content_type": "text/html", "status_code": 503 }, "expression": "http.response.code eq 500", "enabled": true } ]}'
This PUT
request, corresponding to the Update a zone entry point ruleset operation, replaces any existing rules in the http_custom_errors
phase entry point ruleset.
This example configures a custom HTML error response for Cloudflare error 1020 (Access Denied).
curl --request PUT \{zone_id}/rulesets/phases/http_custom_errors/entrypoint \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "rules": [ { "action": "serve_error", "action_parameters": { "content": "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\"><title>Access denied</title></head><body><h1>You do not have access to this page</h1><p>Contact us if you think this is an error.</p></body></html>", "content_type": "text/html" }, "expression": "cf.response.1xxx_code eq 1020", "enabled": true } ]}'
This PUT
request, corresponding to the Update a zone entry point ruleset operation, replaces any existing rules in the http_custom_errors
phase entry point ruleset.
This example configures a custom error rule returning a previously created custom error asset named 500_error_template
for responses with a 500
HTTP status code.
curl --request PUT \"{zone_id}/rulesets/phases/http_custom_errors/entrypoint" \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "rules": [ { "action": "serve_error", "action_parameters": { "asset_name": "500_error_template", "content_type": "text/html" }, "expression": "http.response.code eq 500", "enabled": true } ]}'
This PUT
request, corresponding to the Update a zone entry point ruleset operation, replaces any existing rules in the http_custom_errors
phase entry point ruleset.
The API token used in API requests to manage Custom Error Responses must have at least the following permission:
- Custom Error Rules > Edit
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