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Collect PCAPs

After a packet capture is requested and the capture is collected, the output is contained within one or more files in PCAP file format. Before starting a full type packet capture, you must first follow instructions for configuring a bucket.

Send a packet capture request

Currently, when a packet capture is requested, packets flowing at Cloudflare's global network through the Magic Transit system are captured. The default API field for this is "system": "magic-transit", both for the request and response.

Packet capture limits

Sample and full

  • time_limit: The minimum value is 1 seconds and maximum value is 300 seconds.
  • packet_limit: The minimum value is 1 packet and maximum value is 10000 packets.


  • byte_limit: The minimum value is 1 byte and maximum value is 1000000000 bytes.
  1. Log in to your Cloudflare dashboard, and select you account.
  2. Select Magic Transit or Magic WAN.
  3. In Captures, select Start a capture.
  4. Select the Captures tab > Start a capture.
  5. Choose the type of capture you want to perform, and select Next.
  6. Fill out the required fields to begin the capture and then select Start.

The main Packet captures page displays a list of captures.

Check packet capture status

  1. Log in to your Cloudflare dashboard, and select you account.
  2. Select Magic Transit or Magic WAN.
  3. In Packet captures, select Start a capture.
  4. Select the Captures tab.

The capture status displays one of the following options:

  • Complete: The capture request is done and ready for download.
  • In progress: The capture request was captured but still processing.
  • Failure: The capture failed. If this occurs, verify your ownership information.

Download packet captures

After your request finishes processing, you can download your packet captures.

  1. Log in to your Cloudflare dashboard, and select you account.
  2. Select Magic Transit or Magic WAN.
  3. In Packet captures, select Start a capture.
  4. Select the Captures tab.
  5. Locate your packet capture you want to download, and select Download.

Packet captures are available to download when the Status displays Success.

List packet captures

  1. Log in to your Cloudflare dashboard, and select you account.
  2. Select Magic Transit or Magic WAN.
  3. In Packet captures, select Start a capture.
  4. Select the Captures tab.

The list of packet captures associated with your account displays.