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Block page

You can customize the block page that displays when users fail to authenticate to an Access application. Each application can have a different block page.

Types of block pages

Cloudflare Access offers three different block page options:

  • Default: Displays a Cloudflare branded block page.
  • Custom Redirect URL - Redirects blocked requests to the specified URL. For example, you could redirect the user to a dynamic Access Denied page that fetches their identity and shows the exact reason they were blocked.
  • Custom Page Template - (Only available on Pay-as-you-go and Enterprise plans) Displays a custom HTML page hosted by Cloudflare.

Identity versus non-identity

You can display a different type of block page to users who fail an identity-based policy versus a non-identity policy.

  • Identity failure block page: Displays when the user fails an identity-based Access policy (such as email, user group, or external evaluation rule), after logging in to their identity provider.
  • Non-identity failure block page: Displays when the user fails a non-identity Access policy (such as country, IP, or device posture). Cloudflare checks non-identity attributes before prompting the user to login. Therefore, the non-identity block page would take precedence over the identity block page.

Create a custom block page

To create a custom block page for Access:

  1. In Zero Trust, go to Settings > Custom Pages.

  2. Find the Access Custom Pages setting and select Manage.

  3. Select Add a page template.

  4. Enter a unique name for the block page.

  5. In Type, select whether this is an identity or non-identity block page.

  6. In Custom HTML, enter the HTML code for your custom page. For example,

    <!doctype html>
    <h1>Access denied.</h1>
    <p>To obtain access, contact your IT administrator.</p>
  7. To check the appearance of your custom page, select Download and open the HTML file in a browser.

  8. Once you are satisfied with your custom page, select Save.

You can now select this block page when you configure an Access application.