Block page
You can customize the block page that displays when users fail to authenticate to an Access application. Each application can have a different block page.
Cloudflare Access offers three different block page options:
- Default: Displays a Cloudflare branded block page.
- Custom Redirect URL - Redirects blocked requests to the specified URL. For example, you could redirect the user to a dynamic Access Denied page ↗ that fetches their identity and shows the exact reason they were blocked.
- Custom Page Template - (Only available on Pay-as-you-go and Enterprise plans) Displays a custom HTML page hosted by Cloudflare.
You can display a different type of block page to users who fail an identity-based policy versus a non-identity policy.
- Identity failure block page: Displays when the user fails an identity-based Access policy (such as email, user group, or external evaluation rule), after logging in to their identity provider.
- Non-identity failure block page: Displays when the user fails a non-identity Access policy (such as country, IP, or device posture). Cloudflare checks non-identity attributes before prompting the user to login. Therefore, the non-identity block page would take precedence over the identity block page.
To create a custom block page for Access:
In Zero Trust ↗, go to Settings > Custom Pages.
Find the Access Custom Pages setting and select Manage.
Select Add a page template.
Enter a unique name for the block page.
In Type, select whether this is an identity or non-identity block page.
In Custom HTML, enter the HTML code for your custom page. For example,
To check the appearance of your custom page, select Download and open the HTML file in a browser.
Once you are satisfied with your custom page, select Save.
You can now select this block page when you configure an Access application.