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Cloudflare Docs

Durable Objects

In the following sections, we will give you some details about how to configure Durable Objects with Regional Services and Customer Metadata Boundary.

Regional Services

To configure Regional Services for hostnames proxied through Cloudflare and ensure that processing of a Durable Object (DO) occurs only in-region, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the steps in the Durable Objects Get Started guide.
  2. Restrict Durable Objects to a jurisdiction, in order to control where the DO itself runs and persists data, by creating a jurisidictional subnamespace in your Worker’s code.
  3. Follow the Workers guide to configure a custom domain with Regional Services, in order to control the regions from which Cloudflare responds to requests.

Customer Metadata Boundary

DO Logs and Analytics are not available outside the US region when using Customer Metadata Boundary. With Customer Metadata Boundary set to EU, Workers & Pages > Workers > Metrics tab related to DO in the zone dashboard will not be populated.

Refer to the Durable Objects documentation for more information.