The following policies are commonly used to secure network traffic.
Refer to the network policies page for a comprehensive list of other selectors, operators, and actions.
Block unauthorized applications
To minimize the risk of shadow IT , some organizations choose to limit their users' access to certain web-based tools and applications. For example, the following policy blocks known AI tools:
Selector Operator Value Action Application in Artificial Intelligence Block
curl{account_id}/gateway/rule \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
"name": "Block unauthorized applications",
"description": "Block access to unauthorized AI applications",
"traffic": "any(app.type.ids[*] in {25})",
Configure access on a per user or group basis by adding identity-based conditions to your policies.
Selector Operator Value Logic Action Application in Salesforce And Block User Group Names in Contractors
curl{account_id}/gateway/rule \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
"name": "Check user identity",
"description": "Block access to Salesforce by temporary employees and contractors",
"traffic": "any(app.ids[*] in {606})",
"identity": "any([*] in {\"Contractors\"})",
Require devices to have certain software installed or other configuration attributes. For instructions on enabling a device posture check, refer to the device posture section . For example, you can use a list of device serial numbers to ensure users can only access an application if they connect with the WARP client from a company device:
Selector Operator Value Logic Action SNI Domain is
And Block Passed Device Posture Checks not in Device serial numbers
curl{account_id}/gateway/rule \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
"name": "Enforce device posture",
"description": "Limit access to an internal application to approved organization devices",
"traffic": "any([*] == \"\")",
"device_posture": "not(any(device_posture.checks.passed[*] in {\"<POSTURE_CHECK_UUID>\"}))"
To get the UUIDs of your device posture checks, use the List device posture rules endpoint.
To require users to re-authenticate after a certain amount of time has elapsed, configure WARP sessions .
Allow only approved traffic
Restrict user access to only the specific sites or applications configured in your HTTP policies .
1. Allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic
Selector Operator Value Logic Action Detected Protocol is TLS And Allow Destination Port in 80
, 443
curl{account_id}/gateway/rule \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
"name": "Allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic",
"description": "Restrict traffic to HTTP and HTTPS traffic",
"traffic": "net.detected_protocol == \"tls\" and net.dst.port in {80 443}",
2. Block all other traffic
Selector Operator Value Action Protocol in TCP , UDP Block
curl{account_id}/gateway/rule \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
"name": "Block all other traffic",
"description": "Block all other traffic that is not HTTP or HTTPS",
"traffic": "net.protocol in {\"tcp\" \"udp\"}",
Restrict access to private networks
Restrict access to resources which you have connected through Cloudflare Tunnel .
The following example consists of two policies: the first allows specific users to reach your application, and the second blocks all other traffic.
1. Allow company employees
Selector Operator Value Logic Action Destination IP in
And Allow User Email matches regex .*
curl{account_id}/gateway/rule \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
"name": "Allow company employees",
"description": "Allow any users with an organization email to reach the application",
"traffic": "net.dst.ip in {}",
"identity": " matches \".*\"",
Selector Operator Value Action Destination IP in
curl{account_id}/gateway/rule \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
"name": "Block everyone else",
"description": "Block any other users from accessing the application",
"traffic": "net.dst.ip in {}",
Override traffic directed toward a specific IP address with a different IP address.
Selector Operator Value Logic Action Destination IP in
And Network Override Destination Port is 80
Override IP Override Port
curl{account_id}/gateway/rule \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
"name": "Override with",
"description": "Override a site' \' 's IP address with another IP",
"traffic": "net.dst.ip in {} and net.dst.port == 80",
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