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Cloudflare Docs


Monitor performance and network status for your organization's fleet or individual user devices.

Network and device performance data helps IT administrators troubleshoot performance issues, investigate network connectivity problems, and monitor device health.

Fleet status

A fleet is a collection of user devices. All devices in a fleet have WARP installed and are connected to a Cloudflare Zero Trust organization.

To view fleet status:

  1. In Zero Trust, go to DEX > Monitoring.
  2. In DEX Monitoring, review the information under the Fleet Status tab.

View metrics

The Fleet Status tab will show real-time and historical connectivity metrics for all devices in your organization.

To view analytics on a per-device level, go to Device monitoring.

Available metrics

  • Devices connected by colo: Number of devices that are connected to a given Cloudflare data center.

  • Connectivity status: Percentage of devices in a given WARP client state.

    ConnectedWARP has successfully established a connection to the Cloudflare global network.
    DisconnectedWARP has been intentionally or unintentionally disconnected from the Cloudflare global network.
    PausedA user or administrator has taken an explicit action to temporarily turn off WARP, for example by entering an Admin Override code. Paused clients will auto-connect after a timeout period.
    ConnectingWARP is pending connection, but is actively trying to establish a connection to the Cloudflare global network.
  • Mode: WARP mode deployed on the device.

  • Colo: Percentage of devices connected to a given Cloudflare data center.

  • Platform: Operating system of the device.

  • Major Version: WARP client version installed on the device.

  • Device Status Over Time: WARP client connection status over the selected time period.

  • Connection Methods Over Time: WARP mode used by the device over the selected time period.

Device monitoring

Review network and device performance for a device enrolled in your fleet.

View a device's performance

To view a device's network and device performance metrics:

  1. In Zero Trust, go to My team > Devices.
  2. Select a device > View details.
  3. Select the DEX tab.
  4. In Device Monitoring, scroll down to Network performance and Device Performance.

Network and device performance metrics

Network performance metrics

  • Unique networks over time: How many unique SSIDs the device was connected to.

  • Network I/O: How much data has been transferred (uploads and downloads) over the primary network interface.

Device performance metrics

  • Battery percentage and cycles: Displays battery percentage and battery cycles over time. Used to debug potential performance issues possibly related to battery health or power-saving measures that are triggered at low-battery levels.

  • CPU usage: CPU utilization over time. Used to debug slow system performance due to high CPU usage.

  • Memory utilization: Memory utilization over time. Used to debug performance issues related to an overtaxed memory.

  • Disk I/O: Displays number of disk read/write operations over time. Used to debug performance errors due to heavy disk operations.