Gateway analytics
To see the top Allowed and Blocked requests across all of your DNS locations, go to Analytics > Gateway. You can filter the data by selecting a specific location and/or time.
- Requests — This chart shows an overview of the number of requests made by end users within the time period you specify. It shows a breakdown of requests based on the decision Gateway took (either Allowed or Blocked).
- Allowed requests — This chart shows a breakdown of the five domains which received the highest number of Allowed requests. It also shows the five domains which received the lowest amount of Allowed requests. By selecting View all to the right of either section of the chart, you will see a list of highest 100 and lowest 100 domains ranked by number of Allowed requests.
- Top blocked requests — This chart shows a breakdown of the five domains which received the highest number of Blocked requests. It also shows the five domains which received the lowest number of Blocked requests. By selecting View all to the right of either section of the chart, you'll see a list of highest 100 and lowest 100 domains ranked by number of Blocked requests.
- Requests by category — The charts in this card show a breakdown of the Top allowed categories and the Top blocked categories based on the number of requests that Gateway classified as belonging to a content category.
You can use the GraphQL Analytics API to query your Gateway Analytics data. Available datasets for Gateway include:
Dataset | Description |
gatewayL4DownstreamSessionsAdaptiveGroups | Metrics for Gateway network sessions from user devices to the Cloudflare global network. |
gatewayL4UpstreamSessionsAdaptiveGroups | Metrics for Gateway network sessions from the Cloudflare global network to user devices. |
gatewayL4SessionsAdaptiveGroups | Metrics for Gateway network sessions with adaptive sampling. |
gatewayL7RequestsAdaptiveGroups | Metrics for Gateway HTTP requests with adaptive sampling. |
gatewayResolverQueriesAdaptiveGroups | Metrics for Gateway DNS queries with adaptive sampling. |
gatewayResolverByRuleExecutionPerformanceAdaptiveGroups | Time to execute Gateway DNS policies on the Cloudflare global network. |
gatewayResolverByCustomResolverGroups | Metrics for Gateway DNS queries resolved using custom resolvers. |
gatewayResolverByCategoryAdaptiveGroups | Metrics for Gateway DNS queries sorted by domain category with adaptive sampling. |
To explore the schema, you can use a GraphQL client such as GraphiQL ↗ or Altair ↗.
Create an API token with the following permissions:
Type Item Permission Account Account Analytics Read -
In your GraphQL client, add your API token as an Authorization header.
Compose a query to access your Gateway Analytics datasets. For example, you can query the
dataset to return the adaptive groups of DNS queries resolved by Gateway:{viewer {accounts(filter: { accountTag: "<ACCOUNT_ID>" }) {gatewayResolverQueriesAdaptiveGroups(filter: { datetime_gt: "2025-02-28T00:00:00Z" }limit: 10) {countdimensions {queryNameReversedresolverDecision}}}}}
For more information, refer to Compose a query in GraphiQL.