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Enable Gmail BCC integration

To enable Gmail BCC integration:

  1. Log in to Zero Trust.
  2. Select Zero Trust > Settings.
  3. Select SaaS Integrations.
  4. Select Add integration > Google Workspace.
  5. Select Select Integration.

Create an integration

Name your integration, then select Next.

1. Create a Service Account in your GCP Project

  1. Once you have named your integration, select Next.
  2. On the Google Cloud Console, go to the sidebar, select APIs & Services, then select Credentials.
  3. Select CREATE CREDENTIALS > Service account.
  4. Fill in the details to create a service account:
    • Service account name: Enter Message Retraction Service Account.
    • Service account ID: Enter message-retraction-service-acc.
    • Service account description: Enter Email Security Message Retraction.
  5. In Grant this service account access to project, select Select a role > Choose Owner. Select CONTINUE, then select DONE.
  6. Go back to Credentials on the sidebar, and select your service account under Service Accounts. In Details, take note of the Unique ID.
  7. Select Advanced settings > VIEW GOOGLE WORKSPACE ADMIN CONSOLE, then enter your password. This will redirect you to the Google admin portal.
  8. On the sidebar, select Security > Access and data control > API controls > Select MANAGE DOMAIN WIDE DELEGATION.
  9. Select Add new > Add a new client ID:
    • Client ID: Enter the Unique ID you took note of in step 5.

    • OAuth scopes: Enter the following URLs:,,,,
    • Select AUTHORIZE.

2. Create a JSON Key for your Service Account

On the Google Cloud Console, select Service Accounts on the sidebar:

  • Select the three dots, then:
    • Select Manage keys.
    • Select ADD KEY > Create new key.
    • Select JSON > Select CREATE. This downloads a .json file which you will use at a later stage.

3. Upload JSON Key

On the Zero Trust dashboard, upload the .json file downloaded on step 3.

4. Enable Necessary Google Workspace APIs in GCP

Enable the following APIs on the Google Cloud Console:

5. Log in to Google Workspace Admin Console

Log in to Google Workspace Admin Console: Enter your password and log in to the Google Workspace Admin Console.

6. Create a Domain-Wide Delegation API Client

  1. Copy the Client ID and Scopes displayed on the Zero Trust dashboard.
  2. On Google Admin, go to Security > Access and data control > API controls.
  4. Use the Client ID and copy the scopes to create a new API client. Refer to Delegate domain-wide authority to your service account. Then, select Next.

7. Confirm Workspace Administrator Email

Enter the email associated with the Google Workspace Administrator account. Your email must match the email associated with your Google Workspace account, or else your integration will not work.

8. Create integration

  1. Select Create integration.
  2. Once you created your integration, you will be redirected to the Review details page, where you will be able to review Integration details.
  3. Review your details, then select Complete Email Security set up > Continue to Email Security.

Next steps

Now that you have created an integration: