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Connect to SSH in the browser

Cloudflare’s browser-based terminal allows end users to connect to an SSH server without managing SSH keys or installing the WARP client.

This method requires routing SSH access to the server through a public hostname. The traffic is proxied over this connection, and the user logs in to the server with their Cloudflare Access credentials.

The browser-based terminal can be used in conjunction with routing over WARP and Access for Infrastructure so that there are multiple ways to connect to the server. You can reuse the same Cloudflare Tunnel when configuring each connection method.

1. Connect the server to Cloudflare

  1. Create a Cloudflare Tunnel by following our dashboard setup guide.

  2. In the Public Hostnames tab, choose a domain from the drop-down menu and specify any subdomain (for example,

  3. For Service, select SSH and enter localhost:22. If the SSH server is on a different machine from where you installed the tunnel, enter <server IP>:22.

  4. Select Save hostname.

  5. (Recommended) Add a self-hosted application to Cloudflare Access in order to manage access to your server.

2. Connect as a user

To enable browser-rendering for SSH, refer to Browser-rendered terminal.

When users visit the public hostname URL (for example, and log in with their Access credentials, Cloudflare will render a terminal in their browser.