Zone Analytics to GraphQL Analytics
The Zone Analytics API allows you to get request data by zone. It offers optional since
and until
parameters to specify the request time period and a continuous
parameter to indicate whether the time period should be moved backward to find a period with completely aggregated data.
For example, here is a sample curl call to get data for a two minute period:
curl "<ZONE_ID>/analytics/dashboard?since=2019-09-08T20:00:00Z&until=2019-09-08T20:02:00Z&continuous=false" \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" --silent | jq .
{ "success": true, "query": { "since": "2019-09-08T20:00:00Z", "until": "2019-09-08T20:02:00Z", "time_delta": 1 }, "errors": [], "messages": [], "result": { "timeseries": [ { "since": "2019-09-08T20:00:00Z", "until": "2019-09-08T20:01:00Z", "requests": { "all": 15, "cached": 12, "uncached": 3, "ssl": { "encrypted": 13, "unencrypted": 2 }, "http_status": { "200": 4, "403": 11 }, "content_type": { "html": 12, "png": 3 }, "country": { "CN": 6, "IE": 1, "US": 3, "VN": 5 }, "ip_class": { "monitoringService": 4, "noRecord": 11 }, "ssl_protocol": { "TLSv1.2": 13, "none": 2 } }, "bandwidth": { "all": 312740, "cached": 309930, "uncached": 2810, "ssl": { "encrypted": 309276, "unencrypted": 3464 }, "ssl_protocol": { "TLSv1.2": 13, "none": 2 }, "content_type": { "html": 32150, "png": 280590 }, "country": { "CN": 10797, "IE": 98224, "US": 185176, "VN": 18543 } }, "threats": { "all": 6, "type": { "user.ban.ctry": 6 }, "country": { "CN": 6 } }, "pageviews": { "all": 1, "search_engine": { "pingdom": 1 } }, "uniques": { "all": 11 } }, { "since": "2019-09-08T20:01:00Z", "until": "2019-09-08T20:02:00Z", "requests": { "all": 4, "cached": 1, "uncached": 3, "ssl": { "encrypted": 4, "unencrypted": 0 }, "http_status": { "200": 4 }, "content_type": { "html": 1, "png": 3 }, "country": { "CA": 2, "US": 2 }, "ip_class": { "monitoringService": 4 }, "ssl_protocol": { "TLSv1.2": 4 } }, "bandwidth": { "all": 283399, "cached": 280590, "uncached": 2809, "ssl": { "encrypted": 283399, "unencrypted": 0 }, "ssl_protocol": { "TLSv1.2": 4 }, "content_type": { "html": 2809, "png": 280590 }, "country": { "CA": 101033, "US": 182366 } }, "threats": { "all": 0, "type": {}, "country": {} }, "pageviews": { "all": 1, "search_engine": { "pingdom": 1 } }, "uniques": { "all": 4 } } ], "totals": { "since": "2019-09-08T20:00:00Z", "until": "2019-09-08T20:02:00Z", "requests": { "all": 19, "cached": 13, "uncached": 6, "ssl": { "encrypted": 17, "unencrypted": 2 }, "http_status": { "200": 8, "403": 11 }, "content_type": { "html": 13, "png": 6 }, "country": { "CA": 2, "CN": 6, "IE": 1, "US": 5, "VN": 5 }, "ip_class": { "monitoringService": 8, "noRecord": 11 }, "ssl_protocol": { "TLSv1.2": 17, "none": 2 } }, "bandwidth": { "all": 596139, "cached": 590520, "uncached": 5619, "ssl": { "encrypted": 592675, "unencrypted": 3464 }, "ssl_protocol": { "TLSv1.2": 17, "none": 2 }, "content_type": { "html": 34959, "png": 561180 }, "country": { "CA": 101033, "CN": 10797, "IE": 98224, "US": 367542, "VN": 18543 } }, "threats": { "all": 6, "type": { "user.ban.ctry": 6 }, "country": { "CN": 6 } }, "pageviews": { "all": 2, "search_engine": { "pingdom": 2 } }, "uniques": { "all": 15 } } }}
As you can see from the response, Zone Analytics returns metrics along many dimensions and does not give you the option to control what you receive. With GraphQL Analytics, you can ask for only the data that you need. However, if you wanted to get exactly the same metrics and dimensions as you would from Zone Analytics, here is the query you would make:
{ viewer { zones(filter: {zoneTag: <ZONE_ID>}) { httpRequests1mGroups(orderBy: [datetimeMinute_ASC], limit: 100, filter: {datetime_geq: "2019-09-08T20:00:00Z", datetime_lt: "2019-09-08T20:02:00Z"}) { dimensions { datetimeMinute } sum { browserMap { pageViews uaBrowserFamily } bytes cachedBytes cachedRequests contentTypeMap { bytes requests edgeResponseContentTypeName } clientSSLMap { requests clientSSLProtocol } countryMap { bytes requests threats clientCountryName } encryptedBytes encryptedRequests ipClassMap { requests ipType } pageViews requests responseStatusMap { requests edgeResponseStatus } threats threatPathingMap { requests threatPathingName } } uniq { uniques } } } }}
{ "data": { "viewer": { "zones": [ { "httpRequests1mGroups": [ { "dimensions": { "datetimeMinute": "2019-09-08T20:00:00Z" }, "sum": { "browserMap": [ { "pageViews": 1, "uaBrowserFamily": "PingdomBot" } ], "bytes": 312740, "cachedBytes": 309930, "cachedRequests": 12, "clientSSLMap": [ { "clientSSLProtocol": "none", "requests": 2 }, { "clientSSLProtocol": "TLSv1.2", "requests": 13 } ], "contentTypeMap": [ { "bytes": 280590, "edgeResponseContentTypeName": "png", "requests": 3 }, { "bytes": 32150, "edgeResponseContentTypeName": "html", "requests": 12 } ], "countryMap": [ { "bytes": 10797, "clientCountryName": "CN", "requests": 6, "threats": 6 }, { "bytes": 98224, "clientCountryName": "IE", "requests": 1, "threats": 0 }, { "bytes": 185176, "clientCountryName": "US", "requests": 3, "threats": 0 }, { "bytes": 18543, "clientCountryName": "VN", "requests": 5, "threats": 0 } ], "encryptedBytes": 309276, "encryptedRequests": 13, "ipClassMap": [ { "ipType": "monitoringService", "requests": 4 }, { "ipType": "noRecord", "requests": 11 } ], "pageViews": 1, "requests": 15, "responseStatusMap": [ { "edgeResponseStatus": 200, "requests": 4 }, { "edgeResponseStatus": 403, "requests": 11 } ], "threatPathingMap": [ { "requests": 6, "threatPathingName": "user.ban.ctry" } ], "threats": 6 }, "uniq": { "uniques": 11 } }, { "dimensions": { "datetimeMinute": "2019-09-08T20:01:00Z" }, "sum": { "browserMap": [ { "pageViews": 1, "uaBrowserFamily": "PingdomBot" } ], "bytes": 283399, "cachedBytes": 280590, "cachedRequests": 1, "clientSSLMap": [ { "clientSSLProtocol": "TLSv1.2", "requests": 4 } ], "contentTypeMap": [ { "bytes": 280590, "edgeResponseContentTypeName": "png", "requests": 3 }, { "bytes": 2809, "edgeResponseContentTypeName": "html", "requests": 1 } ], "countryMap": [ { "bytes": 101033, "clientCountryName": "CA", "requests": 2, "threats": 0 }, { "bytes": 182366, "clientCountryName": "US", "requests": 2, "threats": 0 } ], "encryptedBytes": 283399, "encryptedRequests": 4, "ipClassMap": [ { "ipType": "monitoringService", "requests": 4 } ], "pageViews": 1, "requests": 4, "responseStatusMap": [ { "edgeResponseStatus": 200, "requests": 4 } ], "threatPathingMap": [], "threats": 0 }, "uniq": { "uniques": 4 } } ] } ] } }, "errors": null}
Notice that you can specify the request time period using a dataset filter (refer to Filtering). The continuous
parameter is no longer needed because GraphQL Analytics is designed to provide data as soon as it is available.
Also, if you want to get the totals for a particular period, rather than a breakdown by time period, simply remove the datetimeMinute
field under dimensions
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