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Schedule tasks

An Agent can schedule tasks to be run in the future by calling this.schedule(when, callback, data), where when can be a delay, a Date, or a cron string; callback the function name to call, and data is an object of data to pass to the function.

Scheduled tasks can do anything a request or message from a user can: make requests, query databases, send emails, read+write state: scheduled tasks can invoke any regular method on your Agent.

Scheduling tasks

You can call this.schedule within any method on an Agent, and schedule tens-of-thousands of tasks per individual Agent:

import { Agent } from "agents-sdk";
export class SchedulingAgent extends Agent {
async onRequest(request) {
// Handle an incoming request
// Schedule a task 5 minutes from now
// Calls the "checkFlights" method
let { taskId } = await this.schedule(600, "checkFlights", {
flight: "DL264",
date: "2025-02-23",
return Response.json({ taskId });
async checkFlights(data) {
// Invoked when our scheduled task runs
// We can also call this.schedule here to schedule another task

You can schedule tasks in multiple ways:

// schedule a task to run in 10 seconds
let task = await this.schedule(10, "someTask", { message: "hello" });
// schedule a task to run at a specific date
let task = await this.schedule(new Date("2025-01-01"), "someTask", {});
// schedule a task to run every 10 seconds
let { id } = await this.schedule("*/10 * * * *", "someTask", {
message: "hello",
// schedule a task to run every 10 seconds, but only on Mondays
let task = await this.schedule("0 0 * * 1", "someTask", { message: "hello" });
// cancel a scheduled task

Calling await this.schedule returns a Schedule, which includes the task's randomly generated id. You can use this id to retrieve or cancel the task in the future. It also provides a type property that indicates the type of schedule, for example, one of "scheduled" | "delayed" | "cron".

Managing scheduled tasks

You can get, cancel and filter across scheduled tasks within an Agent using the scheduling API:

// Get a specific schedule by ID
// Returns undefined if the task does not exist
let task = await this.getSchedule(;
// Get all scheduled tasks
// Returns an array of Schedule objects
let tasks = this.getSchedules();
// Cancel a task by its ID
// Returns true if the task was cancelled, false if it did not exist
await this.cancelSchedule(;
// Filter for specific tasks
// e.g. all tasks starting in the next hour
let tasks = this.getSchedules({
timeRange: {
start: new Date(,
end: new Date( + 60 * 60 * 1000),