HTTP Basic Authentication
Last reviewed: about 1 year ago
Shows how to restrict access using the HTTP Basic schema.
/** * Shows how to restrict access using the HTTP Basic schema. * @see * @see * */
import { Buffer } from "node:buffer";
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
/** * Protect against timing attacks by safely comparing values using `timingSafeEqual`. * Refer to for more details * @param {string} a * @param {string} b * @returns {boolean} */function timingSafeEqual(a, b) { const aBytes = encoder.encode(a); const bBytes = encoder.encode(b);
if (aBytes.byteLength !== bBytes.byteLength) { // Strings must be the same length in order to compare // with crypto.subtle.timingSafeEqual return false; }
return crypto.subtle.timingSafeEqual(aBytes, bBytes);}
export default { /** * * @param {Request} request * @param {{PASSWORD: string}} env * @returns */ async fetch(request, env) { const BASIC_USER = "admin";
// You will need an admin password. This should be // attached to your Worker as an encrypted secret. // Refer to const BASIC_PASS = env.PASSWORD ?? "password";
const url = new URL(request.url);
switch (url.pathname) { case "/": return new Response("Anyone can access the homepage.");
case "/logout": // Invalidate the "Authorization" header by returning a HTTP 401. // We do not send a "WWW-Authenticate" header, as this would trigger // a popup in the browser, immediately asking for credentials again. return new Response("Logged out.", { status: 401 });
case "/admin": { // The "Authorization" header is sent when authenticated. const authorization = request.headers.get("Authorization"); if (!authorization) { return new Response("You need to login.", { status: 401, headers: { // Prompts the user for credentials. "WWW-Authenticate": 'Basic realm="my scope", charset="UTF-8"', }, }); } const [scheme, encoded] = authorization.split(" ");
// The Authorization header must start with Basic, followed by a space. if (!encoded || scheme !== "Basic") { return new Response("Malformed authorization header.", { status: 400, }); }
const credentials = Buffer.from(encoded, "base64").toString();
// The username & password are split by the first colon. //=> example: "username:password" const index = credentials.indexOf(":"); const user = credentials.substring(0, index); const pass = credentials.substring(index + 1);
if ( !timingSafeEqual(BASIC_USER, user) || !timingSafeEqual(BASIC_PASS, pass) ) { return new Response("You need to login.", { status: 401, headers: { // Prompts the user for credentials. "WWW-Authenticate": 'Basic realm="my scope", charset="UTF-8"', }, }); }
return new Response("๐ You have private access!", { status: 200, headers: { "Cache-Control": "no-store", }, }); } }
return new Response("Not Found.", { status: 404 }); },};
/** * Shows how to restrict access using the HTTP Basic schema. * @see * @see * */
import { Buffer } from "node:buffer";
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
/** * Protect against timing attacks by safely comparing values using `timingSafeEqual`. * Refer to for more details */function timingSafeEqual(a: string, b: string) { const aBytes = encoder.encode(a); const bBytes = encoder.encode(b);
if (aBytes.byteLength !== bBytes.byteLength) { // Strings must be the same length in order to compare // with crypto.subtle.timingSafeEqual return false; }
return crypto.subtle.timingSafeEqual(aBytes, bBytes);}
interface Env { PASSWORD: string;}export default { async fetch(request, env): Promise<Response> { const BASIC_USER = "admin";
// You will need an admin password. This should be // attached to your Worker as an encrypted secret. // Refer to const BASIC_PASS = env.PASSWORD ?? "password";
const url = new URL(request.url);
switch (url.pathname) { case "/": return new Response("Anyone can access the homepage.");
case "/logout": // Invalidate the "Authorization" header by returning a HTTP 401. // We do not send a "WWW-Authenticate" header, as this would trigger // a popup in the browser, immediately asking for credentials again. return new Response("Logged out.", { status: 401 });
case "/admin": { // The "Authorization" header is sent when authenticated. const authorization = request.headers.get("Authorization"); if (!authorization) { return new Response("You need to login.", { status: 401, headers: { // Prompts the user for credentials. "WWW-Authenticate": 'Basic realm="my scope", charset="UTF-8"', }, }); } const [scheme, encoded] = authorization.split(" ");
// The Authorization header must start with Basic, followed by a space. if (!encoded || scheme !== "Basic") { return new Response("Malformed authorization header.", { status: 400, }); }
const credentials = Buffer.from(encoded, "base64").toString();
// The username and password are split by the first colon. //=> example: "username:password" const index = credentials.indexOf(":"); const user = credentials.substring(0, index); const pass = credentials.substring(index + 1);
if ( !timingSafeEqual(BASIC_USER, user) || !timingSafeEqual(BASIC_PASS, pass) ) { return new Response("You need to login.", { status: 401, headers: { // Prompts the user for credentials. "WWW-Authenticate": 'Basic realm="my scope", charset="UTF-8"', }, }); }
return new Response("๐ You have private access!", { status: 200, headers: { "Cache-Control": "no-store", }, }); } }
return new Response("Not Found.", { status: 404 }); },} satisfies ExportedHandler<Env>;
use base64::prelude::*;use worker::*;
#[event(fetch)]async fn fetch(req: Request, env: Env, _ctx: Context) -> Result<Response> { let basic_user = "admin"; // You will need an admin password. This should be // attached to your Worker as an encrypted secret. // Refer to let basic_pass = match env.secret("PASSWORD") { Ok(s) => s.to_string(), Err(_) => "password".to_string(), }; let url = req.url()?;
match url.path() { "/" => Response::ok("Anyone can access the homepage."), // Invalidate the "Authorization" header by returning a HTTP 401. // We do not send a "WWW-Authenticate" header, as this would trigger // a popup in the browser, immediately asking for credentials again. "/logout" => Response::error("Logged out.", 401), "/admin" => { // The "Authorization" header is sent when authenticated. let authorization = req.headers().get("Authorization")?; if authorization == None { let mut headers = Headers::new(); // Prompts the user for credentials. headers.set( "WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm='my scope', charset='UTF-8'", )?; return Ok(Response::error("You need to login.", 401)?.with_headers(headers)); } let authorization = authorization.unwrap(); let auth: Vec<&str> = authorization.split(" ").collect(); let scheme = auth[0]; let encoded = auth[1];
// The Authorization header must start with Basic, followed by a space. if encoded == "" || scheme != "Basic" { return Response::error("Malformed authorization header.", 400); }
let buff = BASE64_STANDARD.decode(encoded).unwrap(); let credentials = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buff); // The username & password are split by the first colon. //=> example: "username:password" let credentials: Vec<&str> = credentials.split(':').collect(); let user = credentials[0]; let pass = credentials[1];
if user != basic_user || pass != basic_pass { let mut headers = Headers::new(); // Prompts the user for credentials. headers.set( "WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm='my scope', charset='UTF-8'", )?; return Ok(Response::error("You need to login.", 401)?.with_headers(headers)); }
let mut headers = Headers::new(); headers.set("Cache-Control", "no-store")?; Ok(Response::ok("๐ You have private access!")?.with_headers(headers)) } _ => Response::error("Not Found.", 404), }}
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