Create a waiting room
You can create a waiting room from the dashboard or via API.
- Within your application, go to Traffic > Waiting Room.
- Select Create.
- Customize the settings for your waiting room. For additional guidance refer to Best practices.
- Select Next.
- In this section, you can choose whether to enable Turnstile for your waiting room. If you select Yes, you will need to choose your Widget mode and define the action to take if a turnstile challenge fails. The available Widget modes and actions depend on your plan type. Refer to the Plans for more details.
- If you wish to customize your waiting room, update the HTML and CSS as needed. If you are using this waiting room to manage traffic for your mobile app or API, enable the JSON response toggle. Make sure that you have set up a JSON friendly response for your client (mobile or web app).
- Select the Queuing status code to determine the HTTP status code that is returned when a user is in the waiting room.
- Select Next.
- Review your settings before saving. If you customized your waiting room, make sure to preview the result.
- Select Save. Your new waiting room will be enabled by default.
To create a Waiting Room using the API, send a POST
request to the /zones/{zone_identifier}/waiting_rooms
- For parameter references, refer to Configuration settings
- For authentication instructions, refer to Create an API token.
- For help with endpoints and pagination, refer to Make API calls.
curl -X POST "{zone_identifier}/waiting_rooms" \--header 'Authorization: Bearer REDACTED' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data '{ "name": "shop_waiting_room", "description": "Waiting room for webshop", "host": "", "path": "/shop", "queue_all": true, "new_users_per_minute": 200, "total_active_users": 300, "session_duration": 1, "disable_session_renewal": false, "json_response_enabled": false, "queueing_method": "fifo", "queueing_status_code": 202, "cookie_attributes": { "samesite": "auto", "secure": "auto" }}'
The response contains the complete definition of the newly created Waiting Room.
{ "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": [], "result": [ { "id": "1111111111111111111111", "created_on": "2023-01-01T05:20:00.12345Z", "modified_on": "2023-01-01T05:20:00.12345Z", "name": "shop_waiting_room", "description": "Waiting room for webshop", "host": "", "path": "/shop", "queue_all": true, "new_users_per_minute": 200, "total_active_users": 300, "session_duration": 1, "disable_session_renewal": false, "json_response_enabled": false, "queueing_method": "fifo", "queueing_status_code": 202, "cookie_attributes": { "samesite": "auto", "secure": "auto" } } ]}
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